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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 in the meeting room at the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

Present:  John Reed, Jim Bernardi, Andy Willie, Ross Carley, Brian White, Renata Adler and Mike Holmes.
Absent:  John Madzula

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco, (DeMarco Management) and one town resident.

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill, Sandy Hook, CT gave the Authority members a handout outlining her proposed idea’s for the future of the Fairfield Hills Campus in map form.  (See Attached).  Ms. Johnson informed the Authority members that this document was also given to the Board of Selectmen.

John Reed thanked Ms. Johnson for attending the meeting and for her input.

Acceptance of the Minutes:  Mike Holmes made a motion to accept the minutes from the May 18, 2011 Authority meeting.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted to accept the minutes.
First Selectman:  John Reed informed the Authority that the First Selectman was unable to attend this meeting because of other commitments.  
Property Manager:  Maria DeMarco, (Demarco Management) gave an overview of her monthly report.  
John Reed and Ms. DeMarco had a meeting with the First Selectman where some items that needed to be addressed were discussed i.e. – Abatement and Removal of some of the wooden porches on several of the campus buildings, trees and shrubbery trimming for security purposes throughout the campus;  security lighting (quotes already requested).
Jim Bernardi suggested that if funding available that fencing should be put around Norwalk Hall for safety purposes.  The Authority members agreed this would be a worthwhile expense and a discussion took place about the various security/safety issues on the Fairfield Hills Campus.
Motion:  Mike Holmes made a motion giving Maria DeMarco permission to spend the balance of the Operating Budget funds for the 2010-2011 fiscal year on the securing of any mitigating hazards or security shortfalls on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Brian White seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. DeMarco then informed the Authority that she was working closely with the Director of Finance, the Director of DPW and Brian White on the Authority to calculate the proper common area charges for the future buildings on the Fairfield Hills Campus and hoped to have a final formula before the next Authority meeting.  
John Reed stated that the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance was anxious to receive this information so they can factor the cost into their future plans.  A brief discussion followed about rent/common area charges and several Authority members expressed the opinion that all non-profit organizations should pay some type of rent/common area fees.
Old Business:  Mike Holmes informed the Authority members that the sub-committee to develop an RFP for the Fairfield Hills Campus Broker has decided to postpone that process until after the Fairfield Hills Review Committee makes its recommendations for the future use of the Fairfield Hills Campus to the Town of Newtown.  
Motion:  Brian White made a motion that the Fairfield Hills Authority will not pursue a Request for Proposal for a Real Estate Broker for the Fairfield Hills Campus until after the Fairfield Hills Review Committee makes its recommendations for the future use of the Fairfield Hills Campus to the Town of Newtown.  
Jim Bernardi seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
Motion:  Jim Bernardi made a motion to extend the current Broker’s listing agreement for an additional 90 days to the end of October 2011.  Brian White seconded the motion.  Six of the attending members voted yes.  Ross Carley abstained because his son-in-law is a Real Estate Broker who had interviewed for this position in the past.
Election of Officers:  At this time John Reed opened the nominating process for the election of officers for the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Andy Willie informed everyone that he has committed to stay on as a member of the Authority and nominated John Reed as Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority. Mike Holmes seconded the nomination.  All members voted yes to confirm John Reed as Chairman.
Andy Willie also nominated Jim Bernardi as Vice Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Brian White seconded the nomination.  All members voted yes to confirm Jim Bernardi as Vice-Chairman.
Adjournment:  Mike Holmes made a motion to adjourn.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.  
The meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.