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The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Thursday February 10, 2011
Senior Center, Newtown, Connecticut

Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Present: ~Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Nancy Roznicki, Gary Steele, and Deborra Zukowski.

Absent:  Michael Mossbarger, Ben Roberts, and Alan Shepard.

Also Present:  Ruby Johnson, Chris McArdle, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, and Rosa Zubizarreta.

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook, suggested the committee consider the location of the soccer fields and explained problem that have occurred when they are built too closely together.  She explained how it may be difficult for the public to visualize proposals at Fairfield Hills and suggested having an architect or surveyor draw up a plan.  She has also found that the Town plans to hire a firm or person to lay out the infrastructure at Fairfield Hills and write a grant.  Ms. Johnson said she felt this may be jumping the gun, unless they are forward looking.

Mary Gaudet-Wilson from the Conservation Commission stated that the commission is committed to working with the FFHMP and discussed the importance of preserving open space.  She read some bullet points from their evaluation of the property that included rolling contoured land, scenic vistas, scenic Town corridor, trails, meadow habitat, young deciduous forest, Pine and Spruce stands, Wolf trees, waterways, etc.  She explained how preserving large parcels of land is important for the environment and passive recreation.   She said the high meadow is a gem.  Ms. Zukowski stated that the Conservation Commission document, as written, will be included in committee’s report.  

Chris McArdle, 41 Bennetts Bridge Road, asked for clarification regarding the commercial report in regards to the mil rate.  Ms. Zukowski said the information came from the Finance Director but will try to get a clearer answer for him.  

Approval of Minutes:  Mr. Lundquist made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2011 meeting. ~Mr. Maurer seconded the motion. ~The minutes were unanimously approved as amended. ~~~

Subcommittees Updates:  Mr. Floros opened discussion.  Mr. Lundquist discussed the process where each subcommittee document would be distilled and used in public participation.  Ms. Zubizarreta stated how they have been reviewing documents to create simpler versions in order to help in providing feedback.  

The committee members discussed the framework and level of detail that should be included in the reports and possibly separating the commercial report into two; one for housing and one for commercial.  Capital costs will be pulled out and put into a separate document as well.

Mr. Lundquist said the original Master Plan language includes the High School academy concept.  He feels this is not currently valid.  Ms. Roznicki said the school concept is constantly evolving and changing.  

The committee discussed the recruiting for the Microcosm Council.  Ms. Zubizarreta appreciates all the efforts.  She drafted a letter and forwarded it to members for review.  She discussed thank you letters for those volunteers to be on the Microcosm Council.  

The committee and Ms. Zubizarreta discussed the process of public participation.  The FFHMP committee members can be in the background of the Microcosm Council as a support.  This is interplay with all the hard information the committee has found.  

The committee members will provide their own telephone numbers for call backs.  If there are too many people, some may need to be moved into an alternate status.

Mr. Steele will compile the names and addresses of people interested in being on the council.  Mr. Lundquist will receive them and review the demographics comparison.  Ms. Hazen will make up a letterhead and will electronically send it to Mr. Steele.  Ms. Zubizarreta asked that Mr. Steele provide her with tally updates.  Mr. Steele will send out the edited letter for review.  It was noted that calls should be completed by the weekend and once they have the number of people needed, calls can be stopped.  The goal is to have twenty people on the council.  

Ms. Zubizarreta said the committee should have all the briefing materials together for the council by the next meeting.  In addition to the reports (the simplified and assessable reports) she feels there should be a few other pieces included: (1) a very simple timeline of FFH (2) a graphic outline of the Town’s decision making process, (3) How many previous committees and commissions have worked on FFH, with the name and timeframe of each committee, and a list of major findings.  Mr. Floros stated he can do 1 and 3 together.   Last piece should just be a graphic of the public participation process.  Mr. Lundquist volunteered to work on #2.  

New Business - None

Public Participation - None

Mr. Maurer made the motion to adjourn. ~Ms, Z seconded the motion. ~The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.