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Last Updated: 2010/11/3
The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee held a meeting on Thursday, October 25, 2010 at the Newtown Municipal Center, Newtown, Connecticut.  

Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Present: Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Michael Mossbarger, Robert Maurer, Ben Roberts, Alan Shepard, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent: Nancy Roznicki, Gary Steele, and Stephen Zvon

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson from 16 Chestnut Hill Road, distributed information and discussed how the Senior Center wants to expand in their building.  She asked the committee to look at population projections and determine what space the senior center may need in the future.  She also discussed the Ambulance Association requesting to relocate to Fairfield Hills (FFH).  The proposal includes a plan showing the Ambulance, Fire, and Police Departments housed in the same vicinity at FFH.  She also discussed editorials from the Newtown Bee regarding economic development (attachments A & B) and a memo by Stearns & Wheler dated 01/10/07 regarding the sewer system at FFH. (Attachment C).  Mr. Shepard noted that FFH was never voted in to the water/sewer district and whether the Water and Sewer Authority would pay for the work at FFH has yet to be determined.  

Approval of Minutes:  Ms. Zukowski motioned to approve the minutes of 9/27/10.  Mr. Lundquist seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as amended.  Mr. Lundquist motioned to approve the minutes of 10/14/10.  Mr. Roberts seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as amended.  

Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development

Ms. Stocker provided an overview of her responsibilities and how they relate to the FFH campus.  She discussed Planning and Zoning’s leadership role in creating a new Adaptive Reuse zone specifically for the campus.  She also worked with the master planning committees and Planning and Zoning and is currently involved with EDC, the Fairfield Hills Authority and Mike Struna regarding the marketing of the campus.  

Mr. Maurer asked about Ms. Stocker’s involvement with grants.  Ms. Stocker stated they recently they applied for an EPA town-wide environmental hazardous waste assessment grant for $200,000, which would include the assessment of the buildings on campus.  She said there is another $200,000 EPA grant to be used for abatement of asbestos and removal of hazardous materials.  The lead-based paint was not removed but an assessment was done in the Stratford Building and two adjacent duplexes. The clean up is complete but there are details left to finish before the grant is closed out.  There were also several Connecticut State grants (Small Town Economic Assistance Grant, aka, STEAP) for tunnel removal, etc. and $250,000 that was transferred from the Tech Park for purposes of abatement work, removing tunnels, upgrading the water system, and the streetscape work.

Mr. Maurer asked if she was involved with the grant for the duplexes and if more are expected.  Ms. Stocker said there is another $100,000 clean up grant that would cover the other two duplexes.  Mr. Mossbarger asked if it’s required to be used on the duplexes.  Stocker said the duplexes were indicated on the application.  Mr. Floros asked if a building is specified on the grant, does it have to be used on that building.  Ms. Stocker said there is a time period where it could be change but that the current grant is already in process.

Mr. Lundquist asked what other areas in town are being considered for the $200,000 town-wide grant.  Ms. Stocker explained that Sandy Hook Marine & Auto and Edmond Town Hall were also identified in the grant.  Mr. Lundquist asked how specific the grant applications need to be.  Ms. Stocker said the projects need to show it would help the overall health of the community.  Mr. Lundquist then asked if the $100,000 grant for the other duplex (not for KCC) is specific.  She said the KCC duplex is already cleaned up from the other grant and that they were expecting all three grants would complete all duplexes.

Mr. Shepard asked what the total cost is to clean up of the duplexes.  Ms. Stocker said it had cost $240,000 for the Stratford House and the first two duplexes. The additional $100,000 should clean up two more of the duplexes.  She noted that clean up costs include their soft costs, i.e., licensed environmental professional fees, lab work, and testing.  Mr.

Shepard then asked if they could expect to get three of the duplexes cleaned up for about $350,000.  Ms. Stocker said probably four.  Ms. Zukowski asked about cost share for the grants.  Ms. Stocker said there was only a cost share with the initial clean up grant.  Ms. Zukowski summarized the grants and asked if the only Town money used was $40,000 needed for the initial clean up grant.  Ms. Stocker said there were also in-kind services as well.  Mr. Mossbarger asked if the committee is locked into the money being used for the duplexes.  Ms. Stocker said she believes so and asked if there were other buildings the committee were targeting.  Mr. Mossbarger shared concerns that using the duplexes would lock down that area and hinders the scope of the whole property.  

Mr. Lundquist asked about the assessment grant and how much is known at this time about the hazardous materials.  Ms. Stocker explained that the LEP has put together a matrix on the buildings, but there is still more preliminary work to be done (testing, monitoring, lab work, etc.).  Ms. Zukowski asked in relation to economic-based or consumer service-based businesses, what percentage of each business does Ms. Stocker foresee for Newtown.  Also, in terms of a healthy ratio of economic development vs. residential tax burden, where is the Town now and is there enough land outside of FFH to bring the town to a healthy level.  Ms. Stocker said identifying the level of economic development needed has not been identified, but that the continued growth of economic development was defined in the POCD and in the town’s Strategic Plan.  Ms. Zukowski asked if the current zoning laws maintain that level.  Ms. Stocker said the town has the ability to grow and be sustainable and that P & Z created alternatives, i.e., South Main and Sandy Hook Design Districts, changes in Hawleyville, and then the Tech Park.  She said it depends on utilities and environmental restraints and that FFH has the existing infrastructure, a transportation system, and that at one time provided a huge amount of employment.  

Mr. Lundquist asked if the Tech Park and FFH compete and if the 30-year lease places FFH at a disadvantage.  Ms. Stocker said the two sites are complimentary and that lease options at FFH are not set in stone.  Mr. Lundquist asked how the tech park would be put forth.  Ms. Stocker said it hasn’t been defined, but EDC can entertain several options.  

Mr. Mossbarger asked for Ms. Stocker’s opinion on the housing proposal for Cochran House.  Ms. Stocker said it’s worthy of consideration and that housing was historically part of the best use plan for the campus.  She does not feel 160 units is a lot, although large for Newtown standards.  She explained there’s a movement across the country where people live in smaller homes, closer to amenities, and closer to each other and that Newtown has the opportunity to provide such things.  Mr. Maurer said smart growth seems to be more popular, it stops the sprawl and allows more open space.  Ms. Stocker said housing on FFH would allow for larger parcels in town, provide diversity, and preserve the character of the town.  Ms. Zukowski said she thinks about village centers in relation to smart growth and asked if it makes sense to have smart growth at FFH or should it be used for another purpose.  Ms. Stocker said it would help generate economic growth and provide neighborhood services.  Mr. Lundquist asked Ms. Stocker what is her vision of smart growth at FFH.  Ms. Stocker said she sees a mixture, with commercial and community uses mixed in.  Mr. Roberts asked in an ideal world, what would Ms. Stocker like to see on the campus.  She said she see’s a combination of uses that would provide a synergy, i.e., passive and active recreation, an educational institution, cultural uses (performing and visual arts), etc.  She said you have to think out of the box and though it may need a master planner and that it is difficult to do it piecemeal.

Mr. Shepard asked why would someone invest in the buildings when they can get a higher rate of return somewhere else.  He asked what proposals have come forward and if there are town funds involved.  Ms. Stocker said there were leases worked out for Woodbury Hall and Newtown Hall, and there was an intent to lease all of the duplexes, but the economy has stalled all interest.  Fortunately, there are State and Federal funds available and the grants have helped.  Mr. Maurer commented on Chris Lyddy’s comment in the News Times about FFH’ fee and leasing structure and the views on the campus.  Ms. Stocker said that Mike Struna has not proposed a leasing structure that she knows of.  Mr. Lundquist asked Ms. Stocker if the buildings should be taken down.  Ms. Stocker said when investing a substantial sum of money, there needs to be a clear vision to convince people to invest.  She used the example of the revitalization of Sandy Hook center, that you need to believe in what you’re doing, be able to support the beliefs, and maintain a momentum - uncertainty is a cause for failure.  Mr. Lundquist then said a lack of action is a detriment to the development of the campus.  

Mr. Roberts asked Ms. Stocker if there is an argument to be made for not developing FFH.  Ms. Stocker said there are many studies supporting that economic development pays for itself. The campus already has the infrastructure and there is too much value in the property not to develop it - the only way you would turn a fully developed campus back into open space is if there were environmental issues.  Mr. Roberts said the town already owns the property and in order to preserve open space elsewhere (using privately held pieces of land) it would have to be paid for with new money.  Ms. Zukowski said in order to provide the correct information to the public, what would be considered a healthy mix of residential and commercial and is FFH necessary to meet that target.  Ms. Stocker said she can research this information.  

First Selectman Llodra

Ms. Llodra discussed how the results of the school enrollment study may impact the future use of its facilities and that their recommendations will impact the larger municipal space needs study still to be completed.  If there are reuse possibilities for municipally-owned properties (not on FFH), then the results can effect the committee’s work, i.e., the discussion of the Police Department moving to FFH; a vacated school could be used for the Police Department.  Ms. Llodra said $500,000 KCC grant specifically stated it was for the rehab of a building on campus.  A professional estimator said the cost to rehab the duplex is $460,000 (not including an elevator).  With an elevator, the cost would be $500,000.  She feels concentrating on the duplex area is manageable and will bring more life to the campus and to the community.  She said $350,000 is requested in the CIP to support the infrastructure necessary for KCC.
Ms. Llodra suggested the committee meet with the Fairfield Hills Authority to eliminate possible conflicting discussions.  In relation to the discussion of economic development (the Planimetrics report(, the determiner is the quality of life the community wants to experience.  Newtown is often compared to Trumbull as a community, but 14% of Trumbull’s grand list is commercial/industrial and Newtown’s is 8%.  It was explained to her that although commercial and industrial do not reduce taxes, it mitigates the impact of the growth in taxes.  Regarding the in-kind services provided at FFH, although they are unable to quantify previous work, a separate account was formed in 12/09 to track this.  She said the campus is treated as any other part of the community, the Town has a responsibility to care for it as they do all other areas of Town.

Mr. Shepard asked if there are any funds dedicated from the Sterns and Wheler report to upgrade the sewer lines.  Ms. Llodra said no. Mr. Lundquist asked about the timing of the facilities studies by the Town and BOE.  Ms. Llodra said the school facility study should be done by spring, the town study would then start and be completed by the Fall of 2011.  
Ms. Zukowski asked if it would make sense to break ground in another part of the campus for KCC and use the duplexes for a different scenario.  First Selectman Llodra said she was more in favor of reusing the existing buildings rather than building new and that creating an environment in the duplex area would bring life to the campus.  

Mr. Mossbarger discussed the 40 acres in that corner and if the duplexes were used, it limits the property for another potential use.  He wondered whether there was a better location for KCC.  Ms Llodra said she’s not opposed to other options but strongly believes that part of the campus should serve the community and that critical services like KCC and Newtown Youth and Family Services need help and support.  She said this is an opportunity to address that need and demonstrate community culture by using a very small area of the campus to serve that need.  

Ms. Zukowski asked about Newtown Hook and Ladder not wanting to relocate to FFH and asked if there has been any discussion about redistricting the Fire Departments.  Ms. Llodra one of the concerns they have for the FFH location is the amount of time it takes for volunteers to get to the fire station to respond to a call.  She has not heard any talk about redistricting.  She reminded the committee that members of the Fire Departments are volunteer.

Further Discussion and Review of Proposed Process and Public Participation.

The committee discussed the timeline, stating that the process to collect information could run into early April.  The key component is to get feedback from the community.  Ms. Zukowski said the 2010 census will have data available in February. It was agreed that giving the committee more time would provide a stronger report.  Ms. Zukowski motioned that it is the position of the committee to maintain the original schedule that would continue through to April.  Mr. Shepard seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Mr. Floros will check with First Selectman Llodra about the budget and determine the locations for public forums,

Subcommittee Meeting Notes Attached:
  • Education Subcommittee
  • Process and Public Participation Subcommittee
  • Demographics Subcommittee
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.  The next meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on Friday, November 12, 2010 at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.