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Fairfield Hills Authority 11/20/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a special meeting on Thursday, November 20, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.


Present:  Bob Geckle, Chairman, Andrew Willie, John Reed, Walter Motyka,  Amy Dent and Moira Rodgers.


Also Present:  Joe Borst (Elected First Selectman), Gary Davis (Elected Legislative Council Member), Po Murray (Elected Legislative Council Member), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), Dave Cravanzola (O&G)

Jason Rivera, Newtown Hook & Ladder


Two members of the public and 1 member of the press.


Absent:  Julia Wasserman, Michael Holmes and Don Studley


Public Participation:  No Public Comments were made.


Acceptance of Minutes:  Andrew Willie made a motion to accept the minutes from the November 8, 2007 meeting.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.


The Board voted unanimously.


Finance:  Maria DeMarco gave an overview of the October expenses.  The expenses are on target for the year.


Bob Geckle asked about the Electrical expenses and wanted to know if credit was made to the town from the Horse Guard and from Homeland Security.  Ms. DeMarco will check with Public Works to make sure the “Charge Backs” are up to date. 


Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that the Horse Guard is planning to add indoor lighting and heating to one of the barns so riders could be working the horses in the evening.  This will cause an increase in the electrical usage and the Horse Guard asked if the cut over of the infrastructure will be complete before they make these changes.  Ms. DeMarco will inform them of the timeline.


Bob Geckle gave an overview of the Financial Report for Don Studley.  (See Attached).


John Reed made the comment that the Authority does not have control over the operating expenses incurred by the Fairfield Hills Campus and that the Authority meeting is used as a means to keep the public informed.







Operating:  Ms. DeMarco reported that the precautions put in place to secure the Fairfield Hills Campus for Halloween were effective.  This Halloween was “very quite” and no break-ins occurred.  Ms. DeMarco made reference that there have been a few attempted break-ins in the past and that the Newtown Police Department has been wonderful in their response.


John Reed requested that Ms. DeMarco put a report together to keep the Authority up to date regarding the attempted break-ins. 


Bob Geckle agreed and asked that Ms. DeMarco add it to her monthly operating summary.


Ms. DeMarco discussed the Chiller Plant Memo that was sent to Bill Halstead.  First Selectman Herb Rosenthal requested Ms. DeMarco  put the figures together for future bid information.  This will be used to help secure a future Grant bid.


The wording for the new Pet Ordinance will be re-done by Amy Dent.  Ms. Dent will contact the Police Department so this can be completed quickly.


Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that Don Studley has been working on the Transcend Wireless Power Lease and he will make a presentation to the Authority at next months meeting.


O&G Update:  Dave Cravanzola gave an overview from his Project Management Report.  (See Attached).


Mr. Cravanzola discussed the Walking Trails on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  John Reed asked when Parks & Rec were planning to start their portion of the work on the trails and what part would fall under the Public Works Departments.  Mr. Cravazola said that Parks & Rec are scheduled to begin between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The Public Works Department is responsible for the paving of the Roadway to the Trails.


John Reed also stated that the Town will have to spend money on the trails in order to get the grant money reimbursed allotted for this project.  The grant has been verbally approved and Mr. Reed stated that he will do a follow-up to see when the funds are available.


Amy Dent made a suggestion that if funding were available, the fencing that was in the Design Guidelines be installed.


Andrew Willie confirmed with Dave Cravanzola that all of the Proposed Change Orders for the playing field have been approved and signed by the necessary parties.





Letter From Interested Parties:  Bob Geckle discussed a letter dated September 26, 2007 that was written by several citizens of the Town of Newtown including the two newly elected members of the Legislative Council, Gary Davis and Po Murray.  The subject letter was also discussed at the Legislative Council meeting on Tuesday, October 30, 2007.  (See Attached).


Mr. Geckle gave an overview of the letter that stated that these citizens would like the buildings slotted for demolition be completed before funds are redirected to build the Municipal Office Building.  Mr. Geckle reiterated the point that the new municipal building does not fall under the Fairfield Hills Authority and that the Authority is not authorized to reallocate funding for the project. 


Mr. Geckle went on to say that a significant part of the draw for all of the potential leasees and investors in the Fairfield Hills Campus is the new municipal building. It demonstrates that the town is committed to the future of the campus.  In addition, the facility will provide consumer activity that will support their business ventures.


Amy Dent also wanted to make sure that there was no misrepresentation of what the Authority has accomplished and that there is a plan that is being followed and not just “scatter shot”.


Gary Davis (newly elected to the Legislative Council) did agree that there has been unfair criticism of the Fairfield Hills Authority and the overall plans and he stated that he is gaining a better understanding of the progress at the Fairfield Hill Campus.


Mr. Geckle stated that an overall Financial Presentation will be given to the Legislative Council, tentatively planned for January 2008.


A second letter that the Fairfield Hills Authority received from the Newtown Hook and Ladder was discussed.  Jason Rivera from the Newtown Hook and Ladder was there as a representative.  The letter is a request for access to a building on the campus for training purposes.  The letter stated that Newtown Hook and Ladder would like one of the buildings to be made available on an on-going basis.


Maria DeMarco explained that this would be very hard to accommodate because of the buildings need to be secure and the training events would have to done on a scheduled basis. 


Ms. DeMarco and John Reed both voiced their concerns about the asbestos and lead paint issues in the buildings. Jason Rivera is going to discuss the various issues raised with his chief and a follow-up meeting will be had with Ms. DeMarco and a member of the Authority.  Plans will be reviewed at the next Authority meeting.




John Reed suggested that Newtown Hook & Ladder work to coordinate with the other fire houses.  Mr. Rivera stated that this was part of the plan.


Movie Deal:  Bob Geckle wanted to bring to the Authorities attention that Moira Rodgers and Maria DeMarco finalized a deal with Cinema Connecticut, LLC for the use of the Fairfield Hills Campus to film the movie the “Madman’s Tale”.  Ms. Rodgers stated that the deal was complete and a check in the amount of $60,000.00 has been submitted to the First Selectman’s office.  This amount was paid in advance and is non-refundable.  The filming starts the first week of December, 2007 and the filming company must be off the campus on January 31, 2008 or a per diem charge will be levied against said company.


Ms. Rodgers also stated that some of the concerns members of the Authority have stated at past meetings have been addressed, specifically the payment to contractors for any renovations required by the filming company.  The payments will go directly from the filming company, not through the Town of Newtown.  The concern of adequate insurance was also addressed and reviewed the town’s insurance representative and was given approval.  The town’s attorney also approved the commitment papers with Cinema Connecticut, LLC.


Real Estate Negotiations:   The Letter of Intent to Lease with the Hawley Real Estate Company to use Newtown Hall has been authorized through the Board of Selectmen.


John Reed expressed the Authorities appreciation to Mr. Geckle his commitment over the past three years to bring this real estate transaction to completion. 


Mr. Geckle stated that there is a possibility that Kevin’s Community Center would be taking additional space at Newtown Hall. This deal is in the beginning stages and dependant upon a Grant allocation.


Mr. Geckle indicated that the leasees for the Duplexes and Stratford Hall are concerned about the future direction of Fairfield Hills under the new leadership and are reconsidering executing their leases.


John Reed made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Andrew Willie seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:54