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Public Hearing - Budget 3/01/06
The Newtown Board of Finance held a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 1, 2006 in the cafetorium at the Reed Intermediate School, Newtown, CT.  Chairman John Kortze called the hearing to order at 7:40 p.m.

PRESENT:  John Kortze, James Gaston, Harry Waterbury, Michael Portnoy, Joseph Kearney, John Torok

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Finance Director Ben Spragg, Schools Superintendent Dr. Evan Pitkoff, Asst. Superintendent Alice Jackson, Schools Business Manager Ron Bienkowski, Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure, Board of Education members – Andrew Buzzi, David Nanavaty, Lisa Schwartz, Tom Gissen, approximately 40 members of public, one member of press

Chairman John Kortze thanked everyone for attending and advised that this hearing is for the Board of Finance to receive input from the public regarding the proposed 2006/2007 Budget.  

Ms. Amy Mangold, 49 Butterfield Road – attended the Board of Education budget deliberation sessions and supports their decision not to add on three new buses.  She has four children in the school system and does not want to see any cuts in existing programs or more expenses added to the parents and children such as pay-to-play, buying our own school supplies, and field trips.  Her biggest concerns are the fixed cost items which will force cuts in more projects and programs that are needed to keep quality education.  She is also concerned about the possible $42 million high school project currently being considered.  She feels we could be heading for major debt problems.  

Ms. Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Road – regarding proposal for proposed paid firefighters, she feels confident that the Board of Finance will look at the whole picture and plan for what is “coming down the road”.  In the Capital Improvement Plan, there is $2.5 million scheduled for the Commerce Road technology park.  She is concerned this will put the town in the position of re-developer and we may not have the skills to do that.  She asked the Chairman to get a financial analysis showing when we can expect a return on our money.  She hopes there is a similar study for Fairfield Hills.

Mr. Don Ramsey, 3 Prospect (teacher at Newtown Middle School) – realizes it is a challenge to put financial issues in the proper context.  Newtown’s school system is a real gift.  However, he feels there are problems with the facility itself (Middle School).  The auditorium is disgraceful.  An auditorium should be the focal point of a school but ours does not even hold an entire grade level.  

Ms. Michelle Hankin, 48 Mt. Pleasant Road – the Board of Education budget is merely  maintaining the status quo.  She would like to see an addition to funds.  The Superintendent and Board of Education have already made cuts.  She gave Board of Finance members a handout she prepared showing how much less Newtown spends on their students than other towns, comparing to the ERG average and State average.

Mr. Ray Ruzek, Maltbie Road – asked how determinations are made as to which roads are improved.  He asked if the town would be facing any unfunded employee pension liability and if the town has looked at future increases in cost for health care for retired employees.   First Selectman Rosenthal answered that our employee pension is fully funded at this time.  Regarding retiree health benefits, the only union that has any is the Police Department and actuarial calculations would have to be done to determine the impact of future health costs.  The other union would be the teachers who can stay on the plan until they become eligible for Medicare.  They have to pay the cost of the insurance, with some contribution by the State.  The Public Works Department has a long-term plan for road work, which is reassessed every year.  The higher priority for road improvements would go to major collector roads with the lowest to subdivision roads.  He suggested Mr. Ruzek contact the Public Works Director or Town Engineer if he wanted more specific information.

Mr. Mitch Bolinsky, 3 Wiley Lane – urges fiscal restraint.  He also wants to encourage support for the Economic Development Commission and advocates redevelopment of properties such as Batchelder.

Ms. Gianine Crowell, Canterbury Lane – feels the Board of Education has submitted a lean budget.  They know what the education system needs and are able to make decisions.   Over the past years, cuts have not really impacted taxes.  She feels that she would rather pay a couple of dollars a day more to have a greater education system than to cut $500,000 that would have a negative impact.  

Ms. Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Road – The Board of Education has done their job year after year and she would like to see programs that have been cut in the past to be reinstated, as they have had a negative effect on children.  She wants other boards in the community to work with the Board of Education in assisting them with handling growth in the education system.    She also supports a paid Fire Department.  She urged the Board of Finance to work on the top line and not to focus so much on the bottom line.

Mr. Gary Davis, 23 Charter Ridge Road – along with Ms. Po Murray is a member of WeCAN, a group that is forming because they feel that there is not enough focus on a long-term vision of this community.  They are urging the Board of Education to look at the long-term and the most educationally sound system and not to worry so much about dollars and cents.  

Ms. Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Road – when we built the last high school, the Board of Education wanted an indoor pool but the taxpayers objected.  Mr. Otto Heise offered money to help pay for the pool which did not cost taxpayers anything.

Ms. Sara Beier, 7 Yogananda, (PTA Council President) – feels that the budget is much tighter and leaner than it was a few years ago.  We have to have a little bit of flexibility left in because new students come in during the year.  The budget does not include a lot of things that we would like to have, i.e. wellness program at Reed School and tech support in the elementary schools.  

Hearing no further comment, Chairman John Kortze advised that the Board of Finance will hold their budget deliberations on March 8, 2006 at 7:30 here in the Reed School cafetorium.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk