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The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee held a meeting on Friday, July 9, 2010 at the Newtown Municipal Center, Newtown, Connecticut.  Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Present: Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Michael Mossbarger, Mr. Roberts, Ms. Roznicki, Mr. Shepard, Deborra Zukowski, Dennis Kyle, Stephen Zvon; Absent: Gary Steele

Public Participation: Ruby Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill Road presented a copy of the space needs study done by Kaestle-Boos in 1999, discussing space needs for the Police Department.  She said the report prompted to Town to look at Fairfield Hills as a solution for space requirements.  

Lereine Frampton of 5 Pebble Road said the goal of Fairfield Hills was to develop it so it would be neutral without a tax burden while leaving enough open space.  She shared concerns about the Youth Academy becoming a nonprofit near its completion, leaving the Town without benefits of tax revenue.  She asked if stipulations can be built into leases of future operating businesses.  She asked if a previous proposal of a town golf course could be revisited, stating that several surrounding towns collect revenue from town golf courses.  She said it would prevent over building, bring in revenue and preserve open space.  There could also be buildings attached to the golf course that could be rented for weddings or events.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes were discussed and changes will be reflected in amended minutes.  Mr. Roberts motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  Motion seconded by Mr. Shepard.  Motion carried unanimously.

2010 Meeting Schedule:  Mr. Maurer motioned to accept the 2010 meeting schedule.  Seconded by Mr. Lundquist.  The motion was approved unanimously.  

Tour of Fairfield Hills:  Mr. Floros said Kevin’s Community Center is touring the duplexes on Tuesday, July 13th at 4:30 pm and that the committee is invited.  The committee discussed touring the entire complex.  Mr. Floros will make appropriate contacts and confirm the dates.  Ms. Zukowski stated possible safety hazards (mold).  After further discussion, Ms. Roznicki motioned to tour the complex on Saturday, July 17th and Saturday, August 7th.  Mr. Lundquist seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.  Mr. Floros will confirm these dates.

Discussion of Charge:  Mr. Floros opened discussion on how deep the committee’s charge should be.  He said his intention is to gather the areas of interest and determine how to approach them.  Ms. Roznicki suggested there may be an updated summary of the Master Plan somewhere and stated that the committee's charge gives clear direction to gather information and find a consensus among the community.  

Mr. Floros agreed, stating that the amount of time and effort needed to re-write the Master Plan does not equate to this committee.  He said they were asked to review the five major themes and determine relevancy to the public.  He quoted those themes: (1) Substantial open space; (2) Renovation for Town uses; (3) Entry plaza for economic development; (4) Reserve the core for revenue generation; and (5) Maintain the campus look.  

Mr. Shepard said the committee lacks resources to rewrite the Master Plan.  He suggested gathering input from other groups and make recommendations to present to the Board of Selectman.  

Ms. Zukowski discussed gathering information such as estimated costs and income, capital versus operational, and new information on actual costs.  She noted how the Newtown Youth Academy challenged its assessment and that the committee should look into that type of information.  She suggested gather demographic data for determining long-term needs for the Town (i.e., banking land for an future elementary school).  She said the committee should find out exactly what open space means and if “banked land” fits into that definition.  She also felt that zoning information should be looked into.   

Mr. Lundquist felt the committee’s charge is not to rewrite the plan, but to provide a road map (with detail) for whoever comes next.  He said that in reviewing the Master Plan, questions will be generated and that specific groups could be interviewed to answer those questions.  During the process, information can be collected to develop a framework to take to the public, proposing conceptual ideas.  He felt they should find out what open space means to the public and that recommendations on individual buildings are irrelevant at this point.

Mr. Zvon said some basic information could be taken from the Master Plan but the committee should start from scratch.  He said the buildings should be reviewed by architects and engineers and the large amount of land could be used for town houses, golf courses, etc.  He thinks the committee should propose feasible ideas to bring to the public.  

Mr. Shepard said the current cost per square foot from the rehabilitation of the Municipal Center (the building, infrastructure, and parking) can provide a baseline for future renovations.  He said there was a learning curve regarding the Youth Academy and that cost information from that project could be helpful.  He also asked what the physical bounds of the committee’s charge is.

Mr. Floros said he would like to find out what the committee expects to deliver to the Board of Selectmen in December.  He felt the committee can provide suggestions on the five major themes based on information gathered from other groups.  

Mr. Roberts said there seems to be a consensus that a rewrite of the Master Plan is not expected.  Instead, information can be gathered from various groups.  He quoted the First Selectman’s charge from the minutes of June 7, 2010, stating,  "The Board of Selectmen’s goal is to move forward to a better understanding and to have a greater consensus within the community regarding the role of Fairfield Hills within the town." He said her comment is at the heart of what he is most interested in seeing the committee accomplish.  He would like the group to think creatively in deciding how to engage the community in this decision and, although there may be a great number of varying opinions from the public, he feels it's possible that something larger could emerge.   

Ms. Zukowski discussed the possibility of the complex being divided into zones (i.e., social services, Town buildings, non-organized recreation).  Mr. Zvon discussed the possibility of a wind farm, housing or a golf course.  He said the proposal for Danbury Hospital to have a primary care facility should be revisited.  Mr. Mossbarger said the committee should seek conceptual ideas from the public and that the First Selectman asked the committee to test the viability of the five themes.  Mr. Shepard suggested using the summer months to gather information breaking up in task forces and then review the information in September with a community workshop.  The committee could then digest public input and plan another workshop in November.  Ms. Zukowski recommended the following task forces: (1) Understand the long-term demographics; (2) Open space and recreation; (3) Understanding Town needs; and (4) Understanding the potential for commercialization.

Mr. Floros said his sense was that the final document will not be as exhaustive as the Master Plan, but would be more in term of themes.  Ms. Zukowski said she respectfully felt that was not quite enough and that there should be some sense of a longer range strategic plan and guidelines on how the themes may be realized.  Mr. Floros agreed but said information such as determining a building’s reuse or associated costs would be beyond the scope of the committee.  Mr. Kyle said when the Selectmen formed this committee a moratorium was placed on Fairfield Hills. He said concerns that the Fairfield Hills Authority took it on their own to do what they wanted without public awareness.  Mr. Roberts said perhaps the committee can exploring process, suggest ways in which the Town should handle decisions on the property, and identify where the processes have failed the Town.  

Mr. Maurer said the committee could have public hearings, gather information from politicians and town groups, or just take it from the perspective of reviewing the original five charges. Mr. Zvon said the committee should not be mandating anything but make educated proposals to the public.  

Mr. Floros called the topic to end.  He felt the basis of the committee’s recommendation could be to provide a process to revise the themes and gather input through subcommittees seeking information from other groups.  Mr. Zvon felt that wasn't the committee's charge.  Mr. Lundquist said it's exactly what the committee's suppose to do.  Mr. Shepard said the committee cannot move forward unless input is gathered.  

Ms. Zukowski quoted from the June 7th Selectmen's meeting "The Board of Selectmen’s goal is to move forward to a better understanding and to have a greater consensus within the community regarding the role of Fairfield Hills within the town.  She reviewed the committee’s charge and noted that the Master Plan is a Strategic Plan for Fairfield Hills and that it should be consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD).  She also discussed the importance of soliciting active participation from the public and seeking other views, as well as providing their findings (from the public) to others."  Mr. Floros then read the committee’s entire charge.

Mr. Lundquist said he foresees a very substantial document and that the structure of the five themes is appropriate to set a framework for what the committee delivers.  He feels there should be specific items addressed in the Master Plan, and that information gathered will provide a robust reason to make recommendations.

After further discussion, Ms. Zukowski motioned that the committee (1) Revisit the themes within the context of the economic and social realities existing today; (2) Discuss portions of the existing Master Plan that are no longer relevant based on this new understanding; (3) Augment the themes such that they are reflective of this reality; (4) Introduce processes to help town leaders better implement the plan based on the themes recommended herein; and (5) Propose to investigate potential frameworks to be added to the Master Plan such that the themes can be strategically realized.

After discussion and several amendments, Ms. Zukowski restated the final amended motion as being: (1) Revisit the themes within the context of the economic and social realities existing today; (2) Augment the themes such that they are reflective of this reality; (3) Propose to investigate potential frameworks to be added to the mp such that the themes can be strategically realized; (4) Suggest processes to help town leaders better implement the plan based on the themes recommended herein and; and (5) In all of the above, to engage with the citizens of Newtown to understand their needs and concerns and to seek to build consensus.

Mr. Lundquist seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.

Areas of Interest of Master Plan (March 2005 as Amended)

Mr. Floros opened discussion and noted that themes and subcommittees could be discussed at the next meeting.  The committee questioned what constitutes a quorum and how the committee will vote (whether by majority, super majority or unanimous).  Ms. Zukowski motioned to vote super majority.  After it was decided that a further clarification is needed for what constitutes a super majority, the motion was withdrawn.  Mr. Floros will confirm the definition.  The committee discussed appropriate mechanisms of communications outside the domain of the meetings (i.e., e-mails) and the physical perimeters of the complex (acreage delineation) that relates to the committee's charge.  

Ms. Zukowski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:26 pm.  Motion seconded by Mr. Lundquist.  Motion approved unanimously.  The next meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on Monday, July 26, 2010 at 7:00 pm.