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The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Thursday December 9, 2010
Newtown Municipal Center, Newtown, Connecticut

Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:12 pm.

Present: Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Michael Mossbarger, Robert Maurer, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent: Gary Steele, and Alan Shepherd

Public Participation: ~Ruby Johnson from 16 Chestnut Hill Road, distributed a handout titled “Analysis Fairfield Hills Construction Project, First Selectman’s Office 2007.”  This document discussed costs associated with FH campus and she felt that the committee would find it interesting.  Ms. Johnson also wanted to clarify that a note a map that she had passed out a few months ago which showed Stratford Hall as a restaurant.  She clarified that the intention was that this would be more of a place to get a hamburger or hot dog, not a fancy sit down type restaurant.

First Selectman Llodra:  Ms. Llodra discussed the format for upcoming December 20, 2010 selectman’s meeting.  The meeting will begin at 7:00 and the BOS are devoting from about 7:00 until 7:30 for a discussion with the FHMPRC.  Ms. Llodra had two thoughts for the group to consider.  The first thought was about economic development.  She wanted the group to consider the question why should there be economic development at Fairfield Hills instead of other areas around Newtown, such as Botsford, Dodgingtown, and Hawleyville.  She suggested that the committee develop a larger view, larger context.  The decisions should not be made in isolation.  She asked the group to think of the boundaries of the town, not just the boundaries of the Fairfield Hills parcel.  

The second thought was that the Parks and Recreation department are in preliminary discussions with Newtown Youth Academy to possibly purchase a wing of the NYA building.  The Parks and Recreation Department could use one wing and reconstruct the interior to make it work for them.  This option would cost less than a stand-alone Parks and Recreation building currently conceived.   Currently there is approximately 15 million dollars is in the CIP, with a 4 year build-out, to build a Parks and Recreation facility.  However, initial estimates to build a stand-alone Parks and Recreation building are around 18 million dollars.  Ms. Llodra discussed the need to consider other ways we can serve Parks and Recreation needs.  Concerns of having a stand-alone Parks and Recreation building include that it would possibly duplicate programs already offered through NYA.  Discussions between the Town and Mr. D’Amico on this concept are just preliminary and there are still hurdles ahead. Ms. Llodra postulated that it is still possible that Parks and Recreation could build a stand-alone building.  Either a stand-alone or a combined facility would have the same amenities, although the layouts would be different.  Ms. Llodra stated a combined NYA facility would be significantly less costly than what is currently in the CIP.
Ms. Zukowski asked Ms. Llodra how much less cost would be involved with renovating a portion of the Youth Academy for Parks and Recreation.  Ms. Llodra replied that it was too early to provide estimates and that Mr. D’Amico was starting to put numbers together.  
Mr. Mossbarger asked Ms. Llodra if the town owns the NYA building.  Ms. Llodra replied that the building is privately owned but if Parks and Recreation took over a portion of the building the town would purchase that section.

Mr. Lundquist asked Ms. Llodra why NYA would want to give up part of their building.  Ms. Llodra said that she felt Mr. D’Amico always thought that the building would end up a town building.  She indicated that he did not think of NYA as his life-long endeavor.  Ms. Llodra said that there are still lots of unknowns.

Mr. Maurer contributed that the FHMPRC is only looking at development at Fairfield Hills, not the whole town.  Ms. Llodra stated that she thinks it is hard to look at the issue of development of Fairfield Hills in isolation.  You have to look at the whole community.  She also said she doesn’t want to stretch the roll of the FHMPRC but she thinks it is a handicap not to look at the various needs of the whole town.

Mr. Mossbarger stated that Ms. Llodra mentioned development in other areas of Newtown, such as Dodgingtown, and asked whether there are publicly owned areas in those locations.  Ms. Llodra responded that most of the other areas throughout town are privately owned.  She contributed that Hawleyville is an area that should be considered for future development.  Ms. Llodra asked the group to consider why someone would want to go to Fairfield Hills instead of other areas of town.  Ms. Llodra felt that it is important to look at a vision for the town.  She felt that it is important to look at sustainable areas on the borders of town, not just have everything at the center of the town.  Ms. Roznicki agreed that the Fairfield Hills campus impacts the whole town.

Ms. Llodra said that we need to reduce the burden on tax payers by increasing commercial or industrial development to help tax revenue.  She reiterated that it is hard to answer questions about Fairfield Hills in isolation.

Mr. Maurer asked Ms. Llodra what the format for the December 20, 2010 BOS meeting would be.  She responded that the selectman would like to hear from everyone on the committee.  The BOS would like to know what issues the committee is having and what things the committee is struggling with.  The BOS are not looking for answers just a discussion with the FHMPRC.  They would like to have a conversation, not a presentation.

Ms. Roznicki asked Ms. Llodra if she had any data from the business survey that was recently completed.  Ms. Llodra said that the survey information can be obtained from the EDC and that the data was being reviewed.

Mr. Mossbarger asked about the current NYA lease and what would have to change if Parks and Recreation takes over part of the building.  Ms. Llodra stated that the lease would have to be reviewed and redrawn if Parks and Recreation were involved.

Mr. Roberts thanked Ms. Llodra for coming to the meeting and discussing current happenings.  He asked her for her vision about Fairfield Hills.  Ms. Llodra said that she is very engaged by the Fairfield Hills property and that she can only speak for herself.  She loves coming to the campus everyday to work at the MOC.  She loves to see the walkers and all the activity on the property.   Ms. Llodra would like to see a nice center on the property where people can sit, listen to music, in a gazebo type-setting, and would consider a play-scape where Litchfield Hall is.   She thinks of the property in a community oriented way, social and civic.  She stated that although using the duplex area for Social Services may not be the most economical use, this use in that location would be sociably valuable.  Ms. Llodra would like Fairfield Hills to be a welcoming area for active and passive recreation as well as an area for cultural activities.  Ms. Llodra pointed out that she is purposely not talking about commercial development, but a place for a people to buy a cold drink or a sandwich might be good to have.

Mr. Lundquist expressed concern that Fairfield Hills will become more of a burden to the taxpayers.  He understands the village perspective of the town, but he felt that it was important to that Fairfield Hills comes first.  Ms. Llodra responded that there are no easy answers here.  She said it is important to think far out, and consider that maybe it will take 25 years to rebuild Fairfield Hills.   Ms. Llodra indicated that the town currently has many buildings in disarray.  As an example, she indicated that Kent Hall is so dangerous that a fence needed to be put around it to protect the public.  The original Fairfield Hills Master Plan discussed reuse of some buildings but Ms. Llodra feels now that some of these plans should be revised.  The economic situation continues to be very challenging.  Although the buildings are beautiful, many will have to be taken down.  Once demolished, the town would have just the land.  She stated that any plan that is developed should be reviewed every 5 years.  Ms. Llodra stated that it is important to isolate her personal thoughts as any other citizen’s opinion.  No one should overstate her opinion.

Ms. Zukowski asked about public voting options and stated that she felt that there are 3 different voting options: 1. Have the public vote on the final product.  2.  Use the surveys, World Café, etc. as a strategy.  There would be no need for a vote as long as we stay true to the strategy expressed by the public in these venues.   3.  Present 2 plans to the public and have the public vote on the plan they prefer.  1 would emphasize quality of life and 1 would emphasize commercial uses.  Ms. Llodra said that she would be cautious about asking people to vote on a plan.  She felt that it is important to be specific or you will box people in.  She prefers testing concepts, such as housing as a concept, or commercial development as a concept, or even mix of uses.  All these questions can be asked and Ms. Llodra stated that it is not just 1 or 2 questions but possibly 10 questions.  She felt that you could ask the same question different ways.  If you only ask 2 questions you end up with “winners and losers.”  Ms. Llodra said she didn’t know how to achieve this, and indicated that it is not easy.

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Roberts made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from the October 25, 2010 meeting.  Mr. Lundquist seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.  
Mr. Floros made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from the November 12, 2010 meeting.  Mr. Roberts seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.
Ms. Zukowski made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from the November 23, 2010 meeting.  Ms. Roznicki seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.  

New Business:
  • Ms. Zukowski discussed the process of submitting agendas and minutes for the subcommittee meetings since the clerk is not a town employee.  Mr. Floros reviewed the process.  The first step is to ask Sue Marcinek to reserve a room for the subcommittee meeting.  Step 2, once the room is reserved an agenda needs to be submitted in a word document in Times New Roman font.  This agenda should be emailed to Debbie and Renee in the Town Clerk’s office.  Ms. Zukowski wanted to remind the committee members to watch to make sure that their things get posted on time.  Sue Marcinek offered to print out necessary documents for meetings as long as she is given at least 48 hours notice.  It was suggested that Sue print out 4 copies of the documents for all meetings.   Ms. Zukowski suggested that the clerk send an email to Sue 2 days before the FHMPRC meetings to print out 4 copies of the agenda and minutes to be reviewed.  Mr. Floros will send an email to the committee members reviewing the procedure.
  • Mr. Roberts discussed the procedure for the December 20, 2010 Board of Selectman’s meeting.  Mr. Roberts stated that 30 minutes is not very much time to allow everyone to talk.  Discussion ensued about the best way to use the 30 minutes.  Since the Demographics Report is finished it would be beneficial to have that document available to the selectman.  This is a framework for much of the other subcommittees.  The other committees are at various stages and may not be ready to present.  Some subcommittees are almost done with their recommendations but some are still in process and have no recommendations to put forward at this point.
Mr. Floros suggested that the subcommittees review their status and ask for questions from the selectman.  Mr. Lundquist agreed that it was important to let the selectman know where the subcommittees stand.

Mr. Floros said that he will do an introduction at the beginning of the selectmen’s meeting.  He will draft the introduction and email it to the committee members and they can add or subtract as they wish.  He feels that the meeting with the BOS should be more of a question and answer session.

  • Mr. Floros will ask Sue Marcinek to continue the existing schedule for meetings from January through April.  The meetings will continue to be the 2nd Thursday of every month and the 4th Monday of every month.

Subcommittee Updates:

Demographics Subcommittee:  See report attached.  Mr. Floros discussed how incentive housing would impact the report.  Mr. Roberts contributed that Open Space land could impact the numbers on the report too.  Mr. Mossbarger asked Ms. Zukowski if this report changes the way we view the Fairfield Hills property.  Ms. Zukowski responded that it does.  For example if the population is 33,000 the existing schools would be sufficient but if the number is 37,000 the schools would not be sufficient.  Mr. Floros noted that the rest of the town needs to be thought of too, not just Fairfield Hills.
Mr. Roberts asked if there was a date projected for the build-out.  Ms. Zukowski said they used the 2008 studies and their build-out was about 30 years but in this economy it probably won’t be 30 years, it could be 40 years or even 100 years.  Mr. Lundquist added that there is too much unknown to establish a build-out date.  Ms. Zukowski said that this report is an estimate for the future.  Ms. Roznicki contributed that Fairfield Hills may be a good place for a middle school or a high school but not an elementary school since it’s not a traditional neighborhood.
Mr. Lundquist said that a recommendation might be that there is a need to bank land for future educational use.  In 5 years, a committee will re-evaluate that recommendation.
Mr. Floros said that he thinks this report is good to use as a guide.  Mr. Lundquist said that it is good to put issues of land banking on the radar of the town.  Mr. Maurer asked if a conclusion should be part of the report.  Ms. Zukowski responded that she felt the conclusions would not be part of this report but of the final report from the FHMPRC.
Mr. Roberts made a motion to accept the Demographics Report as revised.  Ms. Roznicki seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Public Participation Subcommittee:  Mr. Roberts discussed Rosa, the facilitator/consultant that will be working with the FHMPRC.  Last week, she came to Newtown and met with members of FHMPRC but Mr. Floros, Mr. Mossbarger, Mr. Shepard and Mr. Maurer were absent.  Mr. Roberts will try and set up a meeting for December 22nd for Rosa to come and meet with the rest of the committee.  There was a discussion about what other people might want to meet with Rosa, maybe Ms. Johnson, or Mr. Zvon or Mr. Hurley.
Mr. Roberts stated that anything costing between $2,000 and $10,000 needs to be approved and you need to have 3 different quotes.  Mr. Roberts felt confident that Rosa is going to be low cost and high caliber.   

Municipal Subcommittee Meeting:  Meeting notes attached.  Mr. Mossbarger asked how much building space the police, ambulance, and fire would need.  Mr. Floros said that the police would need about 33,000 square feet (2.5 acres), the ambulance would need about 10-15,000 square feet and the fire would need about 10-15,000 square feet.  Mr. Floros stated that this is not a recommendation just a synthesis of their information.

Housing Subcommittee:  Meeting notes attached.  Mr. Maurer stated that housing is not a definite but is something that needs to be looked at.

Commercial Development Subcommittee:  Meeting notes attached.  Ms. Zukowski asked if the public thinks that retail is the right type of commercial development.  Mr. Mossbarger responded that he doesn’t think housing is essential with commercial development.

Open Space, Recreation, and Social Services Subcommittee:  Ms. Zukowski said that they met last week with Lisa Schwartz, whom is one of the board of directors of Kevin’s Community Center.  They discussed the pros and cons of consolidation of services.  
Ms. Zukowski also discussed the High Meadow area.  There is some confusion as to how it is classified.  Ms. Llodra said that it is actually classified as Conservation/Agricultural but in the maps it shows this land as part of the redevelopment of Fairfield Hills.  

Education Subcommittee:  no report

Public Participation:
Ruby Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill Road shared a quotation from Abraham Lincoln, if people are with you all things are possible.

Mr. Roberts made the motion to adjourn.  Ms. Zukowski seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 10:07 p.m. ~

Respectfully submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.