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Fairfield Hills Authority 5/15/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 15, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Chairman Robert Geckle called
the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, John Reed, Amy Dent, Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley
ABSENT: Michael Holmes, Walter Motyka.

ALSO PRESENT: Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) David Cravanzola (O&G), Ed Marks (Parks & Recreation Commision), Legislative Council Chairman Will Rodgers, 1 member of the public, one member of the press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Ms. Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Road stated that regarding the budget, people have asked her about the debt service containing $6 million in bonding with listed uses of demolition, trails, ballfields and the town hall.  These people wanted to know why we are thinking about trails when we can’t put a new roof on the Middle School.  Ms. Rodgers asked Ms. Johnson if she is personally asking the question for herself or for other people.  If other people are truly concerned about getting answers, they should be at this meeting or a meeting of the Legislative Council so that they can hear directly from people who are making decisions.  She is not comfortable with information being relayed from one party to another and then another.  Mrs. Johnson then stated that she is asking for herself why there is a trail in the budget under bonding, which she believes is actually a road to the High Meadow.  “Do you think it is important for a trail when there are other things that need to be done?  Is the trail more important than demolition?”  Mr. Geckle replied that we would not be recommending using money from bonding for trails if we thought it was more important for demolition.  It was identified that there was a desire on the part of the people to have recreational facilities at Fairfield Hills and we feel that trails perfectly fit that need expressed by a lot of people who took the time to come to the Master Plan meetings.  Ms. Johnson asked if it is also a road that trucks can use?  Mr. Geckle answered that it is a trail to the High Meadow.  Occasionally vehicles will have to use it to get to the water bunkers.  Mr. Reed stated that he is the point person for the proposed trails.  He would love to get questions from the townspeople direct.  There are many phases to the trail program.  The amount of money that is going to be spent, whether we build trails or not, that road is going to be resurfaced by the town or actually by the Water and Sewer Authority so they can get vehicles back there.  The work will be done by the town workers and will cost very little.  That $40,000 will not demolish a building or put a new roof on the Middle School.  In addition, spending a small amount on the trails will help us to get a $50,000 grant to use for the trail system.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion by Mr. Willie, the minutes of 4/17/07 meeting were unanimously accepted as present.

FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports. Numbers were discussed. Mr. Studley reported that it looks like we will end the year with a surplus, although this report does not include the $30,000 estimated to demolish the porches on Norwalk and Danbury.  

OPERATING:  Members were in receipt of the DeMarco Management report.  In addition, Ms. DeMarco reported that the porches will be demolished on 5/23 or 5/24 and the fire escape will be disposed of at the same time.
        Mr. Dan Cruson, town historian, is preparing an inventory of all of the buildings.  Today, he completed Cochran House and discovered a lot of patient records, containing personal information.  Ms. DeMarco will contact the State about these.  It was decided that Ms. DeMarco should also look into having items currently stored at Canaan House be removed or disposed of.

PLANNING:  Regarding the landscape design guidelines, Mr. Cravanzola reported that they have reviewed the guidelines submitted at the last meeting.  Once we get past the site development review and bid packages, O&G will put together the final draft.  Regarding the utility infrastructure, O&G met last week with Fred Hurley to discuss where we are and how we tie in the town hall and Fairfield House.  He also advised that Trout Unlimited has endorsed the ballfield project (letter attached).  Mr. Marks added that Trout Unlimited is happy with the results and thought it was a model for future projects and how they should be done in conjunction with water issues.  That letter has been delivered to the Planning & Zoning Commission.   O&G needs to get a better understanding of the contract responsibilities.  They have drafted a list of responsibilities and will forward to Authority members.   Regarding the playing fields, the bids are expected on 5/21.  Attendance was good at the pre-bid meeting.  The bidders are given the option to bid on 1) demolition and abatement or 2) site work.  They are also allowing the bidders to bid both under one bid.  
        Regarding the town hall, Mr. Cravanzola advised that O&G met with the Schools Superintendent and First Selectman to go over the Board of Education office spaces.  They will be going before the full Board of Education for a presentation in June.  They are working on the components of the state grant approval process.
        Mr. Geckle stated that conversations with possible developers interesting in buildings are continuing.  A critical item that needs to be decided is what are we actually leasing?  We need to know where utility responsibilities begin and end.   After a lot of discussion with consultants, the consensus was that we should use the concept of the building and a small around it as opposed to the footprint only or the footprint and parking area.  It was decided not to include parking areas because these will be shared and their upkeep will be part of “common space charges”.  Common space charges could include property maintenance, such as mowing, sidewalk maintenance, parking area maintenance, road maintenance and security.  Ms. DeMarco suggested adopting the standards set for these by B.O.M.A.
        Mr. Studley will look into the potential for offering tax incentives, using the current EDC Tax Incentive Program as a baseline.
        Mr. Geckle advised that the town attorney recommends that when the town accepts a lease, there be a policy that upfront funds be used for improvements to the property.  
Mr. Reed submitted recommendations for consideration by the Authority for an outreach program that was prepared by himself and Mr. Willie.   They are recommending:
a)      Reviewing the existing content on the town website to determine how it can be improved.  Then possibly contacting the high school tech club to see if there is a student who would like to be paid to handle the webpage for Fairfield Hills, using the site to inform and educate the public about the opportunities to be part of Fairfield Hills, i.e. purchase of benches, shrubs, etc.
b)      Establishing a speaker’s bureau to inform public about how they can arrange to have a speaker attend large or small gatherings of citizens to address responsibilities and plans of the Authority.
c)      Have various authority members contribute to quarterly op ed pieces in The Bee.
d)      Hold quarterly informal informational forums to have dialogue with interested citizens.
e)      Consult with the superintendent of schools about doing a program to air on channel 18 to update the public about the Authority, i.e. it’s defined responsibilities and how it is fulfilling them.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

                        Jan Andras, Clerk Pro Tem

Att:  Letter from Trout Unlimited