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The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Thursday, March 10, 2011 AMENDED MINUTES
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut

Robert Maurer called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.

Present: Michael Mossbarger, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, Gary Steele, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent: Michael Floros and Alan Shepard

Also Present: Ruby Johnson and Rosa Zubizarreta

Public Participation: ~Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook reported that she was so pleased to read all the FFHMPRC documents online.  She finds it fascinating and thinks it is important to get other people to read them as well.  She also said that she was pleased that we included information about economic development vs. equalized mill rate.  She commented about how she had contributed a historical perspective to a conversation about a potential university on the committee’s Facebook group. Ms. Johnson said that the Letters to the Editor is the most read column in the newspaper and she suggested that the FFHMPRC alert people about the Facebook page.
Ms. Johnson also had a request.  She suggested that the FFHMPRC provide the names of the people that were on the community input panel and the number of years of residency on the website.  Ms. Johnson also referenced a handout.  The handout was minutes from a Legislative Council meeting when Herb Rosenthal agreed that the 7 requested fields were in addition to the pre-existing fields.

Approval of Minutes: The approval of the minutes from the February 28, 2011 meeting was tabled until the next FFHMPRC meeting.

Subcommittee Updates:
Public Participation Subcommittee:  Mr. Steele commented that the minutes and information provided during the Microcosm Council read “fantastic.”  He felt the meetings were well facilitated.  He added that the 17 people that decided to come and participate were the microcosm the FFHMPRC were looking for.
Ms. Zubizarreta was pleased by the appreciation that the participants had for the FFHMPRC’s hard work.  The Microcosm Council started out with 17 people and then 2 did not come back for the second day.
Mr. Roberts added that the outcomes of the Microcosm Council are intended to start a conversation.  He was pleased at how the group came together even though there are still some seeds of dissention.
Mr. Maurer felt that it was ok that Ms. Llodra came to the Microcosm Council.  Mr. Roberts agreed that it was fine.  He said that they should look for leaders to come to the next to conversations and hope that they participate.  He added that some of the participants expressed concern about being heard by leaders but presence suggested otherwise.
Ms. Zubizarreta felt that Ms. Llodra’s intention, re: supporting the public participation process was great.  She thinks Ms. Llodra did a great job supporting the people.  It was a bit unexpected that she came.  
Ms. Roznicki was concerned with the whole feeling of Sunday’s meeting though she didn’t think that it dampened the whole enthusiasm, everyone seemed comfortable. Ms. Roznicki added that she reviewed the years of residency of the participants and felt that there was a good cross section.  The years of residency ranged from 5 to 40 years.
Mr. Steele said that the FFHMPRC should find out which leaders are going to be at the next Public Participation meeting and give them some guidance regarding what they should and shouldn’t do.  
Mr. Maurer stated that the Public Participation meeting on March 16th is going to be the same day as a Fairfield Hills Authority meeting. He added that many leaders are going to be at that meeting.  Mr. Mossbarger asked why the leaders are going there instead.  Mr. Maurer responded that Ms. Stocker and Ms. Llodra mentioned that they were going to be there.  
Ms. Zukowski felt it was unfortunate the way that things played out with regards to Ms. Llodra’s participation during the Microcosm Council.  It was unintentional but important to note that everyone wished to get the best outcomes possible.  Ms. Zukowski felt that it was a very well-rounded group of people that interacted well with the facilitator.
Mr. Lundquist said he was very impressed with how prepared the participants were.  Everyone had read the “homework.”  He added that this was the first time that members of the public got a view of how much background information there was and how it might influence town leader decisions.  He felt they “really got it.”
Mr. Maurer asked Ms. Zubizarreta and Mr. Roberts where the committee goes from here.  Mr. Roberts responded that next week would include many café groups of 4 people teams.  He said the committee needs to craft questions for a world café.  Mr. Roberts said participants are encouraged to speak as peers, the instructions are to converse.  At the end they should get together as a large group and report what each group said.  The meeting will be started with a summary of the outcomes of the community input.  Mr. Roberts said that the meeting will be from 6:30-9:00 PM in the Alexandria Room.  Ms. Roznicki said that she was concerned about the set-up for that evening.  Ms. Zubizarreta responded that card tables work fine.  She asked where they could get 16 card tables.  She added that they may need a backup plan if they can’t get the number of card tables.
Mr. Mossbarger suggested getting tables from Reed School.  Ms. Johnson was concerned about the use of benches.
Mr. Roberts felt that they will be okay in the Alexandria Room.  He asked for volunteers to do various jobs in preparation for March 16th.  Ms. Roznicki volunteered to take care of the refreshments.  Mr. Lundquist volunteered to take care of the publicity for the meeting.  Mr. Roberts also needs volunteers to coordinate the card tables and the supplies and to canvas public officials.
Mr. Steele asked if there was a handout so that people can understand the process.  Mr. Roberts responded that people can go to  Mr. Lundquist said that he is wondering how the night is going to play out for the FFHMPRC members.  Mr. Roberts suggested having the committee members walk around.  He added that maybe the members could be part of the participation.  Ms. Zubizarreta felt that it would be best for the FFHMPRC members to stay in the role of observer. Mr. Roberts suggested having a couple people take notes but we are not allowed to tape the papers to the walls.  Mr. Steele suggested renting tables.  He said he will price out the possibility of renting 3 foot round tables that seat about 4 people each.  Ms. Roznicki suggested double checking Edmund Town Hall to see what supplies are already there.  Mr. Roberts said that he will check into it.  Mr. Steele suggested that notes be taken and displayed using a computer and projector.
Ms. Zubizarreta suggested using successive sheets of paper and string as was used during the Microcosm Council.  She added that Ms. Roznicki did a great job with the refreshments for the Microcosm Council.  The FFHMPRC had some discussion regarding expected turnout for the next meeting.  Mr. Roberts suggested that each FFHMPRC member should tap into their friends.  He is looking for someone to draft an email.  Mr. Lundquist and Ms. Zubizarreta agreed to draft the email.  Mr. Lundquist said that there have already been 2 articles in the Bee about the upcoming meeting.  Mr. Lundquist reported that the Facebook page is up and established with 104 friends already.
Mr. Roberts said that Jan Brookes is interested in being involved.  Mr. Lundquist added that Ms. Brookes has been doing some other public communication with other organizations.  Ms. Zubizarreta said that it is good to “cross pollinate.”  
Ms. Roznicki reported that every person that was called for the Microcosm Council was very positive.
Mr. Mossbarger asked for the timeline on the survey.  Mr. Lundquist responded that after the first open community conversations, the survey can begin to be designed. It will be finalized a few weeks after the second community conversation. The survey will be distributed electronically, though physical printouts will be available at key places in the community. Mr. Roberts said that although some people have voiced concerns regarding our time scale, the reception of our work thus far has been very positive.  Mr. Lundquist added that of all our work the public participation is very important and should not be rushed.

Public Participation:

Mr. Roberts made the motion to adjourn.  Ms. Roznicki seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ~

Respectfully submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.

These minutes are subject to the approval of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee

The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut

Robert Maurer called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.

Present: Michael Mossbarger, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, Gary Steele, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent: Michael Floros and Alan Shepard

Also Present: Ruby Johnson and Rosa Zubizarreta

Public Participation: ~Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook reported that she was so pleased to read all the FFHMPRC documents online.  She finds it fascinating and thinks it is important to get other people to read them as well.  She also said that she was pleased that we included information about economic development vs. equalized mill rate.  She commented about how she had contributed a historical perspective to a conversation about a potential university on the committee’s Facebook group. Ms. Johnson said that the Letters to the Editor is the most read column in the newspaper and she suggested that the FFHMPRC alert people about the Facebook page.
Ms. Johnson also had a request.  She suggested that the FFHMPRC provide the names of the people that were on the community input panel and the number of years of residency on the website.  Ms. Johnson also referenced a handout.  The handout was minutes from a Legislative Council meeting when Herb Rosenthal agreed that the 7 requested fields were in addition to the pre-existing fields.

Approval of Minutes: The approval of the minutes from the February 28, 2011 meeting was tabled until the next FFHMPRC meeting.

Subcommittee Updates:
Public Participation Subcommittee:  Mr. Steele commented that the minutes and information provided during the Microcosm Council read “fantastic.”  He felt the meetings were well facilitated.  He added that the 17 people that decided to come and participate were the microcosm the FFHMPRC were looking for.
Ms. Zubizarreta was pleased by the appreciation that the participants had for the FFHMPRC’s hard work.  The Microcosm Council started out with 17 people and then 2 did not come back for the second day.
Mr. Roberts added that the outcomes of the Microcosm Council are intended to start a conversation.  He was pleased at how the group came together even though there are still some seeds of dissention.
Mr. Maurer felt that it was ok that Ms. Llodra came to the Microcosm Council.  Mr. Roberts agreed that it was fine.  He said that they should look for leaders to come to the next to conversations and hope that they participate.  He added that some of the participants expressed concern about being heard by leaders but presence suggested otherwise.
Ms. Zubizarreta felt that Ms. Llodra’s intention, re: supporting the public participation process was great.  She thinks Ms. Llodra did a great job supporting the people.  It was a bit unexpected that she came.  
Ms. Roznicki was concerned with the whole feeling of Sunday’s meeting though she didn’t think that it dampened the whole enthusiasm, everyone seemed comfortable. Ms. Roznicki added that she reviewed the years of residency of the participants and felt that there was a good cross section.  The years of residency ranged from 5 to 40 years.
Mr. Steele said that the FFHMPRC should find out which leaders are going to be at the next Public Participation meeting and give them some guidance regarding what they should and shouldn’t do.  
Mr. Maurer stated that the Public Participation meeting on March 16th is going to be the same day as a Fairfield Hills Authority meeting. He added that many leaders are going to be at that meeting.  Mr. Mossbarger asked why the leaders are going there instead.  Mr. Maurer responded that Ms. Stocker and Ms. Llodra mentioned that they were going to be there.  
Ms. Zukowski felt it was unfortunate the way that things played out with regards to Ms. Llodra’s participation during the Microcosm Council.  It was unintentional but important to note that everyone wished to get the best outcomes possible.  Ms. Zukowski felt that it was a very well-rounded group of people that interacted well with the facilitator.
Mr. Lundquist said he was very impressed with how prepared the participants were.  Everyone had read the “homework.”  He added that this was the first time that members of the public got a view of how much background information there was and how it might influence town leader decisions.  He felt they “really got it.”
Mr. Maurer asked Ms. Zubizarreta and Mr. Roberts where the committee goes from here.  Mr. Roberts responded that next week would include many café groups of 4 people teams.  He said the committee needs to craft questions for a world café.  Mr. Roberts said participants are encouraged to speak as peers, the instructions are to converse.  At the end they should get together as a large group and report what each group said.  The meeting will be started with a summary of the outcomes of the community input.  Mr. Roberts said that the meeting will be from 6:30-9:00 PM in the Alexandria Room.  Ms. Roznicki said that she was concerned about the set-up for that evening.  Ms. Zubizarreta responded that card tables work fine.  She asked where they could get 16 card tables.  She added that they may need a backup plan if they can’t get the number of card tables.
Mr. Mossbarger suggested getting tables from Reed School.  Ms. Johnson was concerned about the use of benches.
Mr. Roberts felt that they will be okay in the Alexandria Room.  He asked for volunteers to do various jobs in preparation for March 16th.  Ms. Roznicki volunteered to take care of the refreshments.  Mr. Lundquist volunteered to take care of the publicity for the meeting.  Mr. Roberts also needs volunteers to coordinate the card tables and the supplies and to canvas public officials.
Mr. Steele asked if there was a handout so that people can understand the process.  Mr. Roberts responded that people can go to  Mr. Lundquist said that he is wondering how the night is going to play out for the FFHMPRC members.  Mr. Roberts suggested having the committee members walk around.  He added that maybe the members could be part of the participation.  Ms. Zubizzareta felt that it would be best for the FFHMPRC members to stay in the role of observer. Mr. Roberts suggested having a couple people take notes but we are not allowed to tape the papers to the walls.  Mr. Steele suggested renting tables.  He said he will price out the possibility of renting 3 foot round tables that seat about 4 people each.  Ms. Roznicki suggested double checking Edmund Town Hall to see what supplies are already there.  Mr. Roberts said that he will check into it.  Mr. Steele suggested that notes be taken and displayed using a computer and projector.
Ms. Zubizzareta suggested using successive sheets of paper and string as was used during the Microcosm Council.  She added that Ms. Roznicki did a great job with the refreshments for the Microcosm Council.  The FFHMPRC had some discussion regarding expected turnout for the next meeting.  Mr. Roberts suggested that each FFHMPRC member should tap into their friends.  He is looking for someone to draft an email.  Mr. Lundquist and Ms. Zubizzareta agreed to draft the email.  Mr. Lundquist said that there have already been 2 articles in the Bee about the upcoming meeting.  Mr. Lundquist reported that the Facebook page is up and established with 104 friends already.
Mr. Roberts said that Jan Brookes is interested in being involved.  Mr. Lundquist added that Ms. Brookes has been doing some other public communication with other organizations.  Ms. Zubizzareta said that it is good to “cross pollinate.”  
Ms. Roznicki reported that every person that was called for the Microcosm Council was very positive.
Mr. Mossbarger asked for the timeline on the survey.  Mr. Lundquist responded that after the first open community conversations, the survey can begin to be designed. It will be finalized a few weeks after the second community conversation. The survey will be distributed electronically, though physical printouts will be available at key places in the community. Mr. Roberts said that although some people have voiced concerns regarding our time scale, the reception of our work thus far has been very positive.  Mr. Lundquist added that of all our work the public participation is very important and should not be rushed.

Public Participation:

Mr. Roberts made the motion to adjourn.  Ms. Roznicki seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ~

Respectfully submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.