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The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday July 21, 2011 in meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street Newtown, CT. 06470.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35p.m. by chairman Dan Holmes.
PRESENT: Chairman Dan Holmes, Sarah Hemingway, Joe Borst, Kathleen Quinn, Barbara Toomey
ABSENT: Desiree Galassi, Benjamin Roberts, Ted Kreinik


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES from June 16, 2011
Mr. Holmes moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of June 16, 2011 as submitted.
Ms. Quinn seconed motion.  All were in favor.
Ms. Quinn stated that the minutes of May 19, 2011 also needed to be accepted as there was no quorum at the prior meeting to vote on them.  
Mr. Holmes moved to accept the minutes of May 19, 2011 as submitted, Ms. Hemingway seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Middle School Roof update
Mr. Hurley stated that the biggest issue so far has been HVAC.  The grant thru Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund is several thousand.  The money is there to be used and needs to be spoken for.
The Board discussed DCS Energy application to install “free” solar panels / systems for municipal buildings.  Mr. Holmes asked what the next step in process of application was. He also stated that the language in the proposal was sketchy and needs to be clarified through Town Attorney.
Ms. Quinn stated that the sample contract needed to be confirmed and signature required from First Selectman.


Mr. Hurley discussed different municipal buildings such as; the Reed Intermediate School is to have a
9kw system as well as Park & Recreation & the Animal Control Facility (which volunteers have raised $250,000 towards braking ground on.)
Also discussed was the solar project for the Commerce Road Waste Water facility.  Mr. Hurley stated that the site plan is finished and has to go through Land Transfer.  The project is to start by the end of the year.
Mr. Borst questioned why the Public Building & Site Commission wasn’t involved in the Commerce Road project.   Mr. Hurley stated that they wouldn’t be involved in a utilities project.  

Mr. Holmes asked Ms. Toomey what the status of the “Transition Town Movement” was currently.
Ms. Toomey stated there will be more discussion on this in August when Mr. Roberts will be present but gave an overview of what the “Transition Town Movement” is.…
A worldwide initiative on making communities more resilient to climate change and economic instability by (for example) building local economies, having community gardens, weaning dependency on fossil fuels/oil  (formulating an Energy Decent Plan) and promoting biking.
Ms. Toomey stated that New Haven is an official Transition Town, by which they have begun educating the community, started community gardens and are a co-housing community.

Ms. Quinn questioned the status of the CNG Project.
Mr. Hurley stated that the Commission has to participate in RFP.  The Town is converting the Town vehicle fleet to natural gas.
Mr. Hurley also stated that the ESCO’s (Energy Service Companies and third party investors) are looking at the best targets of opportunity (such as the Municipal Center and Middle Gate School).
The Commission set up an ESCO review panel to be Ms. Quinn, Ms. Toomey and Mr. Borst.
The panel will review proposals from Energy Service Companies.

In other updates, Ms. Quinn stated that the Strive for 5 Clean Energy initiative received a comment from town Resident Heidi Roesch requesting to also be displayed at the Newtown Senior Center.
The Commission was in agreement that this was a good idea and that there would be a display placed at the Senior Center.   

The Commission addressed the issue of replacing Mr. Holmes as Chairman.
Ms. Quinn stated that she’d be willing to give it a try.
Mr. Borst moved to accept Ms. Quinn as the Sustainable Energy Commission Chairman.  Ms. Hemingway seconded motion.  All were in favor.
Mr. Hurley added that rotation and change within a Commission is important.

The Commission also discussed going to local businesses regarding signing up for Clean Energy.
Mr. Holmes stated that the Commission has gone to the Rotary Club for help with signing local businesses.

  • Voting with new quorum.
Mr. Holmes stated that per Sue Marcinek, the Commission would need 5 for a quorum with a group of 8 total members.
  • Next Meeting date
Ms. Quinn stated that the next regular meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2011 at 7:30 in meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center.
Mr. Borst moved to adjourn the meeting of the Sustainable Energy Commission at 8:35p.m.   Ms. Hemingway seconded motion.  All were in favor.
Having no further business, the Sustainable Energy Commission moved to adjourn the regular meeting of July 21, 2011.
                        Respectfully Submitted ~ Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk