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Fairfield Hills Management - 6/30/04
The Ad Hoc Fairfield Hills Management Committee held their first meeting on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 in the meeting room at Canaan House, Fairfield Hills, Newtown, CT.  First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Amy Dent, Robert Geckle, William Lavery, John Reed, Moira Rodgers, Richard Sturdevant, Andrew Willie     ABSENT:  Donald Studley

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, State Representative Julia Wasserman, Legislative Council Chairman Will Rodgers, Jan Andras (clerk), one member of press,

Mr. Rosenthal advised that Mr. Studley is on vacation and was not able to be present tonight at the first meeting of this committee.  The Board of Selectmen members are pleased that the members of this committee are willing to serve.  The Board of Selectmen also appointed State Representative Julia Wasserman to be an advisor and ex-officio member of this committee, along with the First Selectman.   

All members received a copy of the Charge to the Committee (copy attached).   Mr. Rosenthal pointed out that this is a management group and not a policy making committee.  The State has had a difficult time managing this property since it was vacated, i.e. vandalism, the oil spill and the fire.  The State has now hired a new company, DeMarco, Miles and Murphy to replace Tunxis Management.  DeMarco, Miles and Murphy is willing to stay on a month to month basis if we decide that is necessary.
        The water issues have been resolved with the Potatuck Fish and Game Club.  The Department of Public Health has agreed to the creation of a town water company as long as we have a professional manager.  The WPCA has been designated, by ordinance, to be the water authority for the town and has selected Aquarion Services to operate the water and sewer treatment system at Fairfield Hills as well as the town at large.
        The Board of Selectmen decided to create this management committee with eight members but was undecided about whether to have eight full members or possibly have five full members and three alternates or six full members and two alternates, which would make it easier to assure a quorum at each meeting.  This committee can make that decision.  
        Town staff is available to meet with this committee, as well as Maria DiMarco of DiMarco, Miles and Murphy.
        Regarding the five houses on Mill Hill South, Mr. Rosenthal advised that those houses will be sold to help offset the costs for the remediation at Fairfield Hills.  
        The results from the UCONN survey on the Master Plan are expected shortly.  With the results, we will know if the modifications made by the Board of Selectmen are satisfactory.  The Master Plan must then go to the Planning & Zoning Commission.  HMA’s contract includes going through the process for Planning & Zoning approval, on the town’s behalf.  

Election of Officers
Mr. Willie nominated John Reed as Chairman.  Motion seconded.  Mr. Lavery moved to close nominations and have secretary cast one ballot.  Motion unanimously carried.  
        Mr. Sturdevant nominated Robert Geckle as Vice Chairman.  Motion seconded.  Mr. Lavery moved to close nominations and have secretary cast one ballot.  Motion unanimously carried.  
        Dr. Reed assumed the chair at 8:25 p.m.  He stated that he hopes this committee will be able to reach a strong consensus on most issues, based on diligent discussions.  The main objective should be what is in the best interest of the town.  
        Mr. Lavery agreed to draft a set of by-laws for the approval of the committee at the next meeting, which will be held on July 20 at 7:30 p.m.

Management Objectives
This was basically discussed earlier in the meeting and there will be a brainstorming session planned for the next meeting.   Some information requested for the next meeting includes:
a)      breakdown of the State’s expenditures over the past two years
b)      copies of Master Plan for those who do not already have one
c)      list of duties of current security and maintenance people

Security Matters
First Selectman Rosenthal had distributed a list of suggestions for immediate security measures.  This was prepared by Mr. James Mooney, Sr. who is a former Selectman, retired State Police Officer and serves as security consultant for corporations.  He was also head of security for the University of Bridgeport.  
        Mr. Lavery moved to enter executive session to discuss security issues at Fairfield Hills.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Meeting entered executive session at 8:55 p.m. and returned to open session at 9:25 p.m.

Having no further business and being duly moved and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m.

                                                Herbert C. Rosenthal, First Selectman
                                                Signing for Chairman John Reed
Attachment:  Charge to Committee


The members of the Committee shall adopt written procedures for the conduct of the Committee’s business with regard to managing the Fairfield Hills property and implementing the Master Plan, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen.  The committee’s activities will also be subject to the limitations imposed by State Statutes, the Charter and Ordinances of the Town of Newtown, as well as the purchasing and other regulations of the Legislative Council.

Said procedures of the committee shall include, but not be limited to, the means for soliciting proposals for use of those sections of the property considered for commercial or non-profit development and criteria for evaluating competing proposals.  Any proposal relating to the lease of real property cannot be consummated until all provisions of the Charter of the Town of Newtown have been met.

After a period of one year, the Board of Selectmen may reappoint or disband the committee at its discretion.