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09-18-10 Demographic Subcommittee
8FFHMPR Demographics Subcommittee Meeting Notes September 18, 2010 Agenda

Discuss the role that demographics data will play in moving forward with getting information to help frame FairField Hills future uses

Come up with a plan on how to approach demographics that best supports #1

Identify additional information/resources that may help execute on that plan.

The role of demographics for our committee

Need metrics for ensuring that our survey(s) appropriately represent the town (i.e., respondent data will be weighted to reflect the real-world demographics of our community)

o Assumptions behind survey:

alibri" size="+0" color="#000000" style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:8pt;color:#000000;">Process

Identify all long-term demographics efforts that have been or are about to be done by other organizations within the town.

Call on experts and town-wide data collectors, including but not limited to

o Plan of Conservation authors

o Prior demographics committees and membership

o Public works

o Town citizens who are invested in this issue and who have been collecting information relevant to this work.

Next Steps

Read and understand the following documents

o Newtown Population Projections 2000-2030, H.C. Planning Consultants, Inc.

o Newtown Buildout Analysis & Population Projections, Planimetrics, H.C. Planning Consultants, Inc.

o Newtown School Enrollment Dynamics & Projections 2010-2019, H.C. Planning Consultants, Inc.

o Newtown, Connecticut, CERC Town Profile

Next meeting: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 7PM. Room TBD.