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The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday November 17, 2011 in meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street Newtown, CT. 06470.

The meeting was called to order by chairman, Kathy Quinn at 7:07pm.

PRESENT: Chairman, Kathy Quinn, Joseph Borst, Fred Hurley, Dan Holmes, Barbara Toomey, Sarah Hemingway, Desiree Galassi, Benjamin Roberts.

Ms. Quinn gave everyone a copy of what was submitted for the Commissions addition to the town annual report.

In other updates, Ms. Quinn gave handout; Home Energy Resource sheet (see Attach. A).
Mr. Holmes stated that there will be a 2011 Environmental Summit on Dec. 6, 2011 (a debate on key environmental issues) from 2-6 at the Capital Community College.
Also, Ms. Quinn stated that she signed up for a Symposium on Nov. 19, 2011 from 9-2 in Weathersfield. This will be a round table discussion with Commission representatives from around the state.

Acceptance of October Minutes:
Mr. Borst Moved to accept the minutes of October 20, 2011 as submitted. Mr. Holmes seconded motion. All were in favor.

Old Business
Reed Roof:
Mr. Hurley stated that they are verifying if the Middle School roof is eligible for the grant being sought.

Regarding the ESCO’s, Mr. Hurley stated that the RFP review is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 7, 2011 at 10:00am to be held at the Municipal Center. The Sustainable Energy Commission review panel will be present.  The purpose of this process is for the review committees to listen to the presentations and for discussion.

Water Treatment Plant:
Mr. Hurley updated the Commission on the Water Treatment Plant.  The project will be using less land than originally planned; the project is almost ready for permits (all materials are on site).  The new lot-line revision map is done as of Nov. 17, 2011 and construction should begin mid-December.  Mr. Hurley stated that Opal Solar is the General Contractor for the project.

Chamber of Commerce:
No updates, per Ms. Quinn.

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Transition Movement:
Ms. Toomey stated that there are two documentaries (Carbon Nation and Growth Busters) that the Commission should consider having a Movie (Documentary) Night, Parks & Recreation Director Amy Mangold also expressed an interest in being part of a Movie Night.  The Commission discussed briefly the possibility of having it at the High School and that it’d be probably be free of charge. Ms. Toomey stated that she’d like to pre-screen the films to determine their helpfulness in giving inspiration to those who may be attending the Movie Night.

Tree Lights:
Mr. Holmes stated that Janet Woycik of the Library has ordered the LED lights for the tree.  The tree lighting is scheduled for the first week in December.

2012 Meeting Schedule:
Ms. Quinn questioned the Commission on their availability on the third Thursday of each month for the coming year.  All members agreed on keeping the meeting night and time the same.

New Business:
Mr. Roberts updated the Commission regarding the Symposium he helped organize, Awakening the Dream, Changing the Dream where ideas where shared on what can be done environmentally and each individuals’ importance in the grand scheme of things.  Mr. Roberts stated that he is hoping to hold another Symposium February or March that the Commission will be invited to.  The Commission thought to possibly combine this Symposium and the Movie Night in some way.

Also discussed was the possibility of having the Strive for Five board displayed at the Edmond Town Hall the weekend of the Holiday House Tour on Main Street.

Mr. Borst moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Sustainable Energy Commission. Ms. Toomey seconded motion.  Having no further business, the Commission adjourned their meeting at 8:00pm.  All were in favor.

The next regular meeting will be held Thursday December 15, 2011 at 7:00pm at the Newtown Municipal Center.

Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk