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Board of Finance Minutes 3/07/05
The Board of Finance held a special meeting on Monday, March 7, 2005 in the cafetorium at the Reed Intermediate School, Trades Lane, Newtown, CT.   Chairman John Kortze called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm.

PRESENT:  John Kortze, James Gaston, Harrison Waterbury, Michael Portnoy, Peter Giarratano,  Joseph Kearney
ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Finance Director Ben Spragg, Schools Superintendent Dr. Evan Pitkoff, Asst. Superintendent Alice Jackson, Schools Business Manager Ron Bienkowski, Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure, Board of Education members Andrew Buzzi, David Nanavaty and Lisa Schwartz; Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Police Commission members Carol Mattegat, Richard Simon and Gerald Finnegan; Legislative Council members Joseph Hemingway and Michael Iassogna; Library Board of Trustees Chairman Judge William Lavery, approximately 40 members of public, two members of press

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Ms. Marina Moscovici, 41 Berkshire Road, President of Reed School PTA, spoke on behalf of the education budget.  She asked that no more cuts be made.  This is a lean and responsible budget.  The budget is increasing because of health care costs.  Any other cuts will cut services.  At Reed School, we need another guidance counselor.  There are 912 students currently with only one counselor.
        Mr. Andrew Buzzi, 122 Hanover Road, member of Board of Education, is in favor of the budget.  “Last year, we asserted that the community would support the budget and they did.”  This year, deliberations reflect the community’s desire to maintain the current educational program.  The budget submitted adequately addresses the needs of the community.  Last year, we took it on ourselves to address substance abuse and discipline problems.  The Board of Education drafted policies.  A high school psychologist, a Reed School guidance counselor and an in-school suspension supervisor are being requested.  These policies cannot be effective if we don’t support them with action.  He believes the positions requested in the budget are critical to the success of these policies.
        Dr. Evan Pitkoff, Schools Superintendent – 03/04 was a tough budget season, with significant reductions being made to the requested budget.  Difficult decisions were made by the Board of Education.  Last year, we had 198 additional students and as a result, cuts were made including changes to the gifted/talented, changes to the bus schedule, staffing was eliminated, projects were deferred, the fourth grade orchestra was eliminated and fees were raised for sports and activities.  In 04/05, there were an additional 87 students and programs were not put back.  The Board of Education had to take $216,000 from the current budget to pay for a portion of the oil spill clean up plus $40,000 to switch to heating the Reed School with gas.  Several projects, including curriculum projects will not happen.  In 05/06, we expect 92 additional students.  He trimmed $1.7 million from the requests and then the Board of Education cut an additional $716,000.  The price of heating oil continues to be a problem.  Any additional reductions could jeopardize the ability to help students.  He asked the Board of Finance to pass the budget on the Legislative Council with no further reductions.
        Ms. Sara Beier, 7 Yogananda, there is a lot of support to leave the budget as it is.  We have the Board of Education to decide if we need more teachers.  They are the experts with education.  They know our needs in the school district.  You will be overstepping the boundaries of what we expect you to do.
        Mr. Richard Simon, 17 Jeremiah Road (Police Commission member), understands the Board of Finance has concerns about police overtime, new pistols and the hiring of an additional officer.  We do not have control over overtime which is necessary due to training requirements which has increased since 9/11.  There will also be a lot of overtime necessary for the upcoming Tercentennial.  Regarding the need for new pistols, officers are currently using outdated guns that are difficult to repair and get parts.  In addition, these guns have been misfiring.  Regarding an additional officer, they are requesting this officer for the last half of the next fiscal year so with 4-6 month training, the officer would not actually be on the road until the following fiscal year.
        Mr. Keith Jacobs, 27 Ashford Lane, feels the “children are suffering”.  The town is not looking at all things that are needed.  He asked to send the budget along as is.  The parents will come out and support the budget.
        Ms. Sue Vogelman, 26 Rock Ridge Road, taught here for ten years.  Cuts are coming from the classroom.  A little bit of a cut can make a big difference to a child.
        Ms. Elaine McClure, Ashford Lane, advised that the Tech Director is here to answer any questions about technology in the school system.  The Business Director can answer questions about insurance.  She called the Middle School today to ask why two more eighth grade teachers are necessary since they are projecting 24-25 students in a classroom and that meets our guidelines.  She was told that in Middle School, they have seen discipline incidents go down through the years with smaller classes.  The difference between 22 and 25 students is not just a difference of three students.  You have a teacher trying to work with each child and this gives them three more students they have to get to each day.
        Chairman John Kortze reminded those present that the Board of Finance can change line items in the Selectmen’s budget but in the school budget, can only change the bottom line.  The Board has to come up with what they think is the right total number.

FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT:  Finance Director Ben Spragg distributed three reports – 1) an update on the town employees health insurance which can be reduced by $61,500; and 2) an update on the Reserve Fund Balance which shows 400,000 available.

2005/2006 Projected Budget
Mr. Gaston asked if we did not add one police officer this year, could anyone say that the town is not safe?  First Selectman Rosenthal stated that the Police Department would not have been asking for this for as many years as they have if it was not important.   The request is for a police officer for the second half of the fiscal year.  That officer would not actually be on the road until the following fiscal year, after training was completed.  Police Chief Michael Kehoe stated that he cannot put a safety factor on it.  We are certainly doing the job now with 43 officers.  With 44 officers, we would be able to address needs better.  
        Mr. Portnoy asked the Board of Education if they bought heating oil at the beginning of the year when it was cheaper?  Dr. Pitkoff answered that the consortium thought the price would come down so they did not lock in at that time.  
        Mr. Waterbury asked about the $120,000 in the schools technology budget for “obsolete equipment”.  Ms. Carmella Amodeo, Technical Director explained that this is to replace machines that are currently 6 years old, or older.  By the time they are replaced, they will be seven years old and older.  Mr. Waterbury asked what is the criteria considered in the request for $75,000 for new equipment.  Ms. Amodeo explained that they try to keep the technology budget at the same level each year.  
        There was a lengthy question and answer session with members of boards and commissions.

Mr. Gaston moved to adjust the 2005/2006 Budget by increasing Board of Selectmen revenue estimate by $300,000 from the Reserve Fund for Capital and Non-recurring Expenditures.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved to adjust the 2005/2006 Budget by increasing Board of Selectmen revenue estimate by $290,000 for current year collections.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved to adjust the 2005/2006 Budget by increasing Board of Selectmen revenue estimate by $300,000 from Conveyance Taxes.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved to reduce Selectmen Budget line item 270-2001 Health Insurance by $61,500.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved the 2005/2006 Board of Education Budget in the amount of $57,338,770.  Motion seconded for discussion.  Mr. Gaston feels we should consider submitting the budget as presented, taking into consideration the oil spill and the oil pricing problem.  
MOTION FAILED:  5 NO – 1 YES (Gaston)

Mr. Portnoy moved the 2005/2006 Board of Education Budget in the amount of $56,838,770 ($500,000 decrease).  Motion seconded for discussion.  Mr. Portnoy feels that there is a town-wide problem with health insurance costs and the Board of Education should open discussions with teachers and other parties who are participating in the health plan to try to negotiate an alternative benefit package to save 5-10%.
MOTION FAILED – TIE VOTE:  3 NO (Kearney, Gaston, Kortze) – 3 YES (Giarratano, Portnoy, Waterbury)

Mr. Portnoy moved the 2005/2006 Board of Education Budget in the amount of $56,938,770 ($400,000 decrease).  Motion seconded.
        Mr. Gaston moved to AMEND the motion to $57,038,770 ($300,000 decrease).  Motion seconded and failed – tie vote: 3 NO (Giarratano, Kearney, Portnoy) – 3 YES (Gaston, Kortze, Waterbury)

Mr. Portnoy moved to decrease Selectmen Budget line item 500-5081 Capital Road Improvement by $50,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved the 2005/2006 Selectmen Budget in the amount of $33,067,456.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved the 2004/2005 Board of Selectmen Revenue in the amount of $11,655,935.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved the 2004/2005 Board of Education Revenue in the amount of $4,274,840.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved the Total Amount To Be Raised by Taxation at $74,075,451.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved the TOTAL 2005/2006 BUDGET in the amount of $90,006,226.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved the 2005/2006 Mill Rate in the amount of 26.1 mills.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Gaston moved that the Financial Director be authorized to make any mathematical corrections that might be required in the appropriations and revenue and report back to the Board of Finance.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk