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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 in the meeting room of the Cyrenius Booth Library,  Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, John Madzula, John Reed, Mike Holmes and Brian White, Andy Willie and Walt Motyka.

Absent:  Kathy Furey.

Also Present:  Kathy Geckle, Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management Corp), Mike Struna, (Advantage Realty), One member of the press.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:   Andy Willie made a motion to accept the minutes from the April 21, 2010 Authority Meeting.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  Brian White gave an overview of the monthly financial report.  (See Attached).

Mr. White informed the Authority that there is approximately $143,000. left in the budget and stated that if the operating budget stayed on track with the monthly expenses there should be approximately $25,000 to $30,000 available to spend on projects that need to be addressed around the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Bob Geckle stated that one of the projects that is a priority is the paving of the parking lot by Newtown Hall and Woodbury Hall.  There is not enough funding to completely pave the area but process will be graded and rolled so it will be safe for walking, driving and parking in this area.  The process will be purchased through the Department of Public Works and an outside contractor will be hired to do the paving work.  This will bring it within 2” of fine grade.

 This project will cost approximately $11,000 to $12,000. including material and labor.  These funds will come out of the Special Revenue Funds.  

Motion:  Mike Holmes made a motion to start the paving project of the Woodbury/Newtown Halls parking lot using funding from the Special Revenue Account.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Operating:  Maria DeMarco gave an overview of her monthly report (See Attached).  

Bob Geckle continued the discussion of projects that need to be done around the campus.    Ms. DeMarco had put together a list of projects that she would like to see done with estimated costs.  The directional signs for the campus have gone out to bid and will be paid for with encumbered funds.  There is roughly $7,700 in costs of the proposed work remaining on the list.  

Bob Geckle proposed that the following items get done:  
#1 – ordering of Garbage Cans for the grassy area by the Newtown Municipal Building.
#4 – Porch Repairs to 28 Trades Lane.
#5 – Safety Signs (15 Feet Back from the Buildings)
#6 – Misc. Electrical Hook-up for EPA Grant Clean-up.

There will still be funding left so Bob Geckle asked Ms. DeMarco for her input about what other ways the money should be spent.

Ms. DeMarco made the suggestion that some of the money should be put toward security and lighting around some of the buildings.  

Motion:  John Reed made a motion authorizing the spending of up to  $30,000 for security/safety and other items around the Fairfield Hills Campus with the stipulation that the sub-committee chaired by Andy Willie approve all purchases.    Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

At this time Bob Geckle informed the Authority that the directional signage for the Fairfield Hills Campus has been approved by the First Selectman and the Chief of Police.  The Chief of Police suggested that every sign be placed in the same spot after every stop sign so there is continuity in placement and best visibility when the vehicle is stopped.

Mr. Geckle said that the Authority will see mock-ups of the signs for their approval before the signs are ordered..

Maria DeMarco then introduced another item for discussion.  Mike Struna from Advantage Realty is the new Broker for the Fairfield Hills Campus and would like keys to the buildings so he can access them as needed.  John Reed stated that this is a reasonable request because Mr. Struna is now a member of the “team”.  Mr. Reed also stated that Mr. Struna would like to use the conference room at 28 Trades Lane to set up displays of the buildings to show potential clients.

Walt Motyka made the suggestion that Mr. Struna get a key to 28 Trades Lane and a lock box with all of the building keys will be housed there.  Mr. Motyka also suggested that a log be kept of when he went in to the buildings and when he came out so that security can check to make sure the buildings have been locked.  This was also suggested for safety reasons so security can make sure everyone has returned safely.

Bob Geckle stated that this was all done to minimize jeopardy to Mr. Struna and anyone he is working with.  Mr. Geckle also suggested that it would be a good idea for Mr. Struna to have the Head of Security’s cell phone number.

No motion was needed but all members of the Authority agreed that this was the best plan for giving access to the buildings to Mr. Struna.

Planning:  At this time Andy Willie introduced a draft of proposed Rules of the Fairfield Hills Trails to be put on signs that he and the Director of Parks & Recreation have put together to help in guiding what can and cannot be done on the Fairfield Hills Trails and Campus.  This was done out of necessity because of the aircraft accident that happened on the Trails in April.

After a lengthy discussion, Brian White made the suggestion that these proposed rules be e-mailed to every Authority member so they can look them over and give better input at the next Authority meeting.

Bob Geckle then introduced for discussion a letter from the Newtown Youth Academy informing the Authority that the Newtown Deli would be taking over the food concession at the facility.  This request is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.1(b) under the lease agreement.

Motion:  Bob Geckle made a motion to accept the outsourcing of the Concession Stand at the Newtown Youth Academy by the Newtown Deli.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

At this time Bob Geckle stated that he has resigned from the Fairfield Hills Authority as of May 31, 2010.  In addition, Mr. Geckle resigned his  chairman position effective immediately.

Motion:  Bob Geckle made a motion that John Reed be the chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.  

John Reed stated that he can’t begin to fathom the time that Bob Geckle has put in to the work that he did as chairman of the Authority.  Mr. Reed said that he is glad to take this position as long as he knows he has everyone’s support and until such time that another member is willing and ready to take over the leadership role.  

Bob Geckle stated that he wanted to thank everyone on the Authority for the contributions and their support.  Mr. Geckle also stated that he will be available to everyone if his help is required.

Motion:  A motion to adjourn was made by Andy Willie.

The meeting adjourned at 8:54p.m.