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08-21-13 Motions
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Last Updated: 2013/8/22
 The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT 06470.

These Motions are subject to the approval of the Fairfield Hills Authority.

Present: Jim Bernardi, Michael Holmes, Thomas Connors, Ross Carley, Renata Adler, Andrew Willie and John Madzula

Also Present: Dorrie Carolan, Newtown Parent Connection; several members of the public; Paul Fadus, EDCmember and one member of the press.

Jim Bernardi called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Mr.Bernardi opened the meeting with a review of the responsibilities of the FHA members, including a review of Sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Ordinance which allow members to exercise their powers in accordance with the FH Master Plan, to implement the Master Plan and to negotiate leases in accordance with the Master Plan.  Mr. Bernardi noted that business people who come before the FHA with for-profit or not-for-profit proposals are welcome and deserve to expect a fair hearing from the FHA.  Personal attacks are not allowed and the FHA Chair and Authority disassociates themselves from attacks on said persons.   Mr. Bernardi also reminded members to follow these responsibilities when speaking in the media.

Public Participation :
  • Steve Singlak, Everwonder (everw?nder) Museum – The museum is moving ahead with a financial feasibility study and asked the FHA to reserve Plymouth Hall for the museum for an additional six months.  
Renata Adler motioned to reserve for six months, beginning 8/21/13 and ending 2/21/14, Plymouth Hall and immediate environs for Everwonder (everw?nder) Children’s Museum. This may be reviewed for renewal in four to five months. Andrew Willie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

  • Harvey Pessin, Victory Garden – Asked the FHA to approve an 11” x 17” plaque for an orchard he is planning on having planted by people from Minnesota in the Victory Garden.  Jim Bernardi noted that the current garden is on the edge of the economic zone at Fairfield Hills and that the orchard is a more permanent fixture.  Mr. Bernardi said that while the garden and orchard are good projects for Fairfield Hills, Land Use and possibly other departments need to review the proposal prior to any planting.  John Madzula and Michael Holmes will review the campus plan and work with town staff to find a more permanent location for the garden and orchard.  
  • Parent Connection – Joe Hemingway, Board of Directors, Parent Connection – gave an overview of the history of the grant that the group plans to use to renovate Duplex #63R&L for their use.  Joe Vitrano, Salvatore, Mancini Architects – discussed plans for the renovation saying he had only received landscape guidelines for the campus.  A new roof and gutters are necessary, ivy would be removed and new windows and doors would be installed. The project, as currently drawn, is likely to cost upper $600,000 to $700,000, but could be altered to reduce the cost.   Dorrie Carolan, Parent Connection noted that the second floor, when finished, could allow counselors to meet with their clients.  Mr. Bernardi noted that a potential stumbling block would be if the project is not fully completed.  Mr. Hemingway stated that the volunteer organization has the money.  
Jim Bernardi motioned to recommend to move onto the Board of Selectmen lease terms for the Parent Connection noted in a document dated 8/7/13 ‘FHA Parent Connection Special Meeting’. This recommendation should be sent to the BOS as soon as financing has been reviewed by the BOS. Andrew Willie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

  • Antonio St. Lorenzo, Heroes Village -  Reviewed his proposal to build a hydroponic greenhouse on the current site of Norwalk Hall and to renovate Stratford Hall for a restaurant and pub.  Mr. St Lorenzo will have drawings for the September meeting. Ross Carley asked if financials would be available for next month’s meeting. Mr. St.Lorenzo  discussed his similar project in Bridgeport.  Discussion ensued regarding the demolition of Norwalk Hall.  Tom Connors said that a privately funded project would be able to take down a building.  
  • Aaron Arbesman, 12 Baldwin Road – Spoke and noted that his family has veterans and members who worked at the Fairfield Hills Hospital.  Mr.Arbesman showed support for the Heroes Village proposal as it involves veterans, improvement of the property and something for children.  He would like to see current buildings cleaned up.  Ross Carley noted that there has been work done to determine which buildings can be saved.
Michael Holmes motioned to accept the minutes from the July 17, 2013 meeting. Ross Carley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Michael Holmes motioned to acknowledge the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of July 9 and August 7. Andy Willie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Chairman’s Report:
  • Jim Bernardi applauded the efforts of the Planning Committee in reviewing proposals brought to FHA;
  • Upcoming events include the Farmers’ Market, Victory Garden, Newtown Cultural Arts Festival, Light the Night (Leukemia Society) and Pumpkin Festival.  Mr. Bernardi encouraged the use of the property for community gatherings.
Director of Economic and Community Development Report:
  • EPA Grant /Danbury Hall – Jim Bernardi gave an update stating that the SHPO has determined that Danbury Hall should be rehabbed not demolished and that there is a shortfall in funding due to this information.  He noted that the town wants to move ahead with the project and asked that the FHA support the project by allocating $50,000 from the Special Revenue Fund for the removal of the building.  There was not the necessary support from the other members to move this idea ahead.  

New Business:
  • CIP – Discussion took place regarding the upcoming walking trail expansion project scheduled for F’14-’15.  Plans will be brought to the next FHA meeting.  
John Madzula motioned to approve the CIP for F’14-15 – F’17-18. Renata Adler seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

  • F’13-’14 Budget – discussion on this topic was tabled until the September meeting.
  • Public Relations – Tom Connors discussed ideas to be proactive in the media to note what has been accomplished to date from the Master Plan, to highlight activities that take place on campus and to show future plans.  Renata Adler said that Fairfield Hills has changed along with the town in recent times and this exercise would help define for the FHA what they are here for.  Jim Bernardi did not agree that there would be interest in the information.  Michael Holmes noted that there are things happening that are not easily seen, such as the burying of the utilities.
Andy Willie motioned to adjourn the meeting. Ross Carley seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:46 PM.