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Town of Newtown, CT                              3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470


These minutes are subject to the approval of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee

The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Minutes of June 27, 2011 Special Meeting
Council Chambers, Municipal Center, Newtown, Connecticut

Present:  Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Nancy Roznicki, Alan Shepard, Deborra Sukowski and Ben Roberts

Mr. Flores called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:  There were no minutes to approve at this time.

Public Participation:  There were no members of the public present at this time

Final Report Approval:

The Committee was given an updated version of the Overview of Recommendations.  Ms. Zukowski suggested reviewing what was discussed at the last meeting.

Mr. Roberts did not want to wrap farming economic activity with commercial.  The committee discussed an alternative phrase to “farming economic activity.  “Rural past and future” was considered.  

Mr. Lundquist thought there is a need for a snapshot to get the points out.

Mr. Shepard thought that the word farming might be too big a word, suggesting instead gardens or greenhouse structures.  Mr. Roberts said this goes to the core of what he likes and would prefer.  He also suggested that education is a better way to go.  Economic can be misleading.  

Mr. Floros noted that more people are behind the idea of performing arts, recreation and farming as a way to draw people in at all levels.  The possibility of a farm library where people could learn how to grow their own food could be a good start with education but not sure this is the platform for it.

Mr. Roberts will remove some parts of the concept vision and put in “sustainable agricultural themed development”

Ms. Zukowski said that after commercial/economic development arts should be considered very important.  Mr. Roberts will work on this.

Mr. Shepard said that the vision is to allow people to use some of the space, but it should be made clear that it does not necessarily mean the building of greenhouses.

The committee agreed that they did not like the concept of build it and they will come.  Restaurants using only locally raised produce has become very popular.  Ms. Roznicki noted that a community garden was already in the works.  Mr. Roberts will prepare the changes for the next meeting.

Mr. Maurer mentioned small restaurants and shops.  Mr. Shepard liked the idea of planning five to ten acre developments.  Banks will not invest in lease property.  Do we want to be in the real estate business?

Ms. Zukowski said the thing is to think small with the option to develop.  Mr. Lundquist liked the vision personally but said this is not a good time.

Mr. Floros left the meeting at 7:46 p.m.

Ms. Zukowski said the final document is near completion, which is only an overview with three appendices to follow.  There is a need to talk about the process and priorities.  

Mr. Lundquist said once done, this should be a clear Master Plan but it is not black and white yet.  He would be able to relieve Ms. Zukowski of some of the workload due to her not being able to spend as much time on it.  

Ms. Roznicki said they would be unable to have a city planner,

Ms. Zukowski noted that they need to talk about 150 acres with some open space, municipal needs, community/arts center.  There is no room in this vision for big developments.  Woodbury Hall is too small for offices.

Mr. Maurer noted that a stand alone restaurant is not feasible.  Profitability is in diversification.

It was agreed that developers are not interested in existing houses as there would be no money in it.

Ms. Zukowski was not convinced that what a developer asks for and what they end up with is going to be popular with residents.  This review is all about planting seeds.  See what resonates in five years, once the economy recovers.  She did not share Mr. Maurer’s sense of urgency.  There has been steady progress with the municipal center, town hall, walking trails.  There has been a cultural shift in the past few years, which should be encouraged.  Mr. Shepard agreed adding that things will develop on their own.  However, developers always tend to prefer housing.  If interested, people would be knocking on the door.

Mr. Lundquist thought it would make more sense to have a single developer, although not necessary.  Ms. Zukowski spoke with Lilla Dean, Chair of P&Z who said she always preferred the idea of one developer   

The committee discussed selling land to an individual versus single developers.  Selling land changes the game.  Mr. Shepard said they could not give the current houses away due to the expense involved in tearing them down.  Ms. Zukowski said there is a concern with a developer sitting on the land, allowing the buildings to deteriorate.  The houses could be sold for $1 on the condition they are developed within five years.

Ms. Roznicki wants to preserve the beautiful campus.  Mr. Roberts noted a town survey that showed that 76% of the town want to preserve the land.  Ms. Rosnicki read a letter from Althea Elkins asking the committee to set in place a wise and thoughtful plan that will benefit the town.

The committee discussed process recommendations.  Ms. Zukowski noted that Fairfield Hills is an integral part of economic development.  A survey is updated every five years, directly affecting the POCD, which is revised every ten years.  

Mr. Roberts will research a neutral group to own a report and advise the committee at the next meeting.  Ms. Zukowski will find a study about a facilitator given to her by Rosa Zubizarreta and share it with the committee.

The committee agreed on the importance of engaging the community to define public interest, which would engage the public and perhaps things would be different.  The question is what does the town want and how much will it cost.

Ms. Zukowski asked the committee to write a list of the top five process recommendations.  They will go through them first thing at the next meeting.  This is a good way to start.


Mr. Maurer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by:  Margaret Wilkin, Clerk