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Fairfield Hills Authority 4/17/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday April 17, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.

PRESENT: Robert Geckle, Amy Dent, John Reed, Andrew Willie, Michael Holmes, and Walter Motyka.

ABSENT:  Don Studley, Moira Rodgers and Julia Wasserman.

ALSO PRESENT: Ed Marks (Parks & Rec Director), Dave Crananzola (O&G), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), Fred Hurley (Public Works), a representative from Vollmer Associates, 2 members of the public, one member of the press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Joe Hovious of 3 Leopard Dr. Sandy Hook mentioned his concern with Deep Brook and the Trout Fishery. He would like to form some regular communication with Fairfield Hills Authority to share information and ideas on how to protect these water systems during the construction phase and on going future use. Amy Dent will take the lead on informing interested parties of the planning committee meetings on this subject.

ACCEPTENCE OF MINUTES: Robert Geckle made a motion to approve the minutes from February 20, 2007 and the minutes from March 20, 2007 seconded by Walter Motyka and approved by all.

FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports. (See attached) Ms. DeMarco pointed out that her financials did not include the request for funds of the porch demolition at the Norwalk and the Danbury.
After much review of the electric bills and electrical system by Fred Hurley and Michael Holmes, Mr. Holmes came to the conclusion that there is significant loss around the campus. A motion was made by John Reed to assess and de-energize the buildings that will be demolished and the street lights that are not needed. The motion was seconded by Amy Dent and approved by all.
Andrew Willie will follow up on this issue with special meetings if necessary.

OPERATING: Ms. DeMarco asked the Authority for approval to accept the bid from White to demolish the porches on the Norwalk and Danbury buildings. Ms. DeMarco also pointed out the safety concern of a fire escape on the Norwalk that needs to come down.
Andrew Willie made a motion to go ahead and use White for the demolition.
John Reed motioned to make an amendment that the town looks into taking down the fire escape and an outside bidder is obtained if the town would not be able to complete the task. Seconded by Walter Motyka and approved by all.

Ms. DeMarco spoke about the Fire Marshalls request for the chiller building (see Attached). They have reviewed requirements and are seeking funds from grants for the building. The building would be used for Fire Department storage and an Emergency Operation Center.
Robert Geckle pointed out to the Fire Marshall that the building may be land locked once the Master Plan is completed and a new location may be needed.
Mr. Geckle made a motion that the Fire Marshall shall proceed with the plans for the chiller building and to go forward with the funding process.
John Reed motioned to make an amendment that the site plan is presented to the Authority for approval prior to proceeding. The Fire Marshall is also responsible for any Planning and Zoning approvals. Seconded by Michael Holmes and approved by all.

Fred Hurley (Public Works) spoke about the power lines for the laundry and maintenance building. These lines will be coming off of a state line and attached to the pole at the 5/6 school. Mr. Hurley also mentioned that he has a meeting with CL&P next week to talk about the upgrade of the bunker building. Mr. Hurley stated that they are still going forward with the loop design of the infrastructure and has submitted a grant application for funding. Mr. Hurley also mentioned that the water system will be upgraded and it will help address problems with Deep Brook and the Trout Fishery. Preliminary plans have been completed.

Dave Crevancola (O&G) stated that the site development plan for the Ball Field has been submitted to Planning and zoning and they are preparing for the May 3, 2007 meeting. Bid packages will be ready to go out next week.
Mr. Crevancola mentioned that he has met with  P&Z last Tuesday to go over their needs for the Town Hall project and will meet with them again next Thursday.
Tom a representative of Vollmer Associates said that the company has changed its name to Stantec. Tom presented a draft of the landscape design and plant list. (See attached)
The Trails will go through on a separate application to P&Z, including a review by the inland-wetlands commission.

Amy Dent addressed the committee with the issue of advertising. Ms. Dent brought a copy of the ad she would like to run in the papers. (see attached) Ms. Dent asked the committee for a funding amount so she would know how to proceed with the advertising.
John Reed made a motion to allow Amy Dent to go forward with the advertising and not to exceed the amount of $1000.00. Walter Motyka seconded and approved by all.

Robert Geckle brought up the need to expand communication between the Authority and the public. Mr.Geckle expressed that a sub-committee be formed to get this started. John Reed with the assistance of Andrew Willie will head up this committee.

A motion by Robert Geckle was made to go into an executive session to discuss Real Estate negotiations. Seconded by Andy Willie approved by all.
The executive session was called to order at 9:29.
The executive session ended at 9:51.

The regular meeting was called back to order at 9:51.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn by Amy Dent, second by Andrew Willie approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 9:52

Colleen                                 Robert Geckle Chairman