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Minutes 12-17-08
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Special Meeting on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Amy Dent, John Reed and Julia Wasserman.

Absent:  Mike Holmes, John Madzula and Don Studley.

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, Elizabeth Stocker, Planning & Community Development and one member of the press.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:   The acceptance of the minutes was tabled until a quorum was in attendance of the meeting.  At 8:05 Watt Motyka arrived to the meeting.  At this time, Amy Dent made a motion to accept the minutes from October 21, 2008 and November 12, 2008.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  Don Studley was unable to attend the Authority meeting so Bob Geckle gave an overview of the monthly financial report.

Mr. Geckle asked Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management about the monthly operating expenses listed on the report.  The expense for propane tanks at the Newtown Youth Academy is to cover the obligation of a gas supply to the building.  This is temporary until the underground gas lines are finished.
Andy Willie is going to look into the prospect of selling the tanks once they are no longer needed.

Ms. DeMarco also stated that the budget for the year is right on target.

Operating:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) gave an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that she is attending the Bi-Weekly Project meetings that O&G have to make sure the Town Hall Project is on track.  Ms. DeMarco said that the new Town Project Representative will also be in attendance.

Ms. DeMarco stated that she is also working with O&G and campus security to control traffic that is generated from the Newtown Youth Academy.  O&G has had problems with cars speeding around the work site.  

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that she received a quote for new trash receptacles for the campus and the cost was prohibitive.  The Authority asked that research be done to find a comparable but less expensive receptacle.  

Ms. DeMarco also introduced to the Authority a campus use request from Relay for Life.  The annual event is traditionally held at the Newtown High School stadium but because of the planned renovations, construction may be underway making use of this space impossible.

John Reed stated that he has had several years of experience working with this event and suggested that a sub-committee meet with the organization to discuss what their plans are
prior to giving a presentation to the Authority.  Mr. Reed asked Amy Dent to work with him on the sub-committee.  Ms. Dent suggested that the meeting be held after the first of the year.       

Ms. DeMarco explained to the Authority that O&G may have to use alternate lighting fixtures in the Town Hall.  She made the suggestion that any alternate choices must be presented to the Authority for approval.

At this time Bob Geckle gave an overview of Fred Hurley, (Public Works) report because Mr. Hurley was not able to attend the meeting.  The demolition of the tunnels is going as planned.  The parking lot is getting done for Woodbury and Newtown Hall with the paving scheduled for the Spring of 2009.

John Reed gave the Authority an update about the Fairfield Hills Trails.  Mr. Reed held a meeting with Amy Mangold (Parks &Rec), Carl Samuelson (Parks & Rec.) and Gary Sorge (Stantec Consulting Services) to discuss the continued development of the Trails around the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Mr. Reed explained that Parks & Rec. are an integral part of the development and up-keep to the trails.  Mr. Sorge attended the meeting to give new design ideas for the future trails.

Communications:  Bob Geckle informed the Authority that the Newtown Lions Club has requested that a member of the Authority be a speaker at one of their meetings in the first quarter of 2009.  

Planning Committee Report:  At this time Amy Dent gave an overview of the proposed Real Estate Broker Agreement.  Ms. Dent explained that she, Elizabeth Stocker and Bob Geckle have been working on this agreement and have met with several prospective brokers.  This is being explored at this time because an Economic Development Event for brokers was held in the spring and the most frequently asked question was “what is the broker’s incentive”.  Ms. Dent stated that a non-exclusive contract with a 5% broker fee was the best option.

Ms. Dent informed the Authority that the brokers they met with all have received the most feedback from the CERC site. Ms. Dent suggested that the Authority authorize this site to do a bi-annual feature of the Fairfield Hills Campus at a cost of $250.00 each.  The Authority agreed to this idea.  

Another suggestion that the broker’s had was the use of signs explaining the development opportunities of the campus.  Elizabeth Stocker suggested that the signs be created with a simple advertisement of “Available” with the phone number.   Maria DeMarco is going to get a quote for the signs to be presented at the next Authority Meeting.

The third item that Amy Dent wanted to suggest for marketing the campus was the Authority having a function, possibly a breakfast, with the invitations extended to commercial real estate brokers.  Ms. Dent was not sure what the cost of this function would be but suggested that an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 be allotted to cover the total cost of these three marketing expenses.

Motion:  Amy Dent made a motion to allocate funds not to exceed the amount of $5,000.00 for the creation of signage and the promotion and marketing of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Motion:  Amy Dent made a second motion for the use of a Non-Exclusive Real Estate Broker Agreement with a 5% Broker fee subject to the final approval of the Town of Newtown’s attorney and the empowerment of Bob Geckle to finalize said agreement.

Andy Willie seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.   

At this time Andy Willie introduced to the Authority a photograph of the Newtown Youth Academy outlining some changes they are trying to make to the outside of their building. A discussion occurred and two issues were brought to light:

1)      The changes will have to be approved by Planning and Zoning to see if the size complies with building guidelines.  
2)      Does the color fit within the color guidelines and does a sign on the building or on the ground comply with the design guidelines?

Andy Willie will discuss these matters with the Director of the Newtown Youth Academy.

John Reed informed the Authority that this was going to be Congressional Representative Julia Wasserman’s last Fairfield Hills Authority meeting.

Bob Geckle stated that the Authority would like to invite Representative Wasserman to remain involved with the Fairfield Hills Authority in a position of advisor/Ad Hoc Member and Mrs. Wasserman accepted the invitation.

Executive Session:  The Authority went into Executive Session to discuss a Real Estate Negotiation at 8:35.  Elizabeth Stocker and Mary Jane McNamara were invited to attend the Executive Session.

The Executive Session adjourned at 8:59 p.m.

Motion:  A motion was made by Walt Motyka that it is resolved the Fairfield Hills Authority is making a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen to accept the proposed Lease Agreement with Glen Mountain Holding Company, LLC for the development of a Veterinarian Hospital in the Woodbury Hall building with the 30 Year lease cost of $760,000.00 with additional upside of $40,000.00 cost savings sharing on building remediation costs.  This is subject to a final lease agreement being completed by the Town of Newtown Attorney and the Attorney representing the Glen Mountain Holding Company, LLC.    The motion was seconded by Andy Willie.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Adjournment:  John Reed made a motion to adjourn.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.