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Fairfield Hills Authority - 1/17/06
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, Andrew Willie, John Reed, William Lavery, Walter Motyka, Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley ABSENT:  Amy Dent

ALSO PRESENT:  Richard Sturdevant, Scott Baillie (O&G), Maria DeMarco, Barbara Kasbarian (Parks & Rec Director), Carl Samuelson (Parks & Rec Dept.), Ed Marks (Parks & Rec. Commission), representatives of Tai Soo Kim Partners, representative of Vollmer Associates, approximately 30 members of public, one member of press

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Judge Lavery moved to accept the minutes of the 12/20/06 meeting.  Mr. Willie offered a correction regarding who was present at a subcommittee meeting.  Minutes unanimously accepted as corrected.

Public Participation:  Carol Bussey, 143 Hattertown Road, stated that the Bridle Lanes has been in Newtown for over 27 years.  They have ridden on trails at Fairfield Hills even longer than that, since the 40’s.  They are concerned that they will still be able to use the trails as the property is developed.  She requested a separate meeting to discuss their needs.  Mr. Reed will respond to this request.  Judge Lavery asked that the NBLA supply a map of the horse trails.  

Finance Committee:
Mr. Studley advised that we are starting to spend some of the bond money for remediation.  The finance subcommittee met with the First Selectman Rosenthal and Finance Director Ben Spragg.  They will be meeting with them again tomorrow and will have a report after that meeting.  They will be working with Ms. DeMarco to prepare a 2006/07 budget for Fairfield Hills.  The Board of Selectmen will begin their budget deliberations next week.  
        Mr. Reed moved to authorize the finance subcommittee to represent the Authority in working to prepare a budget.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Operating Committee:
Mr. Willie reported that remediation is going well on Canaan, Cochran and Kent House.  A meeting was held on January 13 regarding fields and trails.  A presentation will be given tonight by Vollmer Associates.  
        Mr. Reed reported that a meeting was held on January 13 with North American Realty.  Questions were asked about services that could be fulfilled by North American, who will be submitting a proposal that is reduced from the original.
        Mr. Ryszard Szczypek of Tai Soo Kim Partners then gave an overhead presentation.  They have been examining the buildings and had a consultant examine the roofs.  
        Mr. Whit Iglehart of Tai Soo Kim stated that they are prepared to begin a comprehensive survey of the existing buildings.  He gave a comparison of positive and negative features of Shelton Hall and Bridgeport Hall for a possible town hall.  The general condition of Shelton is not good and the narrow floor plate limits layout.  It has interior partitions of terra cotta block that would require some major demolition and low ceiling heights would be restrictive.  There are also surface and subsurface water problems.  Bridgeport Hall is in better condition.  It has large open spaces without a lot of interior partitions to be removed and higher ceilings.  Their recommendation is not to pursue Shelton House as a town hall but to demolish the building.  
        Four options were given for town hall offices in Bridgeport Hall, ranging in cost from $7.2 to $9 million, including demolition.  These options were discussed.
        Mr. Lavery moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that Shelton House no longer be considered for a town hall and that we concentrate efforts on Bridgeport Hall.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Mr. Motyka moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that whichever Bridgeport Hall concept is chosen, a minimum of stabilizing be completed for the facility and renovate areas required.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Mr. Gary Sorge of Vollmer Associates then gave a presentation on ballfield and trail layouts.  He has looked at the possibility of two 90’ ballfields, explaining two different phases.  These ballfields would be located near the center of the campus so that possible future lighting would not affect surrounding neighbors.  Both of the phases would include perimeter trails.  
        Mr. Motyka moved to recommend that Vollmer  Associates move forward with defining Phase 1A and Phase 1B, as discussed at this meeting, and to develop costs and engineering feasibility.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Planning Committee:
Ms. Dent was not present.  Mr. Geckle reported that the committee is continuing to look at sources of funding.

At this time, several of the NBLA members present gave comments and asked questions.  Chairman Geckle suggested that they talk to Mr. Reed about these trail concerns.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk