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Fairfield Hills Authority 10/16/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Andrew Willie called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Present:  Andrew Willie, Moira Rodgers, Amy Dent, Julia Wasserman, Don Studley, Michael Holmes and John Reed.

Absent:  Bob Geckle, Walt Motyka

Also Present:  Ed Marks (Parks & Rec.), Dave Cravanzola (O&G), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), one member of the public and one member of the press.

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson of Chestnut Hill Road wanted to mention to the Authority that she would like communication to be increased.  She stated her concerns stem from her attendance of the Public Hearing on October 15, 2007 and she felt that the Authority and the Town look like they do not want to share what is happening at Fairfield Hills regarding potential lease agreements, especially the Duplex properties.   

John Reed commented that the Fairfield Hills Authority does not schedule the public hearings and that the Board of Selectmen chose to discuss the leases for the Fairfield Hills Duplexes.  

Acceptance of Minutes:  Andrew Willie made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 19, 2007 Regular Meeting of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Moira Rodgers seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all the members of the Authority in attendance.

John Reed made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 26, 2007 Special Meeting of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Amy Dent seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all the members of the Authority in attendance.

Amy Dent made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 11, 2007 Special Meeting of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Don Studley seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all the members of the Authority in attendance.

Financial Report:  Members were in receipt of Don Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Maria DeMarco’s (DeMarco Management) expense report.  Mr. Studley gave an overview of the expenses.  (See Attached)  The Budget shows a large payout to O&G for the Ball Field expenses.  Mr. Studley made the comment that there will be another large bill coming from O&G this month.  Dave Cravanzola (O&G) concurred and stated that the bill will be sent to the First Selectman’s office next week.  

Mr. Studley asked Ms. DeMarco why the electrical expenses were twice as high as the previous months.  The costs run approximately $7,000.00 and this month’s were $14,000.00.  Maria DeMarco said she would investigate.  

Operating Committee:  Maria DeMarco brought to the Authority’s attention the interest she has been getting in the use of the Fairfield Hills Campus for training purposes by certain Fire Departments and Police Departments.  Ms. DeMarco has explained that because of the high level of construction and for security reason, it is not prudent to allow this training to occur.  This has caused some backlash so Andrew Willie has made the suggestion that anyone wanting to use the campus will have to put the request in writing to the Authority and it will be added to the Agenda to be discussed at the next regular meeting scheduled.  

Ms. DeMarco also had in her Property Management Report the potential cell phone antenna installation somewhere on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Don Studley asked Ms. DeMarco to elaborate.  Ms. DeMarco stated that she met with a company that is interested in putting a cell phone antenna on the campus but it is in the preliminary discussions.  This is quite a lucrative possibility and Ms. DeMarco will be bringing the financials to discuss with the Authority at a future meeting.  

Ed Marks (Parks & Rec.) interjected that he has seen this type of antenna put on ball field light towers.

Amy Dent asked if this type of tower could be grounded?  Maria and Ed both confirmed that they could be.  

John Reed made the request that the placement of the tower be such that it does not interfere with future development of the campus.

Dave Cravanzola, O&G Industries gave an overview of his monthly Project Management Report (See Attached).

Mr. Cravanzola stated that he and Walt Motyka (Fairfield Hills Authority member) met with Yankee Gas to discuss the dates of service to the campus and to overlook the timeline and move-in dates of the leased properties to ensure that the gas company can comply with the planned schedule.  Yankee Gas will be giving a report in December or January to explain the possible start dates.  Amy Dent asked if they could get the report any sooner.  Dave Cravanzola said they are trying to get as much information to Yankee Gas as soon as possible to facilitate the delivery of the report.

John Reed asked if the use of gas was required for all of the leased properties.  Mr. Cravanzola responded that Stratford Hall will definitely need gas to operate the property.  

Andrew Willie asked if the installation of gas will be done in time for the date of occupancy?  Mr. Cravanzola said they will do their best to hold them to the schedule.

Mr. Cravanzola stated that the new Baseball Field was sodded last week and mowed for the first time.  

Ed Marks stated that Parks & Rec. are very happy with the ball field progress.
He also mentioned that Park and Rec. received the new irrigation pump and that installation will be at a later date.

Moira Rodgers asked for clarification that this ball field will be an illuminated field.  Mr. Cravanzola responded that yes it would have lights.

Dave Cravanzola stated that Phase I is currently in progress and that Phase II, including the renovation of Bridgeport Hall will begin in February 2008.

Moira Rodgers asked if the use of Fairfield Hills and specifically Bridgeport Hall in the movie production has in any way disrupted the scheduled timeline of Phase II.  Mr. Cravanzola stated that the schedule for Bridgeport Hall renovation has always been February 2008 and the movie production has not hindered these dates at all.  

Planning Committee:  Amy Dent informed the Authority that she had a meeting with the graphic designer whose logo was chosen to be used as the new Fairfield Hills logo.  The logo is currently a line drawing of the Bridgeport Hall copula. This drawing will be used for street signs and possible advertisements for Fairfield Hills.  The designer will be sending a colored rendition to the Authority.  

Motion:  John Reed made a motion to accept the drawing as the new logo for Fairfield Hills.  The motion was seconded by Michael Holmes.  

Don Studley asked if the Bridgeport Hall copula will be staying on the building after it has been renovated.  Dave Cravanzola confirmed that it will.  

The motion was unanimously approved by the Authority members.  

Moira Rodgers gave an update on the movie production.  Ms. Rodgers met with the movie producers and they informed her that they would like Dave Grogans, the Town of Newtown’s attorney, to put together a contract for their limited use of Fairfield Hills and some of the buildings.  They have a date of October 26, 2007 to sign the contract and pay the usage fee of $60,000.00.  Ms. Rodgers also discussed the insurance coverage that was brought up at the last Authority meeting by Don Studley.  Ms. Rodgers stated that Mr. Grogans will have an insurance representative oversee the policy held by the movie production company to ensure that they have adequate coverage.  

John Reed stated that he does not want the Town of Newtown to be burdened with any of the costs of re-introducing water and electric into the buildings to be used in production.  Moira Rodgers assured the Authority that all of these issues will be addressed in the contract.

Real Estate Negotiations:  Andrew Willie presented to the Authority the Letter of Intent to lease Stratford Hall.  (See Attached).  

Motion:  A motion was made by Don Studley that the Authority recommend that the Board of Selectmen approve the Letter of Intent to lease Stratford Hall at Fairfield Hills as presented at this meeting.  The motion was seconded by Moira Rodgers.

A vote was taken.  Andrew Willie excused himself from the vote because of his relationship to the potential lessee and did not want a possible conflict of interest.  The vote was unanimous.  

John Reed made a motion to adjourn.  Amy Dent seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.