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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Amy Dent, John Reed, Mike Holmes, John Madzula and Julia Wasserman.

Absent:  Don Studley.

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, Amy Mangold, Director of Parks & Recreation and four members of the public.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:   A motion was made by Bob Geckle to accept the minutes from the Authority meeting held on February 18, 2009.  

Two Corrections were made to the minutes.

Andy Willie was not in attendance of the meeting but was not listed as absent.  

Walt Motyka did attend the meeting but was not listed as present.

Walt Motyka seconded the motion to accept the minutes, as amended.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  Don Studley was unable to attend the Authority meeting so Bob Geckle gave an overview of the monthly financial report.

Bob Geckle discussed Maria DeMarco’s monthly statement for the operating expenses for the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

Ms. DeMarco explained that because there was confusion about the breakdown of the expenses, changes were made to the allocation of funding for the temporary traffic lighting on the campus and there would be a separate line item for these costs.

Ms. DeMarco also explained there were costs associated with the January sewer line repairs that were added to this months budget.

Operating:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) gave an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that there was a problem over the weekend with graffiti.  Ms. DeMarco and Fred Hurley stated that there was great cooperation with the campus security, the Newtown Police Department and the Public Works Department to remedy this problem.  

Ms. DeMarco, Fred Hurley and Chief Kehoe met to discuss what can be done in the future to address vandalism.

Ms. DeMarco also informed the Authority that because the Newtown Youth Academy traffic is such a problem on the campus it is going to be redirected to go one way to and from the Newtown Youth Academy.  

Public Works:  Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, gave a Fairfield Hills Campus infrastructure update.  Mr. Hurley discussed the Greenwich Hall remediation and stated that the Town of Newtown has received clearance from the State of Connecticut for the removal of asbestos.  Mr. Hurley stated that this was a big hurdle to overcome in the process of the removal of Greenwich Hall but went on to say that this did not mean the building will be torn down immediately.  This process has given the town a workable method going forward.  This is important because this process will affect every other building on the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Mr. Hurley made the statement that Julia Wasserman and State Senator John McKinney were instrumental in opening doors to move this project forward and he wanted to say thank you!

Mr. Hurley also informed the Authority that tunnel work is almost completed.

Mr. Hurley gave the timeline of late April early May for the completion of the main gas lines on the campus.  These lines will include the laterals for the Newtown Youth Academy, the new Town Hall and the Parks and Recreation Building.  A meeting will be scheduled with Fred Hurley and a representative of the Authority to update infrastructure cost estimates.  

John Reed suggested that the plans should be brought to the Authority for  approval which all agreed too.  

Mr. Reed also suggested that a special meeting be held to discuss these plans.  Mike Holmes volunteered to attend the meeting.  This meeting will be held at the Engineer’s House.  Date To Be Decided.

Mr. Hurley gave a Trail update.  The topcoat for the trails will be done this spring.  Mr. Hurley informed the authority that the trails need gating  to keep vehicles from driving up the campus trails.

Bob Geckle asked for an update on the new Municipal Building.  Mr. Hurley stated that the office area is framed out and that the rough electrical inspection will be done next week.

Mr. Hurley stated that the planned opening date of 4th Quarter of 2009 is still attainable.

Planning:  Bob Geckle gave an update of the involvement of the Economic Development Commission (EDC).  Mr. Geckle stated that the EDC has agreed to share resources with the Fairfield Hills Authority to help in the marketing of the Campus.

Mr. Geckle stated that the “For Lease” signs that have been installed on the campus have had a positive impact and are generating several potential leads.  Mr. Geckle also stated that the Fairfield Hills Campus is being featured on the CERC Site Finder.  

Communication:  John Reed informed everyone of a Lion’s Club meeting he attended to give presentation to discuss the development of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

Bob Geckle stated that he will be giving his annual update to the Legislative Council and Board of Selectmen in the month of April.

Center Green Project:  At this time John Madzula presented the Authority the plans for the Center Green Project planned between Woodbury and Newtown Hall.  Mr. Madzula is working with the Rotary Club of Newtown who will be funding the work as their Spring Project.  Mr. Madzula presented a plan of the future green for approval by the Authority.

Motion:  John Reed made a motion to approve the plans as presented for the Center Green Project.  The motion was seconded by Mike Holmes.  

The plans showed the use of a 40’ Foot Flagpole.  Originally the Authority wanted a 50’ Foot Flagpole.  Mr. Madzula stated that the 50’ Foot flagpole was cost prohibitive.  Maria DeMarco informed Mr. Madzula that she has a contract with the State of Connecticut for Flagpoles and Flags that would help reduce the cost.  Mr. Madzula said that he would reconsider using the 50’ foot flagpole if the price was reasonable.

Amy Dent asked to amend the motion that if pricing allowed that a 50’ foot flagpole would be accepted instead of the 40’ foot.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Trails Proposal:  John Reed presented a proposal from Stantec Consulting Services for the design of the trails to go around the entire campus.  (See Attached).

Mr. Reed stated that the cost of this project would be $21,800.00

Walt Motyka asked if Stantec could do the design work in phases with a fee structure.  

John Reed stated that he would request that from them.

Motion:  John Reed made the motion that Bob Geckle to be authorized to execute the proposal with Stantec Consulting to continue its planning and design for Fairfield Hills Campus Trails.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  

All in attendance voted unanimously.

At this time Amy Mangold informed the Authority that she gave a presentation of this proposal to the Parks and Recreation Commission and they gave their full support to this project.

John Reed thank her for that and stated that once the paving was completed he was hoping that Parks & Recreation would host a Kick-Off Party.  

Construction Policy and Procedures:  At this time John Madzula discussed the newly created Fairfield Hills Construction Policy and Procedure document for approval by the Authority.

John Reed made the suggestion that this should be called the “Construction Procedures” do help differentiate that these are the procedures to be followed when working on the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Motion:  John Reed made the motion that the Fairfield Hills Campus Construction Procedure Document be accepted.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

At this time Bob Geckle made the announcement that Amy Dent would be resigning from the Fairfield Hills Authority as of March 31, 2009 subject to the acceptance of the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Geckle stated that he and the authority would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Dent for her dedication and assistance in the promotion and development of the Fairfield Hills Campus.   Mr. Geckle went on to say that Amy will be sorely missed.  

Motion:  John Reed made a motion to adjourn.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned:  9:02