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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 in the meeting room of the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:09p.m.
These Minutes are subject to the approval of the Fairfield Hills Authority.
Present:   Jim Bernardi,  Mike Holmes, Ross Carley and Brian White
Absent:  Andy Willie, Renata Adler and John Madzula
Also Present:  Pat Llodra (First Selectman), Maria DeMarco, (DeMarco Management), Bruce Herring, (Newtown Volunteer Ambulance), Deborah Zukowski, (Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee), Terren Horvath (Eagle Scout Project – Newtown Troop #70), Harvey Pessin (Victory Garden) Donna Randle (Newtown Cultural Arts Commission) and one member of the press.
First Selectman:  Chairman Bernardi asked that the First Selectman give her report out of order of the Agenda because she had another meeting to get to.
First Selectman Llodra gave a quick update to several projects:
Steap Grant – the $400,000. Grant will be used for unspecified projects on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  The details have not been worked out yet but the funds will be used to update the infrastructure and streetscape i.e – finish curbing, lighting along Keating Farms Road, upgrade to roadwork and sidewalks.
Campus Redevelopment:  The First Selectman stated that there are two projects that are in the development stage for the campus – the new building for the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Association and the re-use of Woodbury Hall.
These projects are a great benefit for that area of the campus.
Nunnawauk Meadows:  The First Selectman gave an overview of the possible expansion of Nunnawauk Meadows buildings into the old horse trails that are on their property.  This would not encroach on the Fairfield Hills Campus Trails.  
Acceptance of Minutes:  Mike Holmes made a motion to accept the January 18, 2012 meeting minutes.  Ross Carley seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted to accept the motion.
Public Participation:  Donna Montelione-Randle of the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission attended the meeting to introduce the fundraising efforts by the Arts Commission for their upcoming festival – “Fest” and that part of their plan is to have sponsors purchase benches for the Fairfield Hills Campus trails.  They are trying to find a bench that will be financially viable and will work within the Campus Landscape Guidelines.  
Motion:  Jim Bernardi made a motion that the Authority delegates the oversight of the bench project to Maria DeMarco/Mary Jane McNamara to research to best product to be used for this fundraising effort.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted to accept the motion.
Tarren Horvath is a Scout from Newtown Troop #70 and who is working towards becoming an Eagle Scout.  The project that he would like to build for his Eagle Scout Project is a Notice Board/Info Center for the Victory Garden.  This center would be all cedar with a white board on one side and a cork board on the other.  This project will be portable in the event that the Victory Garden has to be moved.  Mr. Horvath also stated that he will be doing some clean-up work around the garden once the Info Center has been completed.
Ross Carley requested that an information slot be included in the building of the project.
Tarren will incorporate that in the design.
Maria DeMarco asked what the timeline was for this project.  Start date is February 21st with a fluid installation date depending on weather.  Will be installed before the next planting season.
Motion:  Ross Carley made a motion to accept the design and implementation of the Notice Board/Info Center Eagle Scout project to be completed by Tarren Horvath.  Jim Bernardi seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted to accept the motion.  
Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Association:  Bruce Herring introduced the first set of drawings of the new Ambulance building that is being proposed for the low meadow area along Wasserman Way.   Mr. Herring stated that he is working with Planning and Zoning and Land Use for this project.  
All members of the Authority were in agreement that this is a wonderful project for the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ross Carley stated his concern about the traffic on Wasserman way and that some sort of notification should be considered for cars coming from the Route 25 direction.  
(Drawings of the new site are attached.)
Harvey Pessin updated the Authority about the future plans for the Victory Garden.  Mr. Pessin stated that there is a possible grant that is available that could be used for planting an orchard.  The Victory Garden’s location may be moving and Mr. Pessin is hoping that a permanent location can be found so the planting of the orchard could be incorporated as part of the garden.  
The Authority commended Mr. Pessin for his hard work and wanted to encourage the further development of the garden but also reminded him that every five years a reassessment of the campus was done and there was no way to guarantee the location of the garden.  
Mr. Pessin stated that he was meeting with the Director of Land Use on March 7th to discuss the future of the garden.  Brian White suggested that Mr. Pessin look around the campus to find another potential spot.  
Property Manager:  Maria DeMarco gave a quick update of her monthly report.  (See Attached).  
Ms. DeMarco stated that the estimated cost she received for the Porch Removal Project is $65,000. Ms. DeMarco stated that the fencing of the buildings might be a better way to go and made the recommendation that the Authority forego this project at this time.
Motion:  Jim Bernardi made a motion to postpone the removal of the porches around the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ross Carley seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted to accept the motion.
Ms. DeMarco stated that a request has been made that some of the operating budget for the Fairfield Hills Campus be used for renovations to the Police Sub-Station at 28 Trades Lane.  The police department will put together a complete list of items that need updating.  The Authority agreed that this is a good use of the funds.
Chairman’s Update:  Jim Bernardi touched on the subjects listed on the Agenda that were not discussed during Public Participation:
Newtown Youth Academy Memorial Garden:  The Authority is going to wait for a completed drawing of the garden before approving the project.  The suggestion was made that the Youth Academy should work with Rob Sibley to make sure the irrigation is done to code.  
Woodbury Lease:  The proposal for the Woodbury project has not been submitted yet.  The first step in the development process was completed with an informal meeting with the Director of Economic & Community Development, Mike Holmes and Ross Carley of the Fairfield Hills Authority and the potential developer and the real estate broker.  
The developer has concerns that the timeline of this project will hindered if he has to wait for every monthly Authority meeting to get approval of each step along the way.  Mike Holmes suggested that a liaison be available for contacting during this developmental stage.  Ross Carley and Mike Holmes will be the development sub-committee that will work with the developer.  Jim Bernardi stated that he will want to be involved once the project goes to lease agreement.
Fencing around the buildings:  Jim Bernardi reported that the fencing around the Litchfield Demo site will be available for re-use around the campus.  This will save funds for fencing around more buildings if necessary.  
Maria DeMarco will prioritize the buildings that should receive fencing and will make a recommendation to the Authority.
Debbie Zukowski (4 Cornfield Ridge Road) from the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee stated that she hoped the Fairfield Hills Authority would work to keep the public informed and that she would be attending all of the Authority meetings.  She was specifically concerned about the future development projects on the Fairfield Hills Campus.
Jim Bernardi wanted to assure that she is welcomed at all of the Authority meetings and that he appreciated her in-put.  
Motion to Adjourn:  Jim Bernardi made a motion to adjourn.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted to accept the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m