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Fairfield Hills Authority Discussion 10/17/06
The Fairfield Hills Authority was scheduled to hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  

No quorum was present.  It was decided to continue with discussion and presentations but this was not an official meeting.  The following are notes taken for those members not present.  Discussions began at 7:45 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, John Reed, Moira Rodgers, State Rep. Julia Wasserman      ABSENT:  Amy Dent, Donald Studley, Walter Motyka   

ALSO PRESENT:  Fred Hurley (Public Works Director), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), Scott Baillie (O&G), Lorel Purcell (O&G), Robert Barclay (North American Realty), Gary Sorge (Vollmer Associates), Barbara Kasbarian (Parks & Rec Director), Ed Marks (Parks & Recreation Commission), Scott Baillie (O&G), Lorel Purcell (O&G), Richard Sturdevant, two members of public, one member of press

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Mr. Ed Marks, 3 Sweet Meadow Road (Parks & Recreation member) advised that the Parks & Recreation Commission has been working on receiving permission to begin looking into conceptual design for a recreational center.  They are looking into requesting design money in their budget.  They plan to coordinate any plans with this Authority especially on site selection which consultants may or may not decide is preferable at Fairfield Hills.
        Mr. Richard Sturdevant (Authority advisor) advised that the Rotary Club is proposing a volunteer project to improve the green at Fairfield Hills (copy of letter attached).  The general consensus of Authority members was to approve this project.  Mr. Sturdevant will work with Ms. DeMarco and Mr. Sorge to coordinate.
        Chairman Geckle advised that the owner of Newtown Tree Service has offered to volunteer tree work on the campus when he has free time.  It was agreed that this was a very generous offer.
Financial – The monthly financial report was received from Mr. Studley indicating that there is $13.5 million left in the bonded money.  Mr. Reed pointed out that he does not want the public to think that this $13 million is enough money to do all that people expected would be done when the money was approved by the voters years ago, i.e. all planned building demolition.  Ms. Rodgers pointed out that we never anticipated that we were going to be able to do everything in the Master Plan for the $21 million that was bonded, even at that time it was unrealistic.

Operating – Ms. DeMarco advised that while preparing for additional security on the campus, staff had gone into the tunnels and during the process, there was a loud “explosion”, which has resulted in a loss of power to most of the campus.  Public Works Director Fred Hurley believes there might have been a lightning strike that short circuited the power lines.  There is power to the security building right now.  Testing will begin tomorrow to determine the exact problem.  Temporary light with generators is being arranged for extra security during Halloween.  On Thursday, CL&P and SBC will be looking at establishing a main corridor of the campus to support new development.  
        Mr. Hurley also reported that he is looking at installing photovoltaic (battery) power to the water storage bunkers rather than having a new power line running from the main green up to the bunkers.   This would be less expensive and the cost would be taken care of by the Water and Sewer Authority.  This should be taken care of within the next few weeks.    
        Mr. Willie asked if the drain leaders at Bridgeport Hall had been connected.  Mr. Baillie replied that they will not be connected until they can be tied into the stormwater system.   Mr. Hurley advised that we currently have good mapping of the water system, not quite as good for the sewer system and not good mapping of the storm water system, but we are working on it.

Playing Fields/Mothballing – Mr. Baillie distributed copies of the Design-Build Proposal for Building Conservation Mothballing.  The project involves building conservation improvements at Newtown Hall, Woodbury Hall, Stratford Hall, and five of the duplexes for a cost of $789,840.00 with design completion expected in October 2006, start of construction in January 2007 and completion in March 2007.  
        Regarding the design of the ballfield, Mr. Sorge advised that he has met with the Parks & Recreation Commission and some minor adjustments have been made to the plans distributed at the last meeting.  They may be able to achieve the 400' at centerfield that was mentioned by Mr. Marks at the last meeting.  
        Regarding trails, O&G will begin putting together estimates for three sections of trails.  They are taking the plans from the last meeting and putting together estimates.  They will then do a comparison estimate on new plans.   
        Mr. Sorge stated that within the next two meetings, he will have copies of a draft booklet of landscaping plans for members to review and report back to him.

Economic Development – Mr. Robert Barclay of North American Realty gave a slide presentation of the development package he has prepared for the 22.5 acres being set aside for economic development.  He is also putting together a booklet to attract developers and point out that Fairfield Hills is not just a “park” as it will have a town hall in the center of the property and a section for economic development.   For the next meeting, he will have the RFP for this Authority to review.    

Hearing no further comments, the session ended at 9:25 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk