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Minutes 5-19-08
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Special Meeting on Monday, May 19, 2008 in the Board Room of the Newtown Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Chairman, Andrew Willie, Don Studley, John Reed, Walter Motyka, Michael Holmes, Amy Dent and Moira Rodgers.

Also Present:  Ed Marks, Parks & Rec, Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, Dave Cravanzola, O&G, Liz Stocker, Planning & Comm. Dev., three members of the public and one member of the press.

Absent:  Julia Wasserman

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson, (16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook, CT)
wanted a correction noted to the minutes from the April 15, 2008 meeting.

Acceptance of Minutes:  A motion was made to accept the minutes from the April 15, 2008 Fairfield Hills Authority Meeting.

Ruby Johnson requested that the correction state that the question she posed to the Fairfield Hills Authority be recorded as follows: “The FFH Authority still has money remaining from the Fairfield Hills Bond issue.  Why did you not pay for the installation of lights with the money from the bond issue instead of asking for $300,000 to be placed in the town budget under the Capital Improvement Plan, thus asking the people of Newtown for more money for Fairfield Hills?”  
Moira Rodgers made the following correction to the April 15, 2008 minutes.  Ms. Rodgers did not attend the April 15, 2008 meeting and therefore could not have 2nd a motion as was reported in the minutes.  John Reed said that he was the person that 2nd the motion.  This correction will be noted.

The motion to accept the April 15, 2008 revised minutes was made by Walt Motyka and seconded by Andy Willie.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  The Authority was in possession of the monthly financial report (See Attached).  Don Studley stated that there will be funds in the approximate amount of $74,000 that was encumbered from the 2006/2007 budget that the Authority should discuss using for small expenditures.

At this time John Reed asked if he could make a comment regarding the Fairfield Hills Authority and the Financial Reports.

Mr. Reed stated that he and several of the Authority members have been involved with Fairfield Hills from the beginning and that there is a still a misunderstanding by the public of what exactly the Fairfield Hills Authority is authorized to do.  Mr. Reed went
on to say that what the Authority is authorized to do is to seek out potential leases for selected properties on the Campus and to give advice and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen regarding said leases.  Mr. Reed stated for example that the Authority does not approve or pay bills; did not hire O&G and does not control the Fairfield Hills Budget.

Mr. Reed also suggested that a joint meeting by members of the Legislative Council, Board of Finance and the Fairfield Hills Authority would be beneficial to everyone in the town.  This would also help to keep the public more informed and correct various misrepresentations from different sources.

At this time Amy Dent also wanted to make a comment regarding a letter in the Newtown Bee written by the Chairman of Parks and Recreation, Ed Marks regarding the lights on the new ball field on the campus.  Ms. Dent stated that this was a very well written letter and thanked Mr. Marks for writing it.  Andy Willie concurred.  

Mr. Marks went on to say that the question of the ball field lights was answered at the April 15, 2008 meeting.

Operating Committee Report:  Maria DeMarco gave an overview of her monthly report (See Attached).  

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that she received a quote for the screening around the utility boxes behind the engineer house.  The quote came in at approximately $9,600.  This quote was to for a screen of plants around the entire area.  Ms. DeMarco said that she had a discussion with Fred Hurley, Public Works and he stated that his department would do the entire project.  

At this time Dave Cravanzola from O&G interjected that this was not a good time to install any plantings because of the additional trench work at the utility station.

Bob Geckle agreed that it was not prudent at this time to install plants around the utility boxes but this issue should be revisited again once the utility installations are further defined.

Ms. DeMarco reported that there is no new information about the Transcend Wireless Company.  

The Emergency Response Center is on schedule and has a projected finish date of
November/December of 2008.

Ms. DeMarco gave an overview of the incident reports from the Fairfield Hills campus security and subsequent police reports.  

Other Items:  Bob Geckle revisited the possible use of the approximate $70,000 left from the 2006/2007 fiscal budget.  Mr. Geckle said that some of the potential uses for these funds is as follows:

1)      Pay for the screening around the utility boxes at 28 Trades Lane
               (Engineering House).
2)      Permanent sign for the Fairfield Hills Campus on Wasserman Way.
3)      Refurbishment of the light stanchions to be used around the campus
The deadline to use these funds is June 15, 2008.

The actual use for these monies will be voted on at the June Fairfield Hills Authority meeting.

O&G:  Dave Cravanzola gave an update of the various projects O&G is involved with:

Mr. Cravanzola informed the Authority that the area between the Newtown Youth Academy (NYA) and the ball fields has some drainage problems do to construction materials being stored there from the Newtown Youth Academy.  It was decided that Mr. Cravanzola will develop a list of issues at the construction site for discussion with Mr. D’Amico by the Fairfield Hills Authority.

Mr. Cravanzola informed the Authority that on June 2nd an advertisement is going out for bid options for the new town hall building renovations of Bridgeport Hall.

Infrastructure:  Bob Geckle gave an overview on the current status of the infrastructure of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  This process has come about because of the loss revenue in the amount of $1.18 million dollars that would have been generated from the letters of intent to lease the Duplexes and the Stratford Hall.

Moira Rodgers suggested that a clarification of the facts be given.  Ms. Rodgers wanted confirmed that it is fact that because of the comments made by the First Selectman and the IPN Party the individual “tenants” have decided to back out of the leases causing a loss in revenue that was slated for use in the building of the infrastructure.  

Mr. Geckle stated that the list of temporary solutions was devised at a meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2008 that was attended by Joe Borst, First Selectman, Fred Hurley, Public Works, Ben  Sprague, Finance as well as Robert G. Tait, the new town Finance Director, Will Rodgers, Legislative Council, Walt Motyka, Don Studley and Bob Geckle, Fairfield Hills Authority.  

A motion was made by Andy Willie that a recommendation of the enclosed temporary approaches for the infrastructure of the Fairfield Hills Campus be presented to the Board of Selectmen.  The motion was seconded by Walt Motyka.

Amy Dent wanted it understood that she does not endorse any of the temporary solutions  Ms. Dent went on to say that it is very difficult to go from temporary solutions to getting the permanent job done correctly and that the additional cost to the town was a cause of great frustration to her.  

Several members of the Authority understood her frustration but that these temporary solutions have to be put into place to concur with the current lease agreements.  

The recommendation was put to a vote.  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Moira Rodgers, Michael Holmes, Don Studley and John Reed voted yes.  Amy Dent voted no.

Planning & Comm. Dev:  Liz Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development attended to the meeting to discuss the memo she sent to Bob Geckle regarding the marketing of the Fairfield Hills Campus and the Update of the EDA grant for the Utility Loop.  (See Attached).

The memo outlines several idea’s that Ms. Stocker has for marketing the Fairfield Hills Campus.  One of the suggestion is a creation of a web site to be used specifically for marketing the Fairfield Hills Campus to developers.  Bob Geckle stated that some of the encumbered funds from the 2006/2007 budget be slated for this idea.  Mr. Geckle asked what was an approximate price for the creation of the website?  Ms. Stocker said the cost would be approximately $3,000.00 and that she would get several quotes for the Authority to consider.

Bob Geckle said that the Authority would like the website set up right away.

Ms. Stocker also suggested that the Fairfield Hills Authority work in conjunction with the Economic Development Commission to help in the marketing of the campus.  

A motion was made by Andy Willie that the use of encumbered funds from the 2006/2007 budget under the amount of $4,000 be put towards the establishment of a website to be used specifically for the marketing of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  The motion was seconded by Amy Dent.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Bob Geckle asked if anyone would be willing to work with Ms. Stocker and the EDC.  Moira Rodgers said that she would be available.   John Reed said that he would also be available to help with this endeavor.

Ms. Stocker also discussed the proposed meeting with the Senator Dodd’s staff planned for Thursday, May 29, 2008.  Mr. Geckle said he was unable to attend and could anyone else from the Authority be there.  Moira Rodgers and John Reed both said they would check their schedules and would contact Ms. Stocker to confirm their availability.  

Ms. Stocker stated that the marketing of the Duplexes on the Campus would be much broader if they were slated as possible living quarters and asked if zoning was preventing such an arrangement.  

Moira Rodgers stated that there was not going to be housing on the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Amy Dent concurred.

A motion was made by Andy Willie that the Authority go into Executive Session to discuss pending lease negotiations.  Amy Dent seconded the motion.  The Authority convened to Executive Session and invited Elizabeth Stocker and Dave Cravanzola to attend.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

The Authority came out of Executive Session at 9:50 p.m.

A motion was made by Walt Motyka to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Andy Willie.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:52 p.m.