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APRIL 15, 2010 @ 7:30-9:15PM


Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Chairperson, Dan Holmes.


  • Member(s) of the Commission:
       Dan Holmes- Chairman
       Kathleen Quinn- Commission Member
       Ben Roberts- Commission Member
       Ted Kreinik- Commission Member
       Fred Hurley- Town Engineer
       Terrance Ford- Commission Member
       Desiree Galassi- Commission Member
       Bill Hart- Commission Member
       Jim Smith- Commission Member
       Christopher Berchem- Commission Member

  • Yale School of Forestry : April 23 & 24, 2010
         Speakers, Presentations, etc.
  • John Gorham – Woodbury Energy Task Force
         Energy Audit Company
         Intention is to get hundreds of homeowners to sign up for Clean Energy.
         Renewable Energy & Efficiency Business Association
  • Newtown Lion’s Club
         Having a table @ the Duck Race (Sign-up Table)

  Fred Hurley: Public Work’s Department (Communications)
  • Constellation contract signed for energy for the Town of Newtown
         (3) Companies RFP’s.
         Best deal for the length of time the town was looking for was Constellation.
         Glacial was lower for the (3) months, but after indexing which was a concern.
         14 month deal @ 8.36 which is actually lower then what was proposed in
              Caught a down turn in natural gas prices & electrical prices are very often
                   based on natural gas.
         By doing (14) month contract we finish up this year & it carries us through
            the next budget year.
              Will give us time to track what happens with indexing over next (14)
          One concern that was brought up was whether or not hidden costs were
            included in the fixed price & after reading through contract it is in fact
            included in the fixed price.
         Dealing directly with Constellation Office in Boston.
              Have an account executive handling communications which was a huge
                  problem last year.
         Users do have to deal with (2) bills:
  • Delivery Bill : CL&P
  • Generation Bill : Constellation
  • Natural Gas supplier for the town
         Town works through CROG which is the regional consortium in the Hartford
          Current contract for Natural Gas is extended through June 30, 2011
              BOE is month to month
              Town has a contract
         Supplier is Hess
         CROG would like to know if we are going to continue with current
              Reverse Auction on energy prices for next series of contracts which will
                   start July 1, 2011
              Extending into (3) year contracts
              Consortium currently
              Fred did notify Geno with the BOE to have a sit down & see what there
                  interest is as well.
              Requesting account information in order to get an idea of how much gas
                   the town is actually using.
          Waste Water Treatment Plant, Town Hall, new Municipal Building & Police    
                   Station is Natural Gas.
                    BOE is shifting to Natural Gas as well.
                    Town is becoming a big user of Natural Gas.
                    Switching fleet over to Natural Gas which is part of the Energy Grant.
               Deregulated : Leaves alternatives for purchasing.
               Compressed Natural Gas fueling stations
                    Models to take a look at & help to determine structure
  • Location of fueling station is key.
  • Tie off a high pressure line, bring it in, compressor.
  • Fuel tank modification to fleet.
  • Injectors for diesel.
               Less air pollution, burns cleaner, wear & tear on engine is reduced.
               Multiple fuels / dual fuels : Transition Process
               Town Side:
                    Police Station to switch over in the future.
  • CT Clean Fuel Program
         Money to subsidize buying hybrid vehicles in town.
         Shifting of combustion equipment
              Cleaner/particulate matter
         Creating a list of vehicles that would benefit.
         Applies mostly to older vehicles.
         Buying or retrofit existing vehicles.
              Under repairs
              State Grant
  • Biodiesel
         Financing problems
         Site problems
         Concern was the impact on the Aquifer
         Fuel Issues
  • Energy Performance Company
         Finance Energy Savings
         Tax Credits
         Capitol Investment in Town
               Do not need to allocate new funds.
         Capitol Leases vs. Operational Leases
         Impact on Bond Cap
              10% : Town determined
  • Quarterly Report for Energy Grant
         Extended time frame to review RFP’s
         (4) week extension
         ESCO : $20,000 for consultant to study energy efficiency for Town
              Put a program together.
  • Put a sub-committee together to focus on the $20,000 grant for consultant
  • CL&P as an extension of energy conservation efforts
         Consultant came in & proposed additional controls (Police Station, Waste
             Water Treatment Plant & Town Garage).
  • Energy Audit town wide
         Last one conducted about 4-5 years ago
         BOE did do level 1 changes, but a town wide energy audit needs to be
         Energy Star Program
         Infrastructure baseline town wide
              Ratings on all town buildings
              Points & credits for Leed Certification
              Standard to measure things by
              Energy Survey
              Measurable Goal
              EPA : No Cost.
              Testing is done individually versus data collection
              Identifies weaknesses
              Develop strategies / Impact
              Raw data on all buildings
              Link town/BOE buildings
              Inventory on all buildings
              Common database
                    -Goal is to put more information & clarity out to the public
                   -Tracking of utility bills on a continuous bases
  • Solar Panels for buildings
  • Grant Research
  • Geothermal
        Money in the fund
        Timeline (Bob Wall)
        Reducing operating budget
        Grant Match
        Ground based pumps: Air extraction is right at limit. In winter can’t get
           enough heat out of the air. Heating Coil.
         About 50% electricity cut in air conditioning seasons
        System Lifetime

  Public Comment

  Acceptance of Minutes: April 15, 2010

  • Chairperson, Daniel Holmes, motioned to review & accept the minutes during the next meeting.
  • All commissioners in favor.

  • Goals for the Commission
         Center around committees to see what can be accomplished
         Desiree with the Schools
              Kathy & Desiree have been communicating
              Piggy Form revised direct to the gogreen website
              Form for Sign up
                   -Explains program & process
              Possibly get wireless computer for sign ups on the spot
              User friendly
              Desiree went to PTA meeting & spoke to the president
                   -Explained program
                   -Will bring it to the PTA’s attention
                   -Have a joined PTA informational meeting
                   -Bring in bills, info, and sign up on the spot
              List of organizations that can be targeted
                   -Lion’s Club, etc.
              Junior Commissioners
                    -Have them come up with promotional material
                    -Power Point
                   -Visual & Emotional connection
              Spreadsheet of upcoming events
  • Earth Day – 4/24/10
  • Budget Referendum – 4/27/10
  • Duck Race – 5/29/10
  • Household Hazardous Waste Day – 5/22/10
                          **Advertise to bring utility bills
                          **Newtown Bee article with dates & information
                          **Show difference in bills visually
                          **Promotional Banner for table @ events: Ted Kreinik motioned to
                            spend up to $150 on a banner for commission which can be used for
                           multiple purposes (All in favor)
  • Stout Invoice & check funds
  • Website
         Contact Dave Stout to see if he can update important information
              Earth Day Event
              Links for Sign Up
              Picture of Reed School with panels
         Class project through the schools
         Maintain website
         Link with the Town of Newtown
         High School students
  • Sub-Committee to explore grant opportunities specifically energy audit piece
         Meeting before next meeting
         Dan Holmes, Ben Roberts & Jim Smith
         (3) Grants from stimulus money
                  1. LED’s
                  2. Study on Natural Gas to convert town fleet
                  3. Consultant for energy conservation for the town
  • Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement : 12 Step Program
         Pat Llodra possibly to sign on Earth Day
         Get municipalities to agree to certain conservation measures
  • Volunteers needed for Earth Day
  • Men in Green
         (6) 8th Grade boys
         Affects of deforestation and the importance of planting trees

  Next Meeting Date:

  • The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet again on, May 20, 2010 @ 7:30pm in the shared meeting room next to the First Selectman’s Office.
  Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm by  
       Chairperson, Daniel Holmes.