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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 in the meeting room of the Cyrenius Booth Library,  Main Street, Newtown, CT.  John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Present:  John Madzula, John Reed, Mike Holmes and Brian White, Andy Willie and Walt Motyka.

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management Corp), Elizabeth Stocker, (Director, Economic & Comm. Dev.), Wes Thompson, (EDC) and two members of the press.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:   Mike Holmes made a motion to accept the minutes from the May 17, 2010 Authority Meeting.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  Brian White gave an overview of the monthly financial report for the Fairfield Hills Campus (See Attached.)

Mr. White confirmed that another $10,000.00 would be returned to the Fairfield Hills Special Revenue Fund.  This is a reimbursement for work done around the Newtown Municipal Center.  Mr. White thinks that there is approximately $35,000.00 of funding left to cover the cost of final expenditures of the operating budget.

Walt Motyka asked if the money from the Special Revenue Fund could be used for anything on the campus. John Reed stated that he thought it could be used for priority projects approved by the Authority.

Motion:  Mike Holmes made a motion that assuming that funds are available, the Fairfield Hills Authority request that the Property Manager have semi-permanent fencing installed around Kent House for reasons of  security and safety. The motion was seconded by Andy Willie.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Ms. DeMarco said she would be using available funds to clean up other projects i.e. trimming trees and shrubs around the buildings to improve visibility for security, the clean-up of tree stumps, the possible removal of dead trees and fixing of  some broken windows on the vacant buildings.

Operating:  At this time Maria DeMarco gave an overview of her monthly management report.  (See Attached.)  Ms. DeMarco confirmed that all of the year-end projects are being completed.  

Ms. DeMarco stated that the bids for the have been received.  Ms. DeMarco is going to have the two companies that are bidding do mock-up signs so the Authority can choose which one to go with.  The signs should be installed in July, 2010.

Ms. DeMarco also informed the Authority that there have been several requests to use the Fairfield Hills Campus.  One request was for the Lymphoma & Leukemia Society walk on September 25, 2010.  Another request is for the Sandy Hook Farmer’s Market that will be set up every Tuesday in the parking lot of the Center Green starting July 6th, 2010 once the Planning & Zoning Commission confirms.  Wes Thompson from the Economic Development Commission spoke and said he was working with this group to help move along the Planning & Zoning approval.  

This market will be held from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. and will have fresh produce and farm related items.

John Reed confirmed that this was discussed at the monthly meeting he has with the First Selectman.  Mr. Reed stated that the Board of Selectmen passed an enabling rule to cover the Farmer’s Market under the town’s insurance.  Mr. Reed also stated that this market does have the strong support of the Selectmen Llodra.  

Mr. Reed stated that the First Selectman made it clear that this was to be a one (1) proposal.

Mr. Reed stated that he met with Mary Fellows to show her the suggested area for the market.  Ms. Fellows thought the area would work out wonderfully.

Motion:  At this time Mike Holmes made a motion stating that the Fairfield Hills Authority approves the use of the Center Green Parking Lot for the Sandy Hook Farmer’s Market for a one (1) year trial.  The motion was seconded by John Madzula.  

The discussion continued.  Andy Willie asked if there would be any selling of crafts at this market.  Wes Thompson stated that the market would also sell “Artisan Food” such as breads, pasta.  Mr. Thompson said that George Benson confirmed with the State of Connecticut what the state’s statute definition of what a farmer’s market was and that will be a part of the regulations passed by the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Mr. Holmes re-addressed his motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Planning:  At this time Elizabeth Stocker, Direction of Economic & Comm. Development gave an update to the proposed grants that the Town of Newtown is currently seeking.  The Town has received the $200,000. EPA Clean-up Grant to be used from the remediation of Stratford Hall and the Duplex #58.  A bid process has been completed and the lowest bid was $160,305.00 for the clean-up of those two buildings.  The company that the bid was awarded to has already starting preparing the building for the clean-up.  The building has been secured by the company with there own pad-locks preventing anyone from entering.  The access area  has been secured with fencing so no vehicles will be able to drive near the project.

Ms. Stocker stated that this grant required an in-kind expenditure by the Town of Newtown

Ms. Stocker also informed the Authority about another grant for $75,000. from the Valley Council of Government.   At the next meeting the Board of Selectmen will give authority to the First Selectman to obtain this grant.

At this time John Reed reported that he has had a conversation with the First Selectman about the possible processes that could be used if the Town of Newtown received an offer to lease a building for development that did not comply with the Master Plan approved uses. The First Selectman believed it is the job of the public officials to look at and learn all of the available information prior to rendering a decision   If an offer is received, Mr. Reed stated he hoped the process would be as open and transparent as possible for the residents of Newtown and that the Authority would look to the Board of Selectmen for guidance about its role in any process.  The Authority is very sensitive to the fact that the Master Plan is under review.  

Mr. Reed updated everyone on the trails.  Mr. Reed said he discussed the trails with Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, and was informed that the top-coat would be done when funding becomes available.

Andy Willie stated that of all the area’s on the Fairfield Hills Campus the trails get used the most.  

Old Business:  John Reed brought to discussion the Rules of the Trails that were written by the Parks & Recreation Department.  Mr. Reed stated that he met with the Director of Parks & Recreation to discuss some minor changes that were made to the list.  These rules are still in draft form.  The Authority agreed that these rules are necessary for the trails and the recreational areas of the campus.   Mike Holmes suggested that there needs to be more dialog.  Brian White agreed and said that this should be a collaborative effort between the Authority and Parks & Recreation.  Mr. Reed stated he hoped to attend the next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission.

New Business:  John Reed stated that because Bob Geckle, the former Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority, had been so instrumental in the past real estate negotiations he would like to suggest Mr. Geckle be appointed a community resource person to the Authority.

Motion:  At this time, Walt Motyka made a motion to approve the appointment of Bob Geckle as a community resource person to the Fairfield Hills Authority for matters pertaining to the formulation of lease agreements for the buildings/land at Fairfield Hills. Andy Willie seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

At this time John Reed asked that someone make a motion to amend the Agenda so they could go in to executive session to discuss a matter pertaining to security.  Brian White made the motion and it was seconded by Andy Willie.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

The Authority went in to Executive Session at 8:40.

At 8:46 p.m Andy Will moved to return to Public Session.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Andy Willie made a motion to adjourn.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.