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Fairfield Hills Authority - 10/18/05
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, William Lavery, Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley, Andrew Willie,
                    Julia Wasserman     ABSENT:  Amy Dent, John Reed

ALSO PRESENT: Town Attorney David Grogins, Russell Bartley (environmental consultant), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco, Miles & Murphy), Jeff Cugno (O&G), Scott Bailllie (O&G), Ed Marks (Parks & Rec Commission), one member of press

Acceptance of Minutes:  Upon motion by Mr. Lavery, the minutes of the 9/20/05 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

Public Participation:  None present

Finance Committee Report:  The September 2005 Financial Report prepared by DeMarco, Miles & Murphy was distributed.  This report indicates an overage in landscaping, which Ms. DeMarco attributes to the fact that the landscaper presented the invoices for April, May and June in July.  Mr. Studley will speak to Finance Director Ben Spragg about adjusting these expenses to the previous fiscal year.  In addition to the operational money in the 2005/06 budget, there was a carry-over of funds from the two previous years of $330,000 which has now decreased to $143,000.  

Operating Committee Report:  Mr. Willie advised that the subcommittee met with Mr. Cugno and Mr. Baillie who feel that the 11/15 deadline is possible as long as this committee follows through with granting approvals, etc. on time.  They toured some of the buildings after the recent rains.  Mr. Baillie feels that the water in Woodbury Hall can be handled and if the building is cleaned up, it could be useable.  Newtown Hall is dry.  O&G and the Public Works Department have been asked for reports in a timely fashion before committee meetings.  
        Mr. Cugno advised that the RFQs for the playing fields and for the town hall building and mothballing have been received.  He suggests that a few representatives of this group plus a team appointed by the First Selectman look these over.  Mr. Willie, Mr. Lavery and Ms. Rodgers volunteered.  A meeting will be arranged in order to “short list” the respondents.  Mr. Lavery feels that the short-listed firms should be asked to provide conceptual designs for Shelton House, renovation or rebuilding.  
        Mr. Russell Bartley, environmental consultant, reported that he had prepared the plan specifications and bid documents for the remediation, which were also submitted to DEP.  The bids are in and had been requested on a two-tier basis – unit price bids and lump sum bids.  He recommends awarding the bid to the lowest lump sum bidder of $2.7 million, and not purchasing cost cap insurance.  We would rely on the lump sum and performance bond as assurance that the job will be completed.  Tomorrow, the First Selectman will be going to the Legislative Council for approval of this concept and the purchasing authority will then award the bid.  Town Attorney David Grogins is reviewing the contracts.  Mr. Bartley stated that the remediation must be substantially complete within 240 days and we have 270 days for final completion, after which there is a  $10,000 per day fine.  
        Mr. Geckle stated that he is disappointed with some of the items on the Public Works Department report.  Ms. Rodgers will look into getting better estimates of dates of completion for projects.
        Ms. DeMarco reported that she has been working with Mr. Bartley and has found a space for the contractor to set up an office during the remediation.  She will be getting the old chiller plant cleaned up for that purpose.
        Chairman Geckle advised that he sent a request for a Leash Law Ordinance to the Legislative Council.  
        The Board of Selectmen is trying to set up interviews for four to five people who are interested in filling the vacancy on this Authority.
        Mr. Lavery distributed copies of proposed changes to the By-Laws.  He suggested sending these to the two members who are not present tonight for their review before discussing.  This will be on the next agenda.

Planning Committee Report:  Chairman Geckle reported that after the meeting last month, more information was received and the bid has not yet been awarded to North American Realty.  They are not sure that the scope of work originally defined is appropriate.  There is a meeting scheduled with North American on October 25 at 11:00 in the security building.  
        Trout Unlimited is putting together a project group and would like someone from the Authority to attend their meetings occasionally.  Mr. Willie volunteered to do so.
        Mr. Reed is not present tonight but had reported to the Chairman that he is moving forward with the trails project.
        At this time, First Selectman Rosenthal arrived at the meeting.

Public Participation:  Parks & Recreation member Ed Marks arrived after the initial public participation and asked to speak.  He distributed copies of the six concept designs for playing fields that were prepared by the Parks & Recreation Commission for the Fairfield Hills Advisory Committee in 2002.  He also advised that there have been recent newspaper articles about Dickinson Pond, which is currently closed and not expected to open again next season.  There will be studies done to determine whether it makes sense to look at putting a swimming facility elsewhere and, as part of that process, they may be looking to Fairfield Hills.  This is very preliminary as there is currently no funding or known costs.  

Planning Committee:  Mr. Cugno put together information regarding the different Project Delivery methods available for construction management (attached to original minutes). He gave a general overview of the four scenarios.  Regarding the design/build concept, Town Attorney David Grogins feels that in a small project like the town hall and playing fields, this can be more efficient but if chosen, we should also think about some type of oversight, i.e. an owners rep.  Public Building Committees can do this but you need people on the committee who are expertise and the time to devote to a project.  

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk
Attachment:  Project Delivery Choices