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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Kathy Furey, Mike Holmes.

Absent:  Don Studley, John Reed and John Madzula.

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, Elizabeth Stocker, Planning & Community Development and one member of the press.

Public Participation:  Andy Willie wanted to express thanks to Bob Geckle and Maria DeMarco for the wonderful presentation they gave to the Legislative Council on April 1, 2009 regarding the responsibilities of the Fairfield Hills Campus Property Manager.

Acceptance of Minutes:  Walt Motyka made a motion to accept the minutes from the March 18, 2009 Fairfield Hills Authority Meeting.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.

Amendment to the Minutes:  Walt Motyka read the following amended motion made by John Reed:

Motion:~ John Reed made the motion that Bob Geckle be authorized on behalf of the Fairfield Hills Authority to proceed with the execution of the contract with Stantec, as discussed this evening, to continue its Plan and Design of the completion of the trail project on the Fairfield Hills Campus in consultation with the Department of Parks and Recreation and other appropriate Newtown Authorities and Agencies.

At this time, Mike Holmes made the motion to accept the amended minutes.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  Don Studley was unable to attend the Authority meeting so Bob Geckle gave an overview of the monthly financial report.

Mr. Geckle gave an overview of the Financial Report that the Town of Newtown’s Director of Finance gave to the Authority.  (See Attached).

Mr. Geckle informed the Authority that there will be an infrastructure meeting to discuss where the funding stands at this point with regards to several of the projects underway on the campus, i.e. the tunnels and paving.

Mr. Geckle stated that his plan was to have hard numbers to report on at the next Authority meeting and for a report to the Board of Selectman and the Legislative Council.

At this time Mr. Geckle turned the discussion over to Maria DeMarco to discuss her budge expenditures who informed the Authority that there have been no major expense variations to report on.  

Operating:   Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, gave an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco stated that she, Andy Willie and John Madzula met with Fred Hurley to discuss the future landscaping projects on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

Ms. DeMarco stated that the bid requests for curbing the center green have been requested and will be awarded April 21, 2009.

Ms. DeMarco stated that she is doing preliminary work on the Center Green Project and is working closely with Fred Hurley, Department of Public Works.  The Department of Public Works will be installing the drainage and electrical conduit to the Center Green so that lighting can be installed.

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that she spoke at length with Chief Kehoe about enforcing the Pet Control Ordinance on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ms. DeMarco asked Chief Kehoe if the Campus Security could be sworn in as deputies and he informed Ms. DeMarco that only Town Police Officers can give out citations.  

Ms. DeMarco reported the Chief Kehoe will assign the Bicycle Police Patrol to the Fairfield Hills Campus but they do not start patrolling on bike until after the school year ends in June.

Ms. DeMarco stated that because there is no longer a full time animal control officer the two part time officers will also patrol the campus.

The minimum fine will be $49.00 and they will go up in increments for second and third offense.

At this time Bob Geckle explained that this has become an issue on the campus because many people are allowing their dogs off leash and are not cleaning up after their dogs.  This has caused escalating complaints from the residents of the town.

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that she and Liz Stocker toured six of the buildings in preparation for showing the property to potential developers.

Ms. DeMarco stated that the Chief of Police told her that the Security Guards have done a good job of doing exactly what the Police Department needs them to do.

New Board Member:  Bob Geckle took this time to introduce Kathy Furey to the Fairfield Hills Authority who has replaced Amy Dent.  Ms. Furey and her husband have been residence of Newtown since 1996 and has three children that have gone through the Newtown school system.  She is a partner with Edwards, Angell, Palmer & Dodge, a law firm based out of Boston, New York and Stratford, CT.  Ms. Furey works in Commercial Real Estate Development.  

Ms. Furey stated that she is happy to a part of the Fairfield Hills Authority and thinks it is a great way to give back to a community that had been so good to her family.

Planning:  Bob Geckle confirmed that the Rotary Club of Newtown will spend $25,000 on the Center Green as their Spring 2009 project.

Walt Motyka asked if it was possible to purchase benches for the green and if this could somehow be a fundraiser for the campus.  The Town Residents or businesses could purchase the benches and have a name inscribed on the bench.  

Maria DeMarco stated that she would look in to purchasing a sample bench.

Sources of Funds:  At this time Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development gave an overview of Grant Monies available for use on the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Fairfield Hills
~~~~~~~~~~~ Parking & Streetscape – A STEAP grant was approved in April 2008 for $300,000. ~The BOS (07/07/08) authorized the First Selectman to enter into an agreement with the State and execute the documents.~ The executed documents are in place and work has commenced.~ The Semi-annual report (June-Dec. 2008) was filed in January.~ I sent in a draw down for the funds in February and I am working with DPW and Finance on the project.~

~~~~~~~~~~~ Asbestos Removal (EPA $200,000) – The Board of Selectmen passed a resolution (10/20/08) authorizing the First Selectman to accept the grant.~ A Cooperative Agreement was signed and sent in to EPA.~ The Stratford building has been selected for the clean up funds.~ EPA determined that we must solicit three quotes for the Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) services. A scope of work for a LEP has been prepared and issued for quotes.~ The quotes are expected back by April 10, 2009.~ Arthur Bogen (Down to Earth) is assisting with the paper work and will assist with the public hearings to involve the public.~ A $40,000 local match is required by EPA.~ Some of our share will come from the necessary LEP services and in kind services.~ The selected LEP needs to be on board for the completion of the Community Relations Plan (CRP).~ Such plan will be presented to the Fairfield Hills Authority (FHA) and we can proceed with the public hearings.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Infrastructure (tunnel removals) ($125,000 STEAP) A resolution to accept the grant was passed by the Board of Selectmen on 1/20/09.~ You signed the assistance agreement and we are now awaiting the Commissioner’s and Attorney General’s signatures before the funds can be released.~ I have the procurement paperwork and will draw down the funds as soon as the state provides us with the signed documents.~ ~
Mothballing Project – A letter was written on 3/20/08 by First Selectman Borst to Secretary Genuario (OPM) indicating a change in scope to the project to include some site work and potential building upgrades and mothball the buildings.~ Rep. Julia Wasserman was to take the letter to the Secretary personally once the budget meetings are cooled.~ I spoke to Julia Wasserman about this briefly on May 20, 2008. ~ We mentioned this application to Peter Simons of DECD on 7/1/08 and he acknowledged that he is aware of it.~ I do not expect that this award will be granted because it was filed as an Urban Act grant and the state issued a policy on August 26, 2008 that municipalities cannot simultaneously qualify for funds under both the STEAP and Urban Act grant programs.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Infrastructure (EDA) – An application is pending before the Naugatuck Valley Corridor Economic Development Strategy Board (NVC CEDS) in March 2008.~The NVC CEDS set a deadline of April 24, 2009 for new projects.~ A planning meeting between Bogen/Geckle/Hurley/Stocker & Borst was held on 2/9/09 and a follow up discussion was held on 4/3/09 to discuss campus work in need of additional funding.~ A meeting with Congressman Christopher Murphy was held on April 11, 2008 and his office continues to be interested in supporting the project.~ Staff from Congressman Murphy, Senator Dodd and Senator Lieberman’s offices visited on May 29, 2008. ~A follow up with our consultant Arthur Bogen and local team was performed on July 9th. A follow up to the 4/3/09 staff meeting will be on 4/17/09.
~~~~~~~~~~~ Kevin’s Community Center (KCC) – ($500,000 Social Services Grant for construction at Newtown Hall Building on Fairfield Hills Campus) I had a conversation with Dr. Taweh on March 20, 2009 in response to his letter of 3/9/09. We spoke of the various options concerning use of the grant money and will wait for KCC to advise us regarding their selection of a property for the new clinic.~ I recommend that once KCC determines how best to utilize the funds that they seek Town assistance to revise the award to a new property.~
Ms. Stocker then made some announcements regarding the EDC:

        The Fairfield Hills Campus was the featured Showcase Property on the CERC website in March of 2009.  The website gives links to the previous properties and because the Fairfield Hills Campus was the most recent property showcased, it will be the first possible link giving the campus more exposure.

        On May 7th a presentation will be given to the Naugatuck Valley CEDS Organization.  

        On May 21st the Economic Development Council will host a breakfast for the Connecticut Investment Realtors at the Newtown Youth Academy.
All members of the Authority are invited to attend.

        For Lease Signs – The signs around the campus have been generating calls from potential developers and residents of the town.  

Executive Session:  A motion was made by Walt Motyka that the meeting go in to Executive Session to discuss a real estate transaction.  The motion was seconded by Andy Willie.

The Authority asked Elizabeth Stocker to attend the Executive Session.

The meeting went into Executive Session at 8:30p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05p.m.