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The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday August 18, 2011 in meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street Newtown, CT. 06470.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35p.m. by chairman Kathleen Quinn
PRESENT: Chairman Kathleen Quinn, Dan Holmes, Joe Borst, Benjamin Roberts, Desiree Galassi
ABSENT: Barbara Toomey, Sarah Hemingway

COMMUNICATIONS: Ms. Quinn discussed with the Commission  the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund and Supporting On-Site Generation  Projects  (see Attach. A) .   An application submission is being considered for Reed Intermediate School.  
Also, discussion on an email received from Justin Haheim regarding a Clean Water Action fund.  His group will offer strategic planning, task force contacts and working one on one with the municipality.
The Board will submit an application.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES from July 21, 2011
Mr. Borst moved to accept the minutes with one correction (see Attach. B – page 2).  Mr. Holmes seconded motion.  All were in favor.
Middle School Roof update
Mr. Hurley stated that project is moving forward.  The Solar portion of the project as well as the HVAC is currently being delayed.  
Mr. Hurley stated that the Reed Intermediate School will be made eligible for the Solar project, it is  a complicated RFP. The funding will come from the operation budget.
Regarding DCS, Mr. Hurley signed off on it today (August 18, 2011) and included a stipulation that indicates the appropriate insurances and hold harmless bonding.
The Board discussed the status of other possible solar projects in town as Nunnawauk Meadows and the Congregational Church had expressed and interest.

In addition to the ESCO review panel the Board decided on at the previous meeting (that will consist of Ms. Quinn, Ms. Toomey and Mr. Borst) Mr. Hurley stated that a few other select members will be added to the panel. The ESCO review will go as follows;  the RFP is proposed, the RFP is made public and finally the review panel reviews the proposals.
Mr. Hurley stated that this will be similar to the interview process for the sewers.  

In other updates, Ms. Quinn stated that she is (possibly) waiting to hear back from Marilyn Place from the Senior Center regarding the Strive for 5 Clean Energy Initiative.
The Board will be in touch with the Chamber of Commerce.

Transition Towns
Mr. Roberts stated that Ms. Toomey is recruiting and the Fairfield Hills Committee had expressed an interest in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture on campus.
Mr. Hurley added that the state of Connecticut Department of Agriculture is very serious about maintaining sustainable agriculture on the Fairfield Hills campus.
Regarding the Sewer Treatment facility project on Commerce Road, the final contracts have been signed, the engineer drawings must be completed (extending the property lines).  Installation is set for the end of the year.
Mr. Hurley also gave the Board on update on the status of the main water line installation on Sandy Hook center.   The project was completed 3 weeks ahead of schedule due to the great cooperation of everyone involved.  The service lines are not in.

Mr. Roberts questioned the status of the status on the conversation held with Finance Director Bob Tait regarding investing reserve funds through town projects.
Mr. Holmes offered to contact Mr. Tait on this matter again.
Ms. Quinn addressed the Board regarding the possibility of starting the Sustainable Energy Commission meetings at 7:00p.m. .   Everyone was in agreement.  
The regular meetings of the Sustainable Energy Commission will now begin at 7:00 p.m.   

Mr. Borst moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Sustainable Energy Commission at 8:25p.m.  Ms. Galassi seconded motion.  All were in favor.
Ms. Quinn stated that the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 15, 2011 at 7:00p.m. in Meeting Room 3 of the Municipal Center.
Having no further business, the Sustainable Energy Commission moved to adjourn the regular meeting of August 18, 2011.
                        Respectfully Submitted ~ Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk