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Fairfield Hills Management - 5/17/05
The Ad Hoc Fairfield Hills Management Committee held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT:  John Reed, Robert Geckle, Richard Sturdevant, Amy Dent, William Lavery (8:15), Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley, Andrew Willie

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, State Representative Julia Wasserman, Will Rodgers, (Legislative Council Chairman), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco, Murphy & Miles), Jan Andras (clerk), two members of public, one member of press

Acceptance of Minutes:  Minutes of 4/19/05 will be approved at next meeting.

Facilities Manager’s Report:  Ms. DeMarco reported that the landscaping contract has been awarded to a local contractor and will be about $30,000 less than budgeted.  The contract has also been awarded for exterior painting of the management/security building.  The work will start this week.  Mr. Sturdevant moved to include a three foot high wall on the screened porch of the management/security building.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried (Judge Lavery had not yet arrived).
        Mr. Sturdevant and Mr. Geckle provided Ms. DeMarco with language for 8' by 4' signs  being proposed for the two entrances to the property.  Ms. DeMarco was asked to check with the Land Use Department regarding restrictions on sign sizes.
        Ms. DeMarco met with Mr. Russell Bartley, environmental consultant, regarding fencing needs for remediation.  The fence will enclose the buildings in the rear of the property (Yale, Litchfield, Bridgewater, Fairfield and Greenwich) as well as Kent House which has a crumbling parapet.  Mr. Bartley expects to be ready to go out to bid for remediation in three weeks.  The Town has until the end of July 2006 to complete the remediation.  After a discussion, it was decided to continue the fence around Bridgeport Hall as well for safety reasons.  Mr. Geckle moved to recommend to the First Selectman to approve the remediation fencing as outlined with a modification to enclose Bridgeport Hall.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried (Judge Lavery had not yet arrived).  
Driveway for Administrative Building:  Chairman Reed stated that Public Works Director Fred Hurley has the final plans showing the utility lines for water and electrical.  We are now in a position to lay out the driveway for the administrative building.  This should be finished by mid-June.

Recommendation for Project Management Firm:  O&G will be recommended as the project management firm.   Action will be taken later in meeting.

Commission on Aging – Plymouth Hall Inspection:  Chairman Reed spoke with Mr. Ross Carley, COA Vice Chairman, who noted in the Master Plan that Plymouth Hall might be available for use for seniors.  The COA has an architect they would like to bring through the building.  Mr. Rosenthal pointed out that the cultural arts group is also interested in Plymouth Hall.  Chairman Reed will make arrangements for the architect to see the building.

Master Gardener Program:  Chairman Reed met with a representative of the Master Gardener Program which is an affiliate of UConn.  They have expressed a desire to become involved with a long-term landscaping plan for Fairfield Hills as it is developed.  They would like to come to the next meeting to present a proposal for design.

Signage:  Mr. Geckle read the proposed signage for the two entrances to the campus.  There was a lengthy discussion.

Finances:  Mr. Studley prepared a financial outline of the Fairfield Hills  Bond Issue as well as the current operating budget and encumbered funds  (copy attached).

Security and Safety Committee:  Mr. Geckle and Mr. Sturdevant advised that the Tercentennial celebration will include a picnic and fireworks on 8/6/05 at Fairfield Hills.  The parking on the campus will be restricted on that day.  The public will park at the Middle School and High Schools and be shuttled to Fairfield Hills.    Ms. DeMarco will get together with the Tercentennial Chairman to discuss the activities.  

Legislative Update/First Selectman Report:  First Selectman Rosenthal thanked Representative Wasserman and Senator McKinney for their work in getting the enabling legislation passed.  He also thanked Mr. Rodgers.
        First Selectman Rosenthal advised that Mr. Oscar Berendsohn, a resident of Newtown has ideas for private usage of the campus.  He is a retired materials scientist who still works as a consultant to many companies.  He is very interested in nanotechnology which is a growing field.  He has asked to be put in touch with the committee regarding a research facility at Fairfield Hills.

Public Participation:  Mr. Bob Merola, 22 Ashford Lane – regarding the discussion of the sign, he feels that in some areas, the wording is very specific and other parts are ambiguous, namely the part about activities being held after hours if permission is granted.  There is no wording as to how permission is obtained.  He feels it should be left blank or say that “after hours” use is prohibited.


Mr. Geckle moved to recommend to the First Selectman to engage O&G Industries as project management firm for future activities on the Fairfield Hills campus as outlined in the RFP.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

                                                        John Reed, Chairman

Attachment A:  Fairfield Hills Financial Recap

Fairfield Hills Bond Issue ($20,050,000)

Purchase of property                                                    $ 3,900,000
Potatuck Land Co. – water                                                     235,086
State of Connecticut – DEP                                                    128,400
Environmental Insurance                                                       207,474
Legal                                                                                   18,833
Bank Bonding Fees                                                                 2,400
 Total Bonding Expenditures through 4-30-05                    $ 4,492,193

Operating budget FYE 6-30-05                                    $     750,000

Expenditures                                                                 (570,833)

Unencumbered balance 4-30-05                                    $     179,167

Unspent Operating Funds 03/04                                   $      221,000

Operating Budget 05/06`                                         $      550,000