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Fairfield Hills Authority 10/11/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a special meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Chairman, Andrew Willie, Don Studley, John Reed, Walter Motyka, Michael Holmes, Amy Dent and Moira Rodgers.  Also present were one member of the press and Will Rodgers, Chairman of the Legislative Council.  

Absent:  Julia Wasserman.

Movie Project Discussion:  Moira Rodgers presented a “Letter of Intent”  to Jon Furay, Co-Producer from the Cinema Connecticut, LLC, in draft form, for possible presentation to the Board of Selectmen.  

Moira Rodgers discussed the finer points of the letter.  First, she noted that this is a license and not a lease.  She also pointed out that the town would be receiving a payment of $60,000.00 for use of some of the buildings at the Fairfield Hills Campus which is an increase of $10,000 from the original offer.  Bob Geckle mentioned that these funds would be put in a specific Fairfield Hills account.

Amy Dent asked why the original dates have been changed.  The original dates conflicted with the refurbishing of Bridgeport Hall.  The dates for use of the campus are now the beginning of October, 2007 with a finish date of December 31, 2007.  The Cinema Connecticut, LLC, company has agreed to these dates and Dave Cravanzola from O&G said the new dates would work.  Andrew Willie made the suggestion that there be heavy penalties if the production ran over the specific dates.  Moira Rodgers assured that point would be written in the proposed license.  

Don Studley voiced his concern that there be enough insurance for any possible accidents.  Moira Rodgers assured that the amount of insurance the movie company was required to have is sufficient to cover any and all possible accidents and the wording in the license would specify as such.  

Don Studley is also worried about the financing.  Ms. Rodgers said the movie company will not be able to enter the campus without first paying the $60,000.00.   

John Reed wanted to make the point that he does not want this type of movie to be made because of the subject matter.  He believes this genre puts too much focus on the history of Fairfield Hills instead of what the plans for the future are.  

Bob Geckle also wanted to make sure that no buildings or rooms be identified in the movie.  Andrew Willie made the suggestion that there be no reference to Fairfield Hills or Newtown in the movie or the movie credits.

Bob Geckle specifically mentioned that the Authority does not want the use of the Yale Lab or the “tunnels” in the production of the movie.  Maria DeMarco made assurances that the uses of the buildings and the limits will be completely explained in the license agreement.

Motion:  A motion was made by Amy Dent that the Authority recommend that the Board of  Selectmen approve the Letter of Intent as presented at this meeting with the revisions suggested and accommodations requested during the discussion.  Moira Rodgers is charged to complete the revisions in consultation with the Town Attorney and forward the appropriate documents to the Board of Selectmen.  This motion shall include the list of revisions and accommodations as documented by Ms. Rodgers, Esq.

-       Insurance Coverage
-       Building Usage specifications outlined
-       No Reference to Fairfield Hills or Newtown in the movie or any printed materials.
Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

A vote was taken.  Six members of the Authority voted yes, Bob Geckle, Walt Motyka, Michael Holmes, Andrew Willie, Amy Dent, Moira Rodgers.  Two voted no, John Reed and Don Studley.

Bob Geckle motioned to adjourn.  Michael Holmes seconded the motion

Meeting ended at 8:05 p.m.