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Fairfield Hills Authority 3/20/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday March 20, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Robert Geckle, Amy Dent, Donald Studley,  John Reed, Moira Rodgers, Andrew Willie, Michael Holmes, Julia Wasserman and Walter Motyka.

ABSENT:  Maria DeMarco ( DeMarco Management) Fred Hurley (Public works).

ALSO PRESENT: Ed Marks (Parks & Rec Director), George Graikoski (O&G), Robert Barclay (North American Realty) Ron Gantick (DeMarco Management) 4 members of the public, one member of the press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Ruby Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill expressed that the Authority consider donating the refrigeration systems (2) that are in Bridgeport Hall to the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem New York. The refrigerators do not need to be in working order.

ACCEPTENCE OF MINUTES: Minutes were unable to be accepted because the Authority members had not seen the copies. They will be addressed at the April 17, 2007 meeting.

FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports. (See attached) The Authority feels that the electric issues still need to be addressed.  Fred Hurley (Public Works) billed the state for Military electric use in the amount of $11,313.13 (see attached). Michael Holmes asked Don Studley to look into a previous credit to make sure it was received and applied.

OPERATING: Mr. Reed and Mr. Holmes attended the utility meeting and expressed their concern that the electric bills are still not accurate.  
Michael Holmes will be looking in to this issue further with Fred Hurley.
Amy Dent pointed out that the street lighting is on a separate meter that may not even be included in the report making the report inaccurate.

PLANNING: Robert Barclay (North American Realty) presented to the Authority a Draft Economic Development Report (see Attached).
John Reed expressed his concern with the number of employees in relation to parking needs.
Two perspective Developers are due to tour the Campus next week.
George Graikoski (O&G) mentioned that David Crevancola will be overseeing the project now.
George presented to the Authority an updated time line for bidding, startup and completion for the Ball fields, trails, abatement and demolition of the Fairfield building. (See attached).

George mentioned that he is having an informal meeting with P&Z and inlands & wet lands to go over plans so they can proceed with getting permits.
George also mentioned that the bidding package should be ready in a week or so for the abatement, fields and demolition.
George also met with Board of Education to go over their needs; some changes need to be made.
The Fire Marshall mentioned that he would like to take over the chiller building for the Emergency Command Center.
Bob Geckle noted that this property was land locked and they would need to find a way to gain access.
John Reed made a motion: I move that we approve the request of the Park and Recreation Department as described by Barbara Kasparian at the February 20, 2007 meeting to utilize an area at Fairfield Hills that was designated for the Park & Rec in the Master Plan for the construction and operation of a skate board park with the proviso that the funds are raised for the project and it proceeds that Park & Rec. will present a schematic and design plans to the authority for review and approval. This approval is only good until March 20,2009 at which time the Park & Rec. would need to reapply to the Authority for a new application if project has not yet begun.
Seconed by Amy Dent approved by all.

Planning Sub-Committee:  Amy Dent went over the meeting she attended with John Reed and Vollmer Associates in reference to design standards (minutes attached).
Amy discussed that Vollmer was going to check with Planning and Zoning in reference to the road widths and parking regulations.
Amy Dent brought up the subject of the logo contest. She is looking for feed back and expressed that the Authority give her main concepts that they would like in the logo so they will be able to narrow the design.
Don suggested putting the contest to the High School students.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn by John Reed, second by Andrew Willie approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 8:45

Colleen                                 Robert Geckle Chairman