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Fairfield Hills Authority 2/20/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday February 20, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.

PRESENT: Robert Geckle, Amy Dent, Donald Studley,  John Reed, Moira Rodgers,

ABSENT: Andrew Willie, Michael Holmes, Walter Motyka and Julia Wasserman. Maria DeMarco ( DeMarco Management) Fred Hurley (Public works).

ALSO PRESENT: Barbara Kasbarian (Parks & Rec Director), George Graikoski (O&G)  4 members of the public, one member of the press.


ACCEPTENCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion by Amy Dent the minutes of 1/16/07 were unanimously accepted as present.

FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports. (See attached) Mr. Studley pointed out that the budget went from $598,000 to $498,000. All members of the Authority expressed their concern that the numbers will be very tight.

OPERATING: Mr. Reed attended the utility meeting in reference to the power sources that will be used on campus. Mr. Reed made a motion that the Authority express to Fred Hurley to take a comprehensive look at bringing natural gas to the campus. Seconded by Amy Dent and unanimously approved by the Authority.
Mr. Reed and Mr. Holmes will represent the Authority at the next utilities meeting.

PLANNING: George Graikoski (O&G) presented to the Authority a time line for bidding, startup and completion for the Ball fields, trails, and the abatement and demolition of the Fairfield building. (See attached). Bob Geckle pointed out that O&G needs to stay on this schedule so the fields will be ready for use in the Fall of 08. O&G met with Barbara Kasbarian to discuss the requirements for the fields and trails. Barbara expressed that their needs have been met.
Mr. Reed motioned to make an amendment that O&G take a study that there is nothing salvageable in the buildings before demolition. Amy Dent seconded, unanimously passed.
Planning Sub-Committee:  Amy Dent is asking the Authority for feed back pertaining to on street parking within the campus. Amy expressed that we need to know the widths of the streets. The sub-committee needs to gather more information and give preliminary guidelines.
Amy Dent made a motion that the Authority takes whatever steps necessary to have the Selectman and the Legislative council accept the roads within the campus as Town roads.
Moira seconded and unanimously passed.

Amy Dent would like Maria DeMarco to talk to Newtown Tree about the cost of tree maintenance. Mr. Geckle said to take an inventory of trees and find out how much will be pro-bono, and how much will need to come out of the budget.
Amy Dent made a motion that we establish a contest for the purpose of creating a Fairfield Hills logo. Moira Rodgers seconded and unanimously passed.
Amy Dent made a motion that we recommend a gifting program be created so individuals can donate granite benches, specimen trees, and gardens for the campus. Don Studley seconded and unanimously accepted. Andrew Willie will head up this committee.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn by Robert Geckle, second by John Reed approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 8:54

Colleen                                 Robert Geckle Chairman