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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Amy Dent, John Reed, Mike Holmes, John Madzula and Julia Wasserman.

Absent:  Don Studley.

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, Jeff Cugno, O&G, one member of the press and one member of the public.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:   A motion was made by Andy Willie to accept the minutes from the December 17, 2008 Fairfield Hills Authority Meeting.  John Reed made the following correction stating that Congresswoman Julia Wasserman’s correct title is State Representative.  The motion was seconded by Amy Dent.  All in attendance voted unanimously.
Finance:  Don Studley was unable to attend the Authority meeting so Bob Geckle gave an overview of the monthly financial report.

Bob Geckle discussed the budget for the DeMarco Management company and made the request that Maria DeMarco do a re-forecast for the budget so there is no confusion that additional funds are available that will be required at a later date when, in fact, they are already slotted for a specific service, i.e. landscaping.  Ms. DeMarco agreed that this was a good idea and will make the adjustment for the next meeting.

Mr. Geckle then asked Ms. DeMarco about the separation of the electrical service between the Fairfield Hills Campus and the Horse Guard.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the separation has been completed and that all of the funds have been collected with the State.  Ms. DeMarco said she would follow-up with the Town’s Director of Finance to see where the funds have been delegated to and will inform the Authority at next month’s meeting.

Bob Geckle also addressed an inquiry from last months meeting about a payment of $23,000. charge to the Bond.  This money went to the parking lot and to conduit.  Bob confirmed that both of these charges were valid.

At this time John Reed stated that he thinks the Director of Finance should be doing a monthly financial update to the Fairfield Hills Authority as was requested.  Bob Geckle stated that he discussed this with Bob Tait, the Director of Finance for the Town of Newtown and agreed that after this round of Budget meetings he will have a monthly finance report for the Fairfield Hills Authority.

Operating:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) gave an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that there is a blockage in the drain in the basement of the Engineering House that has caused some flooding that is being addressed at this time.  The problem should be cleaned up by this weekend.

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that the “For Lease” signs have been ordered and will be delivered next week.  The signs will not be permanently put in the ground until the spring due to frozen ground.  

At this time Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that she and John Reed had a meeting with representatives from the Relay for Life organization.  Ms. DeMarco then turned the discussion over to John Reed so he could give the Authority the update.  

Mr. Reed went on to say that the proposal from Relay for Life was not a request from the Department of Parks and Recreation but from the organization itself.    Mr. Reed went on to say that when this request was brought to him he did have concerns about safety, parking and building security on the Fairfield Hills campus.  Mr. Reed said that after having this meeting he is now confident that the program can be successfully held on the campus because of the excellent planning the Relay for Life committee has done.

Ms. DeMarco also stated that she felt this would be a wonderful event for the Campus comparable to the Tercentennial.  

Mr. Reed said it will be a great way to introduce 2,000 to 3,000 people to the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

Motion:  A motion was made by John Reed to approve the usage of the Fairfield Hills Campus by the Relay for Life Organization on the dates of June 12 to June 14 for the setting up and staging of their annual event upon the provision that they comply with any reasonable requests made by the property management company, DeMarco Management and Maria DeMarco.

At this time Bob Geckle asked if anyone had any questions pertaining to this event.  Andy Willie asked where the event would be held.  The planned location is the Soccer Fields between the Danbury Hall building and the Kent Hall.  

Amy Dent stated that she understood that this would not affect the Woodbury Hall construction.  John Reed assured her this was the case.

John Reed said he would be in attendance of the event to help with any problems that may arise.  

Maria DeMarco said that the committee does understand that she will need to hire a second security guard for the event.  

John Reed stated that they are planning to hire two police officers for the event too.

At this time Mike Holmes seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that the proposed light poles for the Fairfield Hills Campus are going to be changed to aluminum instead of cast iron to save on cost and maintenance and will have a quicker lead time for delivery.

The discussion then turned to the trash receptacles for the Fairfield Hills Campus.  The receptacles that are listed in the Landscape Guidelines are cost prohibitive so the Authority was presented with less expensive options.  

Bob Geckle stated that a company he is associated with has a less expensive type of receptacle that he will get a sample of to show to the Authority for their approval.

O&G:  At this time Jeff Cugno from O&G gave an overview of the final bill from several of the projects that his company has been involved with that have been completed.  (See Attached).

Mr. Cugno stated that from their records there are funds left over from these various projects.

Bob Geckle stated that after the budget cycle is completed he, Don Studley and Bob Tait, Director of Finance for the Town of Newtown will meet to go over and sort out where the funds should be allocated by project work order.

Mr. Cugno then gave an update on the Municipal Building.  Mr. Cugno informed the Authority that the Municipal Building project is moving forward.  There was a slight delay because the State held up the asbestos abatement to confirm that all of the DEP guidelines were being met.  This concern has been cleared up and the schedule has not been pushed back too far.  

Mr. Cugno also informed the Authority that the proposal for the new Community Center has been given to the First Selectman and the Town Attorney for their approval.  

Bob Geckle stated the Authority will want another update and Mr. Cugno confirmed that he is available to attend any Authority meeting that is requested.

Mr. Reed stated that the Fairfield Hills Campus project is such an unusual undertaking by the Town of Newtown that it will always be open for public scrutiny.

Mr. Geckle asked John Reed what suggestion he has to increase communication to the town about what is happening on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Mr. Reed said he will meet with Amy Dent to come up with some strategies and he will present them at the next Authority meeting.   

State Representative Julia Wasserman stated that there was a law passed in 2008 that states that before a town enters into a lease agreement a Public Hearing is required.  Ms. Wasserman emphasized that the Fairfield Hills Authority will have to re-address the cost and expenditures of every potential lease proposed for the campus.    

Budget Update:  Bob Geckle informed the Authority that the Board of Selectmen advised all departments that the 2009 budget needs to come in 5% lower than the previous budget.  Mr. Geckle stated that he would be attending a budget meeting with the Board of Selectmen the following night and requested that, if the Authority agrees, he be given the responsibility to make the judgment on what budget items could be reduced.

Motion:  At this time Walt Motyka made a motion that the Fairfield Hills Authority authorizes Bob Geckle to review and select the Fairfield Hills Campus budget and to make the judgement on what items could be reduced.

Andy Willie seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Motion:  A motion to adjourn was made by Amy Dent and was seconded by Walt Motyka.  All in attendance voted unanimously.  

Meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m.