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The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Monday May 23, 2011
Council Chambers, Newtown Municipal Center
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut

Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Present:  Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist,  Gary Steele, Michael Mossbarger, Robert Maurer, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent: Alan Shepard.

Also Present:  Rosa Zubizarreta

Public Participation: ~None

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Steele made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from the April 28, 2011 meeting.  Ms. Zukowski seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.    

New Business:
Mr. Floros asked Ms. Zukowski about her time with Mr. Shepard at the transfer station.  Ms. Zukowski and Mr. Shepard went to the transfer station a few weeks ago and handed out 150 flyers about the Fairfield Hills survey.  Ms. Zukowski reported that it went very well.  They went through the flyers in an hour and 15 minutes.  Ms. Zukowski added that she announced the survey at the Newtown Forest Association Annual Meeting she attended.  Mr. Lundquist stated that about 750 surveys have been completed online and Mr. Floros added that about 50 paper surveys have been handed out so far.  Mr. Mossbarger asked Mr. Lundquist how many surveys were filled out a few years ago.  Mr. Lundquist replied a little over 800 were completed at that time.  Mr. Lundquist added that completed surveys are still coming in; the deadline is Friday, May 27, 2011.
Mr. Lundquist said that he will have the survey results ready for the committee to look at by the end of next week, June 3, 2011.  He said he will distribute the written comments from the surveys before June 3 so that people can begin reading them.

Ms. Zubizarreta distributed a document to the committee.  The document was titled “Draft Report on the Public Engagement Component of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee.”  She went over the document with the committee.

Plan for Finalizing Recommendations:
Mr. Floros stated that he would like to have the finished recommendations, ready to present on either June 20 or June 21.  He said that he envisions a one page recommendation document that is readable, not too detailed.  Then behind that document would be the how and why the committee decided on the recommendations that they did.  Ms. Zukowski agreed that there should be an executive summary but she was not sure that this could be completed in one page.   Ms. Zubizarreta asked how the group will decide on the recommendations, i.e. will it be a majority rule or a vote.  Mr. Floros responded that at one of the first FFHMPRC meetings the committee decided that a 2/3 majority would rule.  Ms. Zubizarreta distributed a document that she feels will help with the decision making process.  The document is titled “Resources for Decision-Making.”  It is a 6-step process adapted from Don Maruska’s 10-step process in his book “How Great Decisions Get Made.”  Mr. Maurer suggested that each committee member should take about 2 minutes to say what they learned in this process and what their vision for the Fairfield Hills property is.  Ms. Zubizarreta agreed that this would be a valuable exercise.  
Mr. Floros stated that the most difficult issues are going to be housing, commercial, and the lease vs. sell issue.  The committee discussed the process they will use to narrow down the recommendations.  Mr. Lundquist suggested meeting on June 3 but had some concerns that the report wouldn’t necessarily be ready to present by June 21.  Mr. Floros felt it was important to try and get it all ready before the summer begins.  The committee had a discussion on the timing of the final report and the presentation for the Selectmen.  Ms. Zubizarreta suggested that the members of the committee start putting together their personal visions for Fairfield Hills by the June 9 meeting.  Then on the 9th the group will start to see the commonalities.  Mr. Mossbarger suggested pushing the presentation date to the week of June 28 which would still have it completed before the July 4th holiday.  Mr. Steele agreed that it would be better to have it complete sooner rather than later but he added that it is important to make sure that they get it right before presenting.  Mr. Floros would like to try to have everything ready for the June 21 date and push it out if needed.  Ms. Zubizarreta said that the committee has 2 audiences, one is the public and the other is the governing structure.  Mr. Floros felt that since the committee has been very public about the Fairfield Hills property that it is important to address the public before summer.  He was concerned that by waiting until July it will fall through the cracks with the public.  He said that it will not fall through the cracks with the governing structure if the committee needs to wait until July to present their recommendations.
Mr. Floros said he will secure meeting rooms for June 3, June 9, June 13, June 15 and June 20.  If all the dates are not needed than the meetings can be cancelled.  
Mr. Mossbarger volunteered to transcribe the comments on the paper surveys.  He will communicate with Mr. Lundquist to get the papers.

Public Participation:

Ms. Zukowski made the motion to adjourn.  Mr. Lundquist seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. ~

Respectfully submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.


The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Monday May 23, 2011
Council Chambers, Newtown Municipal Center
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut

Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Present:  Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist,  Gary Steele, Michael Mossbarger, Robert Maurer, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent: Alan Shepard.

Also Present:  Rosa Zubizarreta

Public Participation: ~None

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Steele made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from the April 28, 2011 meeting.  Ms. Zukowski seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.    

New Business:
Mr. Floros asked Ms. Zukowski about her time with Mr. Shepard at the transfer station.  Ms. Zukowski and Mr. Shepard went to the transfer station a few weeks ago and handed out 150 flyers about the Fairfield Hills survey.  Ms. Zukowski reported that it went very well.  They went through the flyers in an hour and 15 minutes.  Ms. Zukowski added that she announced the survey at the Forrest Meeting she attended.  Mr. Lundquist stated that about 750 surveys have been completed online and Mr. Floros added that about 50 paper surveys have been filled out so far.  Mr. Mossbarger asked Mr. Lundquist how many surveys were filled out a few years ago.  Mr. Lundquist replied a little over 800 were completed at that time.  Mr. Lundquist added that completed surveys are still coming in; the deadline is Friday, May 27, 2011.
Mr. Lundquist said that he will have the survey results ready for the committee to look at by the end of next week, June 3, 2011.  He said he will distribute the written comments from the surveys before June 3 so that people can begin reading them.

Ms. Zubizarreta distributed a document to the committee.  The document was titled “Draft Report on the Public Engagement Component of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee.”  She went over the document with the committee.

Plan for Finalizing Recommendations:
Mr. Floros stated that he would like to have the finished recommendations, ready to present on either June 20 or June 21.  He said that he envisions a one page recommendation document that is readable, not too detailed.  Then behind that document would be the how and why the committee decided on the recommendations that they did.  Ms. Zukowski agreed that there should be an executive summary but she was not sure that this could be completed in one page.   Ms. Zubizarreta asked how the group will decide on the recommendations, i.e. will it be a majority rule or a vote.  Mr. Floros responded that at one of the first FFHMPRC meetings the committee decided that a 2/3 majority would rule.  Ms. Zubizarreta distributed a document that she feels will help with the decision making process.  The document is titled “Resources for Decision-Making.”  It is a 6-step process adapted from Don Maruska’s 10-step process in his book “How Great Decisions Get Made.”  Mr. Maurer suggested that each committee member should take about 2 minutes to say what they learned in this process and what their vision for the Fairfield Hills property is.  Ms. Zubizarreta agreed that this would be a valuable exercise.  
Mr. Floros stated that the most difficult issues are going to be housing, commercial, and the lease vs. sell issue.  The committee discussed the process they will use to narrow down the recommendations.  Mr. Lundquist suggested meeting on June 3 but had some concerns that the report wouldn’t necessarily be ready to present by June 21.  Mr. Floros felt it was important to try and get it all ready before the summer begins.  The committee had a discussion on the timing of the final report and the presentation for the Selectmen.  Ms. Zubizarreta suggested that the members of the committee start putting together their personal visions for Fairfield Hills by the June 9 meeting.  Then on the 9th the group will start to see the commonalities.  Ms. Mossbarger suggested pushing the presentation date to the week of June 28 which would still have it completed before the July 4th holiday.  Ms. Steele agreed that it would be better to have it complete sooner rather than later but he added that it is important to make sure that they get it right before presenting.  Mr. Floros would like to try to have everything ready for the June 21 date and push it out if needed.  Ms. Zubizarreta said that the committee has 2 audiences, one is the public and the other is the governing structure.  Mr. Floros felt that since the committee has been very public about the Fairfield Hills property that it is important to address the public before summer.  He was concerned that by waiting until July it will fall through the cracks with the public.  He said that it will not fall through the cracks with the governing structure if the committee needs to wait until July to present their recommendations.
Mr. Floros said he will secure meeting rooms for June 3, June 9, June 13, June 15 and June 20.  If all the dates are not needed than the meetings can be cancelled.  
Mr. Mossbarger volunteered to transcribe the comments on the paper surveys.  He will communicate with Mr. Lundquist to get the papers.

Public Participation:

Ms. Zukowski made the motion to adjourn.  Mr. Lundquist seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. ~

Respectfully submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.