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04-28-11 Special Meeting
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Special Meeting on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at the Town Hall South meeting room.  John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.
Present:  John Reed, Andy Willie, John Madzula, Ross Carly, Mike Holmes and Jim Bernardi.
Absent:  Brian White.
Also Present:  Renata Adler (Republican Town Committee Authority member replacement), Amy Mangold (Director of Parks & Recreation), Harvey Pessin (Victory Garden Coordinator) and one member of the press and one member of the public.  
Public Participation:  None.
Acceptance of the Minutes:  Ross Carley made a motion to accept the Authority meeting minutes from March 16, 2011.  Jim Bernardi seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted yes.
Property Manager:  Maria DeMarco is on vacation so was unable to give an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached.)
Newtown Ambulance:  Bruce Herring, Newtown Volunteer Ambulance gave an update to the progress of the development of the new location for the Ambulance building.  Mr. Herring explained that there have been some areas that need to be researched i.e. utilities, one oil tank that needs to be removed and the cost of connecting to the town sewer and water lines.  This process is taking longer than anticipated therefore Mr. Herring has asked the Authority for an extension of the option period for an additional 12 months.  
Mr. Herring also requested that the Ambulance be given a lease for the property at this time.
John Reed stated that the Authority could act tonight on the extension of time. The Authority hopes to work on the wording and will bring it to the next Authority meeting to discuss.  Dr. Reed asked if any Authority members would like to help with this endeavor.  Jim Bernardi and Ross Carley both volunteered.
Motion:  A motion was made to extend the timeline contained in the original motion of approval for Newtown Ambulance site at Fairfield Hills to December 1, 2012.  John Madzula made the motion.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted yes.
First Selectman Llodra asked Mr. Herring what was to become of their current location.  Mr. Herring was not sure.  
Selectman Llodra also made the point that the cost of the development of the proposed site for the new building is solely for the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance to pay.  

First Selectman:  Selectman Llodra gave an update to the areas of the Fairfield Hills Campus that were now under the guise of the different Town departments.
  • 28 Trades Lane has been converted to a Police sub-station with police officers using it as needed but will mostly be used by the Campus Security Guards.  An emergency phone has been installed at the front door of the building that dials directly to the police department.
  • The Fairfield Hills Campus Security is on a thirty day cancellation notice contract and will now be under the direction of the Newtown Police Department.  Ms. Llodra did feel that the Campus Security will continue and has discussed with the Chief of Police how good the security staff and that they work very well with the residents of the town.
  • Department of Public Works is taking on a more active role in the maintenance of the campus and the buildings on the campus but do to the extreme winter the repair list had to be delayed for a short time but they are now back to chipping away at it.
First Selectman Llodra also gave an update to the Kevin’s Community Center plans to use one of the Duplexes for their new location.  The plans are slow but moving forward.  Ms. Llodra had a meeting with their group along with John Reed and Dave Grogins.  Selectman Llodra explained that none of the plans have been finalized.
Community Garden:  Amy Mangold, Director of Parks & Recreation and Harvey Pessin gave an overview of the planned “Victory Garden” in the Westside meadow of the Fairfield Hills Campus (Right next to the old tennis courts).  Mr. Pessin stated that Parks & Recreation have been very helpful in getting this project going and that everyone is very excited about it.  Mr. Pessin explained that several groups will be given rows for planting and that all of the harvested crops will be donated to the Food Pantry.  Mr. Pessin stated that some of the organizations they are trying to get involved are the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Senior Citizens.  Mr. Pessin hopes that more groups will want to get involved and that this will become a destination for the gardener’s of the town to meet and share.
Parks and Recreation are going to help prep the area for the garden by trimming up some of the branches that hang over the area so that more sunlight can get in, putting up a fence around the area, using a sod cutter and bringing water to the area from the sprinklers on the Campus Green.  
Motion:  A motion was made stating that the Fairfield Hills Authority is in favor of the establishment of the community Victory Garden on the Fairfield Hills Campus to help feed the needy subject to the rules and regulations of all town agencies.  Andy Willie made the motion.  Jim Bernardi seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.
Broker:  Mike Struna was unable to attend the Authority meeting.  John Reed asked the Authority to consider an extension of 90 days of Mr. Struna’s contract.  
Motion:  A motion was made to extend the broker contract with Advantage Realty for  90 days or until the Authority acts on takes action pertaining to the appointment of a broker.  Jim Bernardi made the motion.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.
Planning & Zoning Meeting Update:  Andy Willie gave an overview of the Planning & Zoning meeting he attended.  Mr. Willie stated that the meeting was very eye-opening and that the majority of the people who spoke were not in favor of housing on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  
Mr. Willie stated that he would like the Authority to send a letter to the Planning & Zoning Commission requesting that they not change the zoning for housing on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  
Motion:  At this time Andy Willie made a motion that the Fairfield Hills Authority send a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission requesting that they not change the zoning for housing on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  John Madzula seconded the motion.
A discussion was held.  Mike Holmes that at this time it is premature for Planning & Zoning to change the zoning for housing on the Fairfield Hills Campus until the Master Plan Review Committee make their final recommendations for the development of the campus.  Mr. Holmes stated that it is premature to do so beforehand.
Andy Willie withdrew his motion.
Motion:  At this time Mike Holmes made a motion that the Fairfield Hills Authority would like to send a letter request that the Planning & Zoning Commission withhold any action pertaining to housing on the Fairfield Hills Campus until after the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee make their final recommendations to the Town of Newtown.  John Madzula seconded the motion.  A vote was taken:  There were four yes votes and two no vote.
John Madzula – Yes
Andy Willie – Yes
Mike Holmes – Yes
Jim Bernardi - Yes
John Reed – No
Ross Carley - No

Famers Market:  John Reed asked the Authority to make a motion approving the use of the Fairfield Hills Campus for the Farmer’s Market subject to rules and regulations of all town agencies.  
Motion:  Jim Bernardi made a motion approving the use of the Fairfield Hills Campus for the Farmer’s Market subject to rules and regulations of all town agencies.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.
Newtown Commission on Aging:  John Reed introduced a letter he received from the Newtown Commission on Aging and gave a copy to all of the Authority members.  This is a notice of receipt for the record.  (See Attached).
DRAFT:  John Reed handed out copies of a draft lease to the Authority members related to Kevin’s Community Center.  Dr. Reed asked that the Authority members to please call him or send him their comments regarding the drafted lease.
New Authority Member:  At this time John Reed introduced the newly nominated Authority member, Renata Adler, who was approved by the Republican Town Committee at their last meeting.  Ms. Adler’s appointment will be done once approved by the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting.  
Adjournment:  Andy Willie made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.