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Town of Newtown, CT                                             3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT


The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday, January 19, 2011 in meeting room 1 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.

The meeting was called to order by chairman, Kathy Quinn at 7:09 pm.

Present: Chairman, Kathy Quinn, Desiree Galassi, Fred Hurley, Barbara Toomey

Absent: Dan Holmes, Sarah Hemingway, Benjamin Roberts, Joseph Borst

Public: Jodi French, Director of Project Finance for RGS Energy, Mark Rostafin, Senior Vice President for Smart Energy Capital, Charlie Copp


Acceptance of November and December Minutes:
There were not enough members present to accept minutes at this time.

Public Comments:

Jodi French shared her background with the commission; she is the Director of Project Finance for RGS Energy and has worked on 10 megawatts worth of projects, focusing on solar electric power. Mark Rostafin stated to the commission that he has worked in the solar energy field for many years and he knows that Connecticut has been structuring incentives to install renewable energy. He is encouraging the commission to take early action while the prices are still stable. Mr. Rostafin stated that there are many companies that will install the solar power equipment on town property, maintain the equipment, and the town buys the solar energy from the company. Mr. Rostafin provided the commission with a sample RFP from a nearby municipality pertaining to their solar power. Ms. French stated that the systems could go up to a megawatt and can have 5 separate locations on multiple scales. Mr. Rostafin added that there is 20 – 25 year price stability and the market has been very forward thinking. He encouraged the commission to think about it and entering the RFP process for solar energy. Mr. Hurley told the commission that the town just received a proposal for exclusive rights to providing the town with solar power. Mr. Rostafin told the commission that the program from the state is extremely competitive and that the less greedy you are, the more likely you are to be rewarded with funding. The commission needs to look at the Z rack and power rate to see which company would give them the most for their money. Ms. French offered her services to help evaluate sites and stated that she knows the technology and nuances of the programs and equipment. Mr. Rostafin stated the least expensive way to install the equipment would be on the ground next to buildings rather than burdening the roofs of buildings. Mr. Rostafin encouraged the commission to act quickly and get out in front with the RFPs. Mr. Hurley responded that the town is interested in any solution that can help the town with energy costs.

Old Business:

Reed / Middle School Solar Presentation (from Middle School Students):
Four young ladies, eighth graders at the Middle School, are currently working on a science project regarding the solar panels on the Reed School. The girls polled their eighth grade cluster and found out that many of the students know about solar power but do not know the importance of it. They want to preserve their future and try to make a small difference.

Ms. Galassi questioned the girls about taking the next step and furthering their project and the knowledge they gained. The girls responded they would like to help in any way possible and help educate their fellow students on solar energy. Ms. Galassi stated that she is a teacher at the high school and is willing to meet with them and brainstorm ideas about how to spread the education among all of the schools. Ms. Galassi mentioned the possibility of the girls circulating through all the Newtown schools to present their ideas and knowledge about solar energy. Ms. Galassi stated that sometimes it takes the passion of kids to get the momentum going on an idea and she is willing to help in any way possible. Ms. Galassi is planning on emailing the girls to set up a meeting after mid – terms to get some ideas going and do something fabulous, hopefully bringing other students on  board to be ambassadors in their schools. Ms. Galassi asked if they learned anything in their science classes about solar energy but it is only present in the ninth grade science curriculum.

Ms. Galassi stated that there has been some misinformed people writing and making comments in the Newtown Patch that were uneducated and contained misinformation about solar energy. Ms. Toomey mentioned that she has been working on the Transition Movement and that it would great to get students involved and help with the movement to get off fossil fuels and educate the public about the movement. Ms. Galassi suggested to the girls that they share their project with the building principal and possibly post it in the school newsletter. Mr. Hurley reminded the girls that they need to do their own self promotion and that they need to get their information out as much as possible. He told the girls that the town and commission are looking into the Reed School and Middle School for solar projects. Ms. Galassi suggested the girls can start the campaign for solar power at the Middle School; they need kids who are excited about what they are doing to have to make a difference.

After the middle school students finished their presentation and exited, Mr. Copp stated that he has been following the solar movement for a while and has seen the positives and negatives and is looking for a way to get more involved. Ms. Quinn stated there is an opening for another commission member and will look into getting him appointed to the committee by the Board of Selectman.

Mr. Hurley stated they are waiting for the advertising and they are waiting to get the documents back. He is hoping to start advertising by the end of the month.

Water Treatment Plant:
Mr. Hurley stated they are moving forward with the water treatment plant. There were no problems with the proposal at the Inland Wetlands Commission meeting. They had fixed the problem with the 100 foot line and the closest thing to that line will be a fence. The board is happy with the proposal and it will go quick. The materials are arriving and the project should be up and running by April.

Chamber of Commerce:
No updates, per Ms. Quinn

Transition Movement:
Ms. Toomey stated that she met with Amy Mangold, Director of Parks and Recreation, about the Transition Movement. Ms. Toomey said Ms. Mangold is willing to help out and there will be a blurb in the next flyer sent out by Parks and Recreation. Ms. Toomey is interested in showing Carbon Nation and Growth Busters for the initial movie showing. Ms. Galassi suggested the lecture hall at the high school as a possible location for the event. Ms. Galassi also suggested sending out personal invitations to the elected officials in town. Ms. Toomey mentioned that Pat Llodra was very interested and supportive when she spoke with her. Mr. Hurley mentioned that since the storms in the summer and the snowstorm in October, he thinks more people will be interested in sustainability and are more open to the concept. Ms. Toomey stated she had emailed the library and that she is looking to advertise through them. Ms. Toomey also mentioned that she is looking for some help in planning the movies and the discussion following the event. Mr. Hurley stated that the Cultural Arts Commission is planning a Festival of the Arts event on the soccer field at Fairfield Hills and that they could take advantage of that by possibly advertising at the event. Ms. Galassi also mentioned the Best of Newtown Day and said the commission could take advantage of that event by having a table set – up for advertising and informational purposes. Ms. Toomey mentioned she will need some funds to pay for the movies and fees that go along with the event.

Home Energy:
Ms. Quinn stated that she is looking into doing more about the home energy solutions.

New Business:
Mr. Hurley handed out a proposal he received for putting solar at the Reed School and the middle school. He said the proposal put the numbers together and gave them some estimations for kilowatts. Ms. Galassi was curious as to how the solar panels would fair with large amounts of snow and if it required the panels being cleared of the snow. Ms. Toomey responded that the panels did not need to be cleared off, the snow would just melt. Ms. Quinn stated the roofs at the schools are already set up for solar panels and their weight for the future. Ms. Toomey also mentioned that it is possible to put the panels on the ground but that there is not a lot of space for them near the schools. Mr. Hurley mentioned a few locations that could be possibilities for solar panels in the future. These locations include the landfill, Batchelder, a brownfield site, and there are a few private sites that are possibilities but it would be a tough sell to the owners. The most ideal spot for the solar panels is not a possibility because of the playing fields that are located in those spots.

Ms. Galassi asked about the possibility of wind power at the Reed School since it is always so windy there. Mr. Hurley said it is a possibility once the zoning regulations are figured out and settled. At the moment the regulations are not clear and the state is setting up new regulations for all the towns. Mr. Copp mentioned the possibility of Optiwind which is different that turbines and is bird safe. Mr. Hurley said they will be pushing the solar first but wind power is a possibility in the future.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 pm on the authority of Chairman, Kathy Quinn.

The next regular meeting will occur on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Municipal Center in Shared Meeting Room 3.

Submitted, Jessica Smith, clerk.