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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Kathy Furey, John Madzula, John Reed and Don Studley.

Absent:  Mike Holmes.

Also Present:  Amy Mangold (Director of Parks & Recreation) and Pat Berczak (Parks & Recreation Commission).  Lisa Schwart, Kevin’s Community Center and Gary Sorge from Stantec were also in attendance.

Public Participation:  Pat Barczak, 21 Grand Place, Newtown, CT, wanted to inform the Authority about a company in Torrington that manufactures energy producing windmills.  The company, Optiwind, Inc. builds windmills that are 200 feet high and are designed for use at schools and municipalities.  
Walt Motyka said he would do some research on their products.
Amy Mangold from Parks & Recreation wanted to follow-up a discussion about a new dog pound and a possible dog park on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ms. Mangold informed the Authority that the Director of Economic and Community Development has already done the preliminary research for land that could be used for this project and was working on having the deed signed over to the Town of Newtown. This land is across from the campus near the old Fairfield Hills sewage processing plant.
Acceptance of Minutes:  Andy Willie made a motion to accept the minutes from the April 15, 2009 Fairfield Hills Authority Meeting.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Financials:  Bob Geckle took a moment to welcome back Don Studley who had taken some time away from attending the Authority meetings to recuperate from some health issues.

Mr. Studley introduced to the Authority two new financial reports that he will be using to update the Fairfield Hills Campus financials.  (See Attached).

The first form covers Capital Expenditures.  This gives a breakdown of the sources of the funds and the uses of funds.

The second form is for the Fairfield Hills Operating Expenses.  This gives an overview of the monthly operating costs of the campus.

John Reed made the suggestion that the new financial reports be put on the website.  

Motion:  John Reed made a motion that the year to date Capital Expenditures and the Fairfield Hills Operating Expenses reports be put onto the Fairfield Hills Website.  

Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Bob Geckle continued the discussion explaining that the expenditures should not be as excessive in the next fiscal year because of the additional asbestos testing and the prevailing wage delays.  The cost to the Town of Newtown was fairly significant.  A cost analysis will be done to see what extra funds were spent.

Don Studley stated that even without the additional costs, next years budget will be very tight.

Operating:  Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management was unable to attend the meeting so Bob Geckle gave an overview of Ms. DeMarco’s monthly report.  (See Attached).

Mr. Geckle requested that John Reed give an update to the Fairfield Hills Campus Trails Grand Opening.  

Mr. Reed said that the Grand Opening went very well.  

Bob Geckle then gave an overview of the monthly management report.  

A breakdown of the Newtown Police Department’s incident reports was also given.  John Reed requested that in the future the dates of every incident be put on the report.

At this time John Madzula gave an update to the progress on the Center Green between Woodbury and Newtown Hall.

Mr. Madzula stated that the bid for curbing was awarded.  The bid for the pavers has been put out and will be awarded next week.  

Mr. Madzula went on to say that eight benches have been ordered for the green.  The Rotary club will be financing the cost of the benches, the landscaping and the 50” Flagpole that will go in the center of the green.

Installation of the curbing of the green will be started next week.

Planning:  At this time Bob Geckle introduced Gary Sorge from Stantec to give a presentation of the plans for the continuation of the Fairfield Hills Campus Trails.  (See Attached).

Mr. Sorge has been working with John Reed to develop the design of the trails and possible Outdoor Performance Venue.  This design is in the conceptual phase and will have changes made to it once the Authority decides what the final plans should be.

Pat Barczak, a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission stated that a presentation of the design of the Campus Trails was given at their previous board meeting and that the Parks & Recreation Commission unanimously approved the design concept.

Once the design is decided upon the design will be presented to the public for input.
Mr. Sorge stated that the Outdoor Performance Venue will be for lawn seating and has a capacity for 400 spectators.

John Reed asked about the installation of restrooms along the trail.  Mr. Sorge said they are in the design but are expensive.  Various options will be explored.  

Mr. Sorge went on to explain that the trail will be on the outside perimeter of the Fairfield Hills Campus with possible workout stations along the way.  

Don Studley asked if any trees were going to be removed and if so that the Authority create a policy that when a tree is removed that a new one be put in its place.

Gary Sorge stated that Stantec could give the Authority a formula that shows when a tree is removed it should be replaced by four or five new trees to continue doing the job that the original tree was doing for the environment.

Motion:  Walt Motyka made a motion to accept the conceptual drawing of the Fairfield Hills Campus Trails as long as it continues to follow the Master Plan and Landscape Guidelines.  

Andy Willie seconded the motion.  

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Gary Sorge stated that he will have the final drawing prepared for the next Fairfield Hills Authority meeting on June 17, 2009.  There will be a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. before the Authority meeting to show the residents of the Town of Newtown the Trail designs.

Motion:  John Reed made a motion stating that where as the development of the paved Fairfield Hills Campus Trails is for the recreation of its citizens; and where as the Parks and Recreation Commission exists to promote and sponsor such activities; The Fairfield Hills Authority respectfully asks that the Newtown Parks and Recreation  Commission and its staff assume the administration and day to day management of the paved trail system on the Fairfield Hills Campus in compliance with the Master Plan for Fairfield Hills, policies established by the Authority and the design criteria for Fairfield Hills.

Andy Willie seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Kevin’s Community Center:    Bob Geckle read a letter that was written requesting that a proposed amendment to the grant application changing the  location for Kevin’s Community Center from Newtown Hall to one of the Duplexes on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

Bob Geckle stated that the first duplex was probably the best choice.  This duplex had the most recent occupant and was the closest to the campus infrastructure making it the best one to use.

Lisa Schwartz, Kevin’s Community Center, agrees that the Duplex is the best solution.  She also stated that a copy of this letter was sent to state representatives Christopher Lyddy and John McKinney.  

Motion:  John Reed made a motion stating that the Fairfield Hills Authority is in support of the request to the State of Connecticut to transfer the use of the $500,000 grant for the location of Kevin’s Community Center from Newtown Hall to one of the Duplexes, preferably the one closest to the existing infrastructure, with the understanding that the $500,000 grant be sufficient to cover all infrastructure and renovation costs.

Kathy Furey seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.
Woodbury Lease:  Bob Geckle informed the Authority that Glen Hill asked for an extension for the Lease Agreement for Woodbury Hall.

The request for the extension was due to a two fold contingency requested by the bank that the lessee have an appraisal of the property and that a third party analysis of the business plan be done.

The Board of Selectmen authorized a sixty day extension.  

Bob Geckle then informed the Authority that the First Selectman sent a letter to the Office of Policy and Management of the State of Connecticut requesting that the $250,000 of the STEAP Grant for the Tech Park be transferred to the Fairfield Hills Campus redevelopment project.  (See Attached).

Adjournment:  Andy Willie motioned that the meeting be adjourned.  

Kathy Furey seconded the motion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.