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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 in the meeting room at the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

Present:  John Reed,  Andy Willie, Ross Carley,  Renata Adler and Mike Holmes.
Absent:  Brian White and Jim Bernardi

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco, (DeMarco Management) and two town residents and one member of the press.

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill, Sandy Hook, CT gave the Authority members a handout outlining her proposed idea’s for the future of the Fairfield Hills Campus .  (See Attached).  

John Reed thanked Ms. Johnson for attending the meeting and for her interest in the future use of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Dr. Reed also stated that it was important to remember that some plans that were created nine or ten years ago might not be realistic due to changes in cost and the actual conditions found when a project was undertaken.  

John Reed introduced Tyler Coleman, a Junior at Newtown High School who is going for Eagle Scout Honors and is hoping that his project can be a 19,820 square foot picnic area (140 X 140) by the fork in the trails across from the High Meadow.  Mr. Coleman stated that he would be working with Parks & Recreation and will be cleaning up any dead trees and brush.  Tyler stated that he had coordinated with parks & Recreation that they will chip up any of the trees to be used as ground cover for the area.  He is hoping to have 20/40 scouts to assist him.
John Madzula suggested that he put together a better site drawing and Mike Holmes requested that he bring an outline of the proposed area.

Motion:  At this time Mike Holmes made a motion that the Fairfield Hills Authority endorses the concept of the picnic area on the Campus Trails to be done by Tyler Coleman as his Eagle Scout Project provided that he present an complete site plan and drawing of the proposed project to Ms DeMarco who may approve the project’s implementation on behalf of the Authority.  John Madzula seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Acceptance of the Minutes:  Mike Holmes made a motion to accept the minutes from the June 15, 2011 Authority meeting.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted to accept the minutes.
First Selectman:  John Reed informed the Authority that the First Selectman was unable to attend this meeting because she is on vacation.  

Property Manager:  Maria DeMarco, (Demarco Management) gave an overview of her monthly report.  Ms. DeMarco reported to the Authority that Danbury Ambulance would like to use 28 Trades Lane/Police Sub-Station  a satellite office from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Ms. DeMarco referenced some points that needed clarification:  
  • 28 Trades Lane would be used as a satellite office – the permanent office remain in Danbury.
  • Use of the building will be part time – 6:00 am. To 6:00 p.m.
  • A request for installation of a landline was made – installation cost and monthly bills would be paid by Danbury Ambulance.
Ms. DeMarco stated that Danbury Ambulance would be paying rent to the Town of Newtown.  Ms. DeMarco also stated that it would be a good thing to have this building occupied as much as possible.  She said that it made good business sense to offset the cost of the maintenance of the building that is required occupied or not.  Ms. DeMarco also suggested that the rental agreement be done on a month to month basis with a 30 day cancellation notice attached to it.
John Reed stated that he would inform Newtown Ambulance about this concept to see if they have any reservations about the plan.  He would also like to have a breakdown of the actual costs of the building be considered in recommending the amount of the rent.
Ms. DeMarco also updated the Authority about the Security Camera’s survey done around the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the Town of Newtown currently has three different types of camera operations throughout the town and are now working to make them all cohesive.  Ms. DeMarco is awaiting a recommendation from Scott Sharlow about the specifications for the system.  
Ms. DeMarco said that the most needed area’s will be fitted with the camera’s first and that the cost of the camera’s will be the deciding factor of how many will be used around the campus.
John Reed asked that a “best case scenario” timeline be given next month for this project.  
Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that the lab testing for demolition project of the building porches around the campus is underway.  Once the results are received the bidding process can start to find the contractor for the demolition project.
Ms. DeMarco stated that at the September Authority meeting the list of projects that were to be done around the Fairfield Hills Campus by the Highway Department will be confirmed.
Broker:  John Reed told the Authority that he had a conversation with Mike Struna, the Real Estate Broker for the Fairfield Hills Campus who informed him that the group he is working with about a potential project on the campus has decided to wait for the Master Plan Review Committee’s final report to see what direction the Town will be taking for future development of the campus before formally indicating an interest to proceed.

Chairman:  John Reed gave a quick update stating that he did meet with Nunnawauk Meadows following their letter requesting the possible future use of a building on the Fairfield Hills Campus.

John Reed also informed the Authority that he made the suggestion to the First Selectman that a task force be organized to help facilitate the development of the location for the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance building.  The First Selectman had Elizabeth Stocker bring together the group that consists of George Benson, Director of Land Use; Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic Development; First Selectman Llodra;  Bruce Herring, Newtown Volunteer Ambulance; Fred Hurley, Ron Bolmer, Bill Halsted, Donna Culbert, Capt. Mike Kehoe, Mike Collins, Stuart Rieve and Dr. Bob Grossman.  The Group met on August 3, 2011.
John Reed also updated the Authority about the upcoming Capital Improvement Plan process and asked that a sub-committee be put together take on this task.  John Madzula, Ross Carley and Mike Holmes volunteered for this project.  John Madzula will chair it.
John Reed asked Maria DeMarco to give an update on the potential Common Area Charges for the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Association.  
Ms. DeMarco discussed various approaches for the Authority to consider.
Adjourn:  Andy Willie made a motion to adjourn.  Renata Adler seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.