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May 19, 2011 @ 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Dan Holmes, Ben Roberts, Desiree Galassi, Kathleen Quinn, and Barbara Toomey
ABSENT: Ted Kreinik, Joe Borst and Sarah Hemingway

Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm by Dan Holmes.

Communications: Mr. Hurley distributed a hard copy of an email that he received from Linda Burhance regarding clean energy, particularly small wind energy.

Mr. Roberts shared an article in E magazine about Transition Towns.

Ms. Quinn distributed the letter a form from DCS Energy regarding the solar program.  She also distributed an article that was in the Newtown Bee regarding energy savings and the Newtown Congregational Church.  Ms. Galassi said that DCS will come to the next Sustainable Energy meeting to talk about the 3 locations in town that will be implementing the solar energy project.  They will also talk about the residential solar programs that they have.  Ms. Quinn suggested putting something in the Bee aimed at nonprofits explaining the criteria for solar implementation.    Then the nonprofits can decide if they want to come to the informational presentation by DCS

Mr. Holmes reminded the group that the Duck Races are next weekend and he is looking for volunteers to attend.

Public Comment:  None

Minutes from March 24, 2011 and April 21, 2011:  Ms. Toomey made a motion to accept the minutes from March 24, 2011 and April 21, 2011.  Ms. Quinn seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

Old Business:
  • Middle School Roof Update: Mr. Holmes said that Reed School is a better possibility for solar energy.  Mr. Roberts and Mr. Holmes met with Mr. Tait and put together a creative way to finance energy projects.  They could borrow against themselves and pay their account back at a later time.  Mr. Hurley added that his intent is to put in 2 proposals, 1 for the Middle School roof and 1 for Reed School.
  • Energy Awareness Month/Strive for 5:  Ms. Quinn reported that she entered about 25-30 residents but she did not know how many signed up online.  Ms. Quinn suggested looking at Nunnawauk Meadows about how to reduce their energy.
  • ESCO Update/Gas Conversion:  Mr. Hurley reported Graham Parker is ready to give his presentation.  Mr. Hurley asked the commission if it would be better to do one presentation or to meet with each board individually.  Mr. Holmes suggested meeting with the boards together would be best or even one meeting with representatives from each of the boards.
Mr. Holmes brought up the possibility of biodiesel.  The group had some discussion about this option for Newtown.  Mr. Hurley said that it is a possibility and has been talked about before but that it is not as readily available as people think.  He added that people are not knocking on his door trying to sell biodiesel.  Mr. Hurley added that Danbury is also interested in the possibility of a fleet fuel conversion.  He also said it would be great to have a natural gas facility in the area.
  • Waste Water Treatment Plant Solar update:  Mr. Hurley said that he signed the grant award letter for the solar installation.  He said they are in the process of rewriting the Opal contract.  He explained the timeline for the project.  He plans to have the equipment ordered by midsummer, here by late summer and the project started by the fall.
  • Free Solar Program for Municipalities and Nonprofit:  Ms. Quinn said that DCS Energy would like to come to Newtown for a site visit.  
  • Community Innovations Grant - $4,000/Webinar: Mr. Borst was not at the meeting to report an update.
  • Transition Town Initiative/Energy Action Plan:  Ms. Toomey attended 2 day training in New Haven in March.  About 40-50 people attended the workshop.  Ms. Toomey said Transition Town is a world-wide movement that started in the UK.  She said that Transition Town is a long process.  The movement starts with an initiating group of about 10 – 13.  This initiating group takes about 1 – 2 years educating the town on how to be less reliant on oil.  She said that eventually some of the projects that come out of this are: community gardens and biking groups.  The main idea is that groups of people will work together for a common goal, to build a resilient community.  She said the initiating group does the awareness throughout the community. They target existing groups such as: the Rotary Club, religious groups, the Lion’s Club.   Ms. Toomey said that this Transition Town is a positive vision to bring your town into the future.  It is energy descent plan, with the ultimate goal taking about 20 years to achieve.  Ms. Toomey volunteered to help form an initiation group in Newtown and requested help from the Sustainable Energy Commission to recruit some volunteers.  Members of the commission suggested publicizing on The Patch and in the Newtown Bee.  Ms. Toomey said she plans to target the Rotary Club and possibly have a book club on Transition Town at the library.   Mr. Roberts asked how it interfaces with town government.  Ms. Toomey responded that it is not a political movement.
New Business:  Mr. Hurley reported that Newtown is going to single stream recycling.  The whole recycling system in town is changing.  From now on all plastics 1 through 7 will be recyclable including the wax milk cartons.  He added that there will be a mailer in the next tax bill explaining the recycling changes.  Recycling is free for town residents but schools and commercial business need to pay the town.  Mr. Roberts added that e-waste can be brought to the transfer station for recycling.  Mr. Holmes asked Mr. Hurley if the town will see a decrease in costs with the new recycling system.  Mr. Hurley thinks there will be some savings because there will be a big shift in the tonnage from garbage to recycling.  Mr. Holmes added that it would be great if the town could explain to residents what can and cannot be recycled.  Mr. Hurley responded that they plan to do this.  Mr. Hurley said the new single stream system is already functioning in Newtown but public information has not been provided yet.  DPW hopes the program will be fully operational by July 1st. Mr. Hurley added that residents need to get clear plastic bags for mixed paper.

Mr. Holmes reported that he spoke with Black Swan and they have lots of information to share regarding biomass.

The group discussed the pros and cons of starting a blog on The Patch.  The group did not make a decision yet.  

Mr. Holmes announced that he will be stepping down as Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Commission.

~~Next Meeting Date:
  • The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet again on, Thursday, June 16 , 2011 @ 7:30 PM
Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at PM by Ms. Quinn.
Respectfully Submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.