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Fairfield Hills Authority - 9/20/05
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, Amy Dent, William Lavery, John Reed, Moira Rodgers
                    ABSENT:  Donald Studley, Andrew Willie

ALSO PRESENT: Maria DeMarco (DeMarco, Miles & Murphy), Jeff Cugno (O&G), Ed Marks (Parks & Rec Commission), Carlen Gaines (Parks & Rec Commission)

Acceptance of Minutes:  Upon motion by Mr. Lavery, the minutes of the 8/23/05 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

Public Participation:  None present

Vice Chair Nomination and Election
Chairman Geckle advised that Richard Sturdevant has resigned his position on this Authority as he and his wife have moved to Brookfield.  
        Mr. Lavery moved to accept the resignation with regrets and to ask the Chairman to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Sturdevant, including a request to remain with the Authority on a consulting basis.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Mr. Lavery moved to nominate and elect Andrew Willie as Vice Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Finance Committee Report:  Mr. Studley was not present this evening.  Chairman Geckle reported that a meeting was held with First Selectman Herb Rosenthal, Dick Harrall (HMA), Jeff Cugno (O&G),  Don Studley, Finance Director Ben Spragg and himself.   Mr. Harrall distributed copies of the Fairfield Hills Budget July 2005 – June 2008 which was a result of that meeting (attached to original minutes).  These numbers were discussed.  Mr. Harrall advised that current construction costs are estimated at $225 per square foot which is already up from the estimates in the original Master Plan.  
        Mr. Lavery moved to recommend to the First Selectman that the three O&G Task Orders begin immediately.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Operating Committee Report:  Ms. DeMarco reported that many towns have enacted Dog Lease Ordinances.  She has reviewed these and feels that the one enacted by Trumbull is simple.  She has talked to the Health Department, Police Department and Animal Control Officer who all would support a town-wide leash ordinance.  There cannot be separate rules for Fairfield Hills only.
        Mr. Reed moved to forward a request for a Leash Ordinance with enforceable fines, similar to the one enacted by the Town of Trumbull, to the Legislative Council.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Regarding the Security Building, Ms. DeMarco that the driveway should be ready for paving by October 3 and the drain line from the house is being repaired.  The landscaping is on hold because it could not coincide with the other work going on at the building.  
        The Friends of the Library are requesting use of the duplexes for additional book storage this winter.  Mr. Reed stated that he would be opposed to that.  We could be showing buildings to different development groups and they should not be filled with boxes.  Mr. Lavery suggested that the Friends fill the space they currently have with the Military Department and if they still need more space, they can ask this Authority to look at another alternative.
        Ms. DeMarco reported that they are starting to see an increase in attempted break-ins, probably due to Halloween.  She will be working with the Police Chief and Public Works Director to secure the buildings.  She also advised that effective 8/30, the security company was purchased by U. S. Security.  At this time, there are no expected changes in cost or personnel.

O&G Update:  Mr. Cugno was asked if it would be feasible to solicit the design/engineering bids right away and award them in a month to a month and a half.  He answered that it would be possible to be doing the design work by November 15 on a very aggressive schedule.  First Selectman Rosenthal arrived at this time and suggested that the Public Building committee should be involved with the interviews, along with members of the Authority and Parks & Recreation.  Regarding the town hall, Mr. Rosenthal feels that we have to come up with a number that is close to what has been discussed all along.  He also feels that we may not be able to spend the money that has been approved as quickly as we originally planned.  Projects may have to be put off due to other priorities.  

By-Laws:  Mr. Lavery will have these for the next meeting.

Real Estate Consultant:  Two responses were received to the RFP.   Copies were distributed to members of the Authority.  Mr. Reed moved to recommend North American Realty Advisory Services to the Purchasing Authority.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Economic Development Update:  Mr. Geckle advised that he will be meeting with Mr. Jack Orchulli of Leiman Brothers Realty on September 30 to look at some of the buildings.  

Trails:  Mr. Reed distributed a draft of Recreational Trail Planning Guidelines, which include:  1)  Able to accommodate two-way traffic from walkers, runners and bicyclers; 2) Operational year-round; 3) Linked to planned exercise stations.  He asked if anyone has further suggestions to advise.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk
Attachment:  Fairfield Hills Budget – July 2005 to June 2008