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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Kathy Furey, Walt Motyka, John Madzula, John Reed, Don Studley and Mike Holmes.

Absent:  Andy Willie.

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management Corp.), Elizabeth Stocker, (Director of Economic and Community Development), Amy Mangold (Director of Parks & Recreation), Phil Katz and
Brian Westermeyer (Stantec),  two members of the public and two members of the press.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  The August Authority Meeting was cancelled so the Minutes from the July 15, 2009 meeting had to be accepted.  Don Studley made a motion to accept the minutes from the July 17, 2009 Authority meeting.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  

Mike Holmes would like the following correction made to the July 17, 2009 minutes.  Mr. Holmes was not in attendance at the July 17, 2009 but was not noted as absent.

Also, Mr.  Holmes was in attendance at the Public Information Session held on June 17, 2009.  

These corrections were noted and the Authority members voted to accept the minutes.  The vote was unanimous.

Finance:  Don Studley gave a quick overview of his monthly statement.  (See Attached).    

Mr. Studley stated that he will be tracking the encumbrance fees for the 2009/2010 fiscal year.

Trails – Phase II:  At this time John Reed requested that the discussion
about the updated plans for the Fairfield Hills Campus trails be moved up on the Agenda so the Stantec representatives would not have to wait until the end of the meeting.  (See Attached).

Mr. Reed stated that there have been several meetings since June to discuss the Phase II designs and wanted to include Parks & Recreation’s perspective in the discussion tonight.

Phil Katz (Stantec) showed the Authority what changes had been made to the Phase II design for the Campus trails.  These changes came from comments made at the June 17, 2009 Public Information Meeting.

A discussion was held regarding the parking lot by the Glander Baseball Field.  The concern for pedestrian safety created a need to close down one of the driveways so that only one cross walk would be required
at that parking lot.

John Reed suggested that the driveway into that parking lot be closed off during the off season.

Mr. Katz continued on with his discussion and explained that the Trail continues along the perimeter of the campus along Mile Hill Road turning at Wasserman Way.  The Trail will go along Wasserman Way with a crosswalk at the Trades Lane intersection.  

Then the discussion proceeded to the Trails area attached to the existing road attached to the parking lot next to Danbury Hall.  Mr. Katz suggested that it is cost effective to incorporate the existing road in the design instead of removing the road to push the Trail further out to the perimeter.  

Bob Geckle stated that the greatest flexibility it to keep the trail to the perimeter of the property.

Mr. Katz then proceeded to point out the areas that were ADA compliant.  

Amy Mangold, (Director of Parks & Recreation) stated that she had just applied for a grant from the National Recreation and Park Association because the Trails were ADA compliant.  The grant is $5,000 to $25,000.  She is waiting to see if Newtown is eligible.  

At this time Bob Geckle asked if the Parks & Recreation Commission were on board with the design of the trails.  Amy Mangold stated that the commission were definitely on board with the design of Phase II of the trails.

Motion:   John Reed made a motion to accept the Phase II Trail Design as presented.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Operations:  Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, gave an overview of her monthly report. (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco addressed the securing of the buildings on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  She wanted to bring to the Authority’s attention that HUD has a better way of securing windows that help to make it more vandalism proof.  Ms. DeMarco stated that she will be researching and will present the cost to the Authority at a later date.

Ms. DeMarco also updated the Authority about a Parks & Recreation event held on the Fairfield Hills Campus called the “Dog Days of Summer” that was a great success.  This was a fundraiser for the proposed town dog park.  Ms. DeMarco said that she was not aware the event was scheduled and asked that Parks & Recreation alert the Authority any time an event was going to be held.  

Mike Holmes attended the event and stated that it was a very nice event for the town residents to be able to attend on the campus.  

John Reed stated that he along with Andy Willie would like to have a meeting with Ms. DeMarco to see what the best protocol for securing the buildings would be and to see what can be done to keep the break-ins to a minimum.  

Ms. DeMarco agreed to set up a date for the meeting

Ms. DeMarco then informed the Authority that the town will be using one of the buildings on the campus to temporarily store items during the transition of the move from Kendro to the Newtown Municipal Center.

Bob Geckle requested that a final date for removal of these items be secured.

Planning:  At this time Bob Geckle informed the Authority that the Grand Opening of the Center Green has a possible date of October 17, 2009.  This is also the same date of the Newtown Youth Academy.  

Mr. Geckle also stated that several of the members of the Authority have a problem with the electrical box on the Green stating that not only was it an eyesore but that it posed a possible safety issue.

Mr. Geckle then gave an update to the leasing of Woodbury Hall.  Mr. Geckle stated that the potential lessee is still going forward but they will be asking for an extension from the Board of Selectmen.  They are requesting an extension date of November 1, 2009.

Mr. Geckle informed the Authority that the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be presented by the Board of Selectmen to the Board of Finance on the 24th of September.  

Mr. Geckle then presented a letter from the Chairman of the Relay for Like Committee that was written to the Authority stating that the 2009 event was great success and that they would like to hold their 2010 event on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  The scheduled date is June 5 & 6th, 2010.  

Motion:  John Reed made a motion to accept the request to hold Relay for Life on the Fairfield Hills Campus on June 5 & 6th, 2009 as long as the same planning and protocol that was used for the 2009 event was followed.   Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  

All in attendance voted unanimously.

At this time Elizabeth Stocker gave the Authority a Sources of Funds update:  

The EPA Assessment Grant is due the 16th of October.  Ms. Stocker stated that the approval time is very narrow and there is a need for close tracking of the application process.  Ms. Stocker stated that after a discussion with the Town’s consultants she recommends that their preparation and submission of the grant would be in the best interest of the Town.  The cost for this service is $3,000.  

Ms. Stocker then gave an overview of the Valley Council of Government (VCOG) Clean-up Grant.  The grant comes from stimulus money and is very competitive to receive.  The grant would be for $200,000 and would be for the clean-up of 2 or 3 of the duplexes.  

The final grant update done by Ms. Stocker was the Stratford Hall Clean-up.  This grant is for $200,000. and Don Studley confirmed that the town has already received this money.  Ms. Stocker confirmed that the town has received the money but that a public comment period has to be held before the money can be released for spending.

Motion:  Walt Motyka made a motion authorizing the expenditure of $3,000.00 to cover the expense of consultant fees in preparation and submission of the EPA Assessment Grant.  John Reed seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Motion:  John Reed made a motion to adjourn.  Walt Motyka seconded. The motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15.