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March 24, 2011 @ 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Dan Holmes, Kathleen Quinn, Ben Roberts, Barbara Toomey, Joe Borst and Desiree Galassi
ABSENT: Sarah Hemingway and Ted Kreinik

Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm by Chairperson, Dan Holmes.

        Ms. Quinn distributed an article that was in the News Times about Ridgefield’s use of the Energy Audit.  Mr. Holmes will look into Newtown’s involvement in this program.
        Mr. Holmes reported that the photovoltaic ribbon cutting ceremony at Reed Intermediate School on March 21st  was a success.  At the ribbon cutting Jillian Carbone urged the town to sign up for the Community Innovation Grant.  There will be a webinar next week on this grant program.
        Mr. Holmes also reported that the Lion’s Club would like the Sustainable Energy Commission to attend the duck races in mid May.
        Mr. Holmes shared that on March 26 and March 27 there will be a Transition Town meeting at Common Ground High School in New Haven.  The cost to attend is $180.  Ms. Toomey volunteered to try and attend.  Mr. Roberts added that he knows many people that have been part of Transition Town and that it is very well received.  

Public Comment:  None

Minutes from February 17, 2011:  Mr. Roberts made a motion to accept the minutes from February 17, 2011.  Ms. Quinn seconded the motion.  The minutes were accepted unanimously.
Old Business:
  • Middle School Roof Update – Mr. Holmes distributed a folder that was put together by Kaestle Boos.  The folder was a presentation of the solar installation for the Newtown Middle School roof.  Mr. Holmes said it was suggested that a straight purchase would be better than a lease purchase.  He also said that there are State Education monies available for this project.  Mr. Roberts added that if we finance the project there would be a positive cash flow from it immediately.  Mr. Borst asked if the 125 KW generated from this project would be enough to cover the energy use at the Middle School.  Mr. Holmes responded that 125 KW would cover about 20% of the energy use.  Mr. Roberts said it should save the town a little less than $20,000 a year in energy costs.  Mr. Holmes said there are two different projects: the first is the prepping of the Middle School roof and the second is the solar installation.  Ms. Quinn said that Oxford did their entire project at once.  Mr. Borst asked what the timeline for phase 2 is.  Mr. Holmes responded that there isn’t a timeline yet.  Mr. Borst clarified that the issue is to replace the Middle School roof and have systems in place to put solar installation in the future.  Mr. Holmes added that the new roof must be in place by the time school starts again in the fall.  Mr. Roberts said there are other ways to finance this project, besides the CIP.  The commission discussed other financing options.  Mr. Holmes suggested talking with Mr. Tait first.  Mr. Roberts agreed to go with Mr. Holmes to talk with Mr. Tait about these financing options.
The group discussed the possibility of hiring a grant writer.  Cost estimates for this support would be around $5000.  The commission decided that writing a grant is a very involved process and they would benefit from the help of a dedicated professional.  Mr. Borst suggested that the commission meet with members of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM)  to discuss the process.  He added that Newtown is a member of CCM and has access to their resources.  Mr. Hurley added that it is usually about $3,000-$4,000 for a grant writer support.  He felt that a grant writer/researcher could be very helpful.

  • Energy Awareness Month-
Mr. Holmes reported that Ms. Galassi did a great job with publicity for the “Strive for 5” campaign.  Ms. Galassi showed the commission the PowerPoint presentation that she created for the campaign.  Ms. Galassi asked the members of the group to give her their availability during the month of April to help with Energy Awareness Month.  She will send a calendar around to the group.  The two areas where people will be stationed will be the Newtown Youth Academy (NYA) and Edmond Town Hall, especially during movie times.  There will also be posters explaining the “Strive for 5” campaign throughout the month of April at the NYA and the Booth Library.  The Sustainable Energy website has been updated.  Ms. Galassi thanked Sonya Greenwall for her help with the updates.

  • ESCO Update
Mr. Hurley reported that the LED conversion project has been completed.  The library was also added to the LED project.  The reliability of the lights has been excellent.

  • Gas Conversion Grant
Mr. Hurley discussed the status of the conversion of his fleet from diesel to natural gas.  Mr. Hurley distributed the conversion plan to the commission.  He added that he is also looking in to a public/private partnership with local service stations to provide natural gas fill up so that both town and general public vehicles have natural gas available.  He said the Parks and Recreation facility already has a natural gas line.

  • Waste Water Treatment Plant Solar update
Mr. Hurley reported that the Water and Sewer Authority passed the solar application proposal with a vote of 5 to1.  He said that the Economic Development Commission was very enthusiastic about the proposal too.  He added that in April he will find out if they will get the grant.  
Mr. Holmes asked Mr. Hurley if he was aware of a State of CT DEP natural biodiversity database that will need to be filled out as part of the application.  Mr. Hurley responded yes, and that that he has come in to contact with NDDB database in the past.  He said it has been around for a while.

  • Earth Day (April 30)
The website for Earth Day in Newtown is  There is a link to this website on the Sustainable Energy Commissions website.  Mr. Hurley said that public works will have a presence at the Newtown Earth Day event.  Mr. Roberts reported that it was a very busy event last year.  Mr. Holmes said it will be an outside event and it will have a rain date of May 7.

  • Free Solar Program for Municipalities and Nonprofit
Mr. Holmes distributed a letter to the group titled “Solar PV on Municipal and Nonprofit Buildings.”  Mr. Holmes put together a list of possible roofs that would potentially support solar installation.  Mr. Hurley said that a structural engineer would need to come out first to see if the building could support the solar installation.  Mr. Hurley said there would need to be some upfront investment.  Mr. Hurley said he is continuing to pursue solar installation at the dog pound.

New Business:
  • Community Innovations Grant - $4,000
Ms. Galassi will sign up for this.

  • Ordinance/Action Plan Discussion
Ms. Galassi suggested discussing tabling this discussion because she felt that the commission is already involved with many projects right now.  Ms. Quinn distributed what the town of Guilford wrote for their resolution on implementation of energy technology.  Mr. Borst suggested that when the time comes to approach the selectmen first and then they can recommend it to the legislative council.

~~Next Meeting Date:
  • The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet again on, Thursday, April 21, 2011 @ 7:30 PM

Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:37 PM by Ms. Quinn and Second by Ms. Toomey.
Respectfully Submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.