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Fairfield Hills Authority - 1/16/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday January 16, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

PRESENT: Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, Amy Dent, Donald Studley, Michael Holmes, John Reed, Moira Rodgers, Walter Motyka and State Rep. Julia Wasserman

ALSO PRESENT: Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), Barbara Kasbarian (Parks & Rec Director), Ed Marks (Parks & Recreation Commission), Scott Bailey (O&G), George Graikoski (O&G) a representative from Vollmer Associates, 3 members of the public, one member of the press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Ruby Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill expressed her concern that the location of one ball field looks like it will block off the road that goes along the back. She also wanted clarification about the commercial development opportunity that states the opportunity to propose a lease agreement to the Town of Newtown for its Town Hall that will occupy the to be renovated Bridgeport Hall. She asked if this meant a developer would renovate the building and then lease it back to the Town. The response was yes.
Laurie Cappozzello of 123 Toddy Hill Rd talked about her desire that the Town should have a skateboard park at Fairfield Hills. She is proposing to raise the money for the project but will need the Town to maintain the park. She talked about charging a fee for entrance for residents and non-residents. She would like to put the park on the old tennis courts at Fairfield Hills. Ed Marks (Park & Rec.) expressed to the committee to keep this in mind they are in favor of it. They don’t have budget money for this; it would have to be all public funds. John Reed will follow up on this proposal.

ACCEPTENCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion by Amy Dent the minutes of 12/19/06 were unanimously accepted as present.

FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports. (See attached)  Mr. Reed wanted to clarify that the Authority does not have control or are they in charge of the budget.

OPERATING: Mr. Reed expressed his concern with the cost of the electric cost on the campus and feels this is an issue that needs to be attended to. Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) will contact Fred Hurley (Dept. Public Works) in reference to this and make sure that the credits are being applied while we are still sharing electricity.
Robert Geckle made a motion to approve a preliminary budget for the 07-08 year not to exceed $605,000. This is a 3% increase over last year and asked Mr. Studley and Ms. DeMarco to come back to the next meeting with their final budget. Amy Dent seconded and the motion was approved by all. In addition Mr. Studley and Mr. Geckle will meet on proposed capital items for the 07-08 year.

PLANNING: Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) talked about requests to use the property for film makers. There have been several requests.  She will meet with them to see exactly what they are proposing and if it will be a benefit to the Town and Fairfield Hills. Ms. Demarco will report back at the next meeting.
Tom Hammerbaulk (Vollmer Associates) presented his preliminary landscape design package. They are the guide lines that developers will need to follow for the renovation of the campus. The design is meant to keep the historical feel of the campus.
Scott Bailey (O&G) recommends forming a sub committee to go through the packet and make selections to help narrow down the choices. Amy Dent will head up this sub committee.
Julia Wasserman told the committee that after 5 years she has finally been granted money up to $500,000.00 to relocate or renovate Kevin’s Community Center. She wants to know what is available on the campus for them. Moira Rodgers will be heading up this sub committee.
Michael Holmes will head a sub committee to see about the possible options of the old power plant and the store house for Town use.
Moira Rodgers mentioned that the grant application for the Mothballing that is going to the DECD is awaiting exhibits to be attached and will be mailed out by end of week.
Amy Dent spoke about the importance of Town Hall moving to Fairfield Hills and made a motion that the Selectman should go forward with the Master Plan and the building of Town Hall. Motion was second by Robert Geckle and approved by all.
Mr. Reed suggests that the public should have more access to the Fairfield Hills Authority Execution booklet. He suggested putting it on the Town website, channel 17 or channel 21 for the community to view. Mr. Reed also asked that new business be added to the agenda each month.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn by Andrew Willie second by Amy Dent approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 9:18

Colleen                                 Robert Geckle Chairman