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Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Minutes of June 21, 2010

The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee held a meeting on Monday, June 21, 2010 at Edmond Town Hall, Main Street, Newtown, Connecticut.  Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Present:  Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Michael Mossbarger, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, Alan Shepard, Gary Steele, Deborra Zukowski, Dennis Kyle, Stephen Zvon

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook, said that although the committee cannot go back in time, they can be helped what other people thought and felt during past decisions.  She distributed a packet of information from past consultants, including Harrall-Michalowski and Wilder Balter Partners.  Ms. Johnson discussed the suggestion of a cost-benefit analysis and said she would like to cooperate in any way she can.  

The committee discussed the election of officers and determined they would elect a Chair and Vice Chair.  Ms. Roznicki motioned to nominated Mr. Lundquist as Chair.  Mr. Roberts seconded the motion.  Mr. Lundquist turned down the nomination.  Ms. Roznicki withdrew the motion.  Mr. Lundquist motioned to nominated Mr. Floros as Chair.  Motion seconded by Mr. Shepard.  Mr. Roberts motioned to nominate Mr. Maurer as Chair.  Mr. Maurer said he would prefer the Vice Chair position.  The nomination was withdrawn.  The committee was called to question on the motion of electing Mr. Floros as Chair.  Mr. Floros was approved unanimously as Chair.  Mr. Steele then motioned to nominate Mr. Maurer as Vice Chair.  Motion seconded by Mr. Roberts.  The committee members discussed the nominations of Mr. Lundquist and Mr. Maurer as Vice Chair and the two nominees discussed what they can bring to the table.  The committee was called to question with a paper ballot.  Mr. Maurer was approved as Vice Chair with a vote of 7 to 2.  

The committee discussed a meeting schedule.  It was noted the importance of having enough room for public participation and the availability of hearing devices.  The committee agreed on scheduling their meeting time at 7:00 pm.  Tentative meeting times in July were set for July 9th and July 26th.  Ms. Hazen will research more available meeting spaces and inform the Chair.  When a definite meeting space is determined, a more clear schedule will be submitted.  

It was reiterated that the committee will seek information from other groups, including members from the original Master Plan Committee, the Fairfield Hills Authority, as well as other groups and members of the public.  

Al Resnick from 169 Hanover Road suggested the committee have public participation at the beginning of every meeting and then again at the end of each meeting.  He also asked how the committee plans to vote, whether by majority, super majority, or with a unanimous vote.  

The committee discussed what would be considered a quorum and how many people can sit on each subcommittee.  Committee members will continue to discuss agenda items, rules and procedures, goals and objectives and suggested subcommittees to save time.  Mr. Floros asked all committee members to read through their copy of the Master Plan and bring ideas forth at the next meeting.  Specifics on voting, subcommittees, core themes, and an outline of future discussions will be discussed at the next meeting as well.

First Selectman Llodra joined the meeting later in the evening and discussed the five duplexes at Fairfield Hills, stating that the town has been working with Kevin's Community Center on moving into one of the duplexes.  She explained that the Town is receiving a grant for infrastructure improvements and said the area gas great potential for a thematic development, including other compatible social services into one area.  Ms. Llodra also asked the committee to consider a plan for a timing system on the lighting in order to help reduce costs.  She also said there are some emotionally laden concepts such as housing and commercial development and encouraged the committee not to pre-judge any ideas and to trust their own judgment.  

Ms. Zukowski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:26 pm.  Motion seconded by Mr. Lundquist.  Motion approved unanimously.