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01-04-11 Special Meeting

MINUTES for Special Meeting

January 4, 2011 @ 7:00 PM


Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:16 pm by Chairperson, Dan Holmes.

~~Communications:  Mr. Holmes reported that he spoke to Black Swan and they have a Fuels for School program.  This is a biomass heating program.  It uses a commercial pellet boiler system.  It uses local renewable products.  There is a Heating Northeast Conference in April.  Mr. Holmes stated that the spoke with Bob Edwards of the Building and Site Committee and he was also interested in this conference.  Ms. Galassi asked Mr. Holmes if this type of heating would replace oil.   Mr. Holmes responded yes, and this way of heating is cleaner than oil.
~~~Old Business:
  • Middle School Roof Update- Mr. Holmes went to an all day event where 5 different groups made presentations on a new middle school roof. He reported that after the presentations the committee met and made a recommendation to the Building and Site Committee.  The hired firm is Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc.  This group will do the design portion.  Mr. Holmes will discuss photovoltaic with Kaestle Boos.  The town has allocated up to 4 million dollars to replace the roof and costs may come in under budget.  Even so, the difference cannot be used for a photovoltaic installation due to state reimbursement and the way it has been allocated.  He reported that in order to qualify for grants to help defray the cost, the town will have to pay for feasibility studies.  Mr. Holmes received a phone call that reported that the monies are available for the feasibility studies.  If the grants are obtained, the cost to the town would be around 250,000 for a 200KW installation and the project would have to be operational within 9 months.  The work on the roof will be done during the summer so that will be completed in time for school to open in the fall and the photovoltaic installation could occur after the roof is completed since Kaestle Boos can design the roof with solar in mind.  Mr. Holmes was hopeful that there is enough time to make it happen.  Ms. Galassi asked Mr. Holmes what material would be used for the roof.  Mr. Holmes reported that the photovoltaic installation would include Styrofoam wedges with PVC liners.  The roof material itself would be composed of a newer material that included a PVC liner.  Ms. Galassi asked if the Borough needed to be contacted for approval.  Mr. Holmes was not sure and indicated that he would contact the borough to discuss.  She also indicated concerns whether the Public Building and Site Committee or the group may have to review architectural elements of the solar installation with the borough.  Mr. Holmes also reported that there is a deadline of 1/10 for the town to obtain an intern for the group that could help with the grant applications.
  • Energy Awareness Month- Ms. Quinn suggested Energy Awareness Month be in March.  There was some discussion on this.  The group generally agreed that February would be too soon and that many people travel in April.  Ms. Galassi and Mr. Holmes agreed that March will be Energy Awareness Month.  Ms. Galassi suggested meeting with Peter D’Amico to discuss how the Sustainable Energy Commission could be represented in the NYA building during the month of March.  Mr. Holmes said that the committee needs more visuals and that some money should be invested in marketing.  Ms. Galassi stated that it would be very helpful to have an intern prepare materials for Energy Awareness Month.  Ms. Galassi also suggested recording Mr. Holmes’ voice into a PowerPoint presentation to leave at NYA to try and generate additional energy sign-ups.  
Ms. Galassi suggested having 2 commission meetings in February to prepare for Energy Awareness Month, and one meeting would be devoted to a “working” meeting.  The group also discussed writing a series of articles to lead up to Energy Awareness Month.

~~Next Meeting Date:
  • The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet again on, January 20, 2011 @ 7:30 PM

~~Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM by Kathy Quinn and Second by Desiree Galassi.
Respectfully Submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.