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08-03-11 Special Meeting
These minutes are subject to the approval of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee

The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Minutes of August 3, 2011 Special Meeting
Edmond Town Hall, Newtown, Connecticut

Present:  Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Michael Mossbarger, Ben Roberts, Alan Shepard, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent:  Nancy Roznicki and Gary Steele; Also Present:  Rosa Zubizarreta, one member of the public, and one member of the media.

Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:13 pm.  

Approval of Minutes:  Mr. Lundquist motioned to approve the minutes of June 27, 2010, and seconded by Mr. Mossbarger. The minutes were approved as amended.  

Public Participation:  None  

Final Report Deliberations

Ms. Zukowski reviewed portions of the final report that have been updated or changed to provide a synopsis of what has been discussed to date.  The committee members began a discussion over the possibility of recommending a portion of the land be sold to help offset the costs of other needs of the campus.   A thorough discussion of leasing vs. selling continued.  Discussions included how economics would play a role and what the parameters would be if selling was considered.  Some felt consideration of selling a limited amount of land or a building could help offset costs, but that current economic conditions are considered unfavorable.  If selling were to be considered, the parameters would need to be determined and that the public would need to be engaged in the decision.

Ms. Zukowski discussed three possible positions regarding a committee recommendation to sell land or buildings.  In brief  (1) To recommending that no land be sold at all, (2) Consider selling a limited portion of the land, or (3) The selling of land could be considered, but not at this time for economic reasons.  

Mr. Shepard felt the committee should endorse the possibility of allowing different lengths and types of leases, depending upon the variables.  Mr. Mossbarger felt the committee should make selling land a viable option in order to help offset costs for other needs of the campus.  Current unfavorable economic conditions were discussed.  Mr. Shepard shared concerns about the potential viability if a portion of the property was sold, especially since it would be on town property.  Mr. Floros asked what would be considered favorable economic conditions.  He said any sale of a property would have to fit with the vision of the campus.   Ms. Zubizarreta provided a review of the evening’s discussion.  

After further discussion, Mr. Shepard motioned that the committee does not recommend the consideration of the selling of parcels of land at Fairfield Hills unless the following guidelines are met:
  • It is in support of a cohesive theme for the campus along the lines of Section 1.2;
  • It includes a robust public engagement process that leads to public support;
  • It is limited to those areas targeted for economic development (i.e., “open land” designations should not be considered at any time);
  • There is clear economic benefit for the Town; and
It is an open and transparent deal.

Then the committee added the following sentence “For a full listing of potential benefits and concerns, refer to the full report.”

Mr. Roberts seconded the motion.  In favor:  Floros, Lundquist, Mossbarger, Roberts, Shepard, Zukowski; Opposed: Maurer.  The motion passed six to one.

Ms. Zukowski motioned that the Executive Summary be forwarded to the First Selectman.  Mr. Lundquist seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

Ms. Zukowski reviewed what sections are complete and those areas that still need to be completed.  The committee will complete the report during August and will meet during the week of August 29th to wrap up all issues.

Mr. Maurer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 pm.  

Respectfully submitted by:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk.