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JANUARY 21, 2010 @ 7:30-9PM


Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:45pm by Chairperson, Dan Holmes.

  • Member(s) of the Commission:
       Dan Holmes- Chairman
       Ted Kreinik- Commission Member
       Kathleen Quinn- Commission Member
       Ben Roberts- Commission Member
       Fred Hurley- Town Engineer


  • The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund is conducting a Clean Energy Community Regional Workshop. The workshop will concentrate on successful strategies to promote the CT Clean Energy Options. In addition, the goal of the workshop is to:
  • Verify that each municipal clean energy task force comprehends the current Clean Energy Fund.
  • Update on new residential solar thermal and geothermal programs.
  • Review the Home Energy Solutions in-home efficiency program.
  • Learn, share, and examine best practices possible.
             Workshop is being held at the Easton Public Library, on January
                 27 @ 7-9pm in the Community Room.

  • Sign up Growth:
         Jillian Carbone from CT Clean Energy declared that Newtown was the
            leading town for new member sign up. Newtown gained (36) new sign
            ups within the last year. It was determined that most of the sign ups
            were acquired during Earth Day, and the budget referendum last year.
                Ted wanted to know if it was possible to find out when and where
                   the people signed up. Taking a look at the information may give
                    insight as to when commission can entice new members to join.

  • CCEF Municipal Reporting:
         CT Clean Energy is now asking municipalities to submit the yearly
             report listing the total energy usage for the year in kilowatts. Dan will
             submit the report accordingly.
  • Commission is looking to review what type of energy purchase the town has obtained, and what portion of that is renewable energy.
       Fred Hurley met with First Selectman, Pat Llodra and discussed
            the situation at hand concerning town energy. Determined town
            would go off of the standardized energy consumption for future
            discussions regarding reducing costs and reducing energy use.
                    Commission needs to follow up with Bob Tait to see what
                         information he has regarding energy accounts. In addition, check           
                         to see what is and what isn’t in the budget pertaining to town
                     Dan presented an e-mail that was sent by Bob Wall to Joe Borst
                         when he was still in office. The e-mail discussed how the town
                         made a commitment to put in a line item for the budget regarding
                         energy in order to get the town up to speed with percentages.

                     **Looking to decrease the electrical budget by 10%.

  • Purchased $16,000 of Clean Energy in 2008 for the purpose of
improving the goal of conserving and maintaining energy. These contributions are under a yearly contract, but Kathy will follow up with Mark Garrett at Community Energy for the details.

  • Tree Planting Grant:
  • Connecticut DEP Forestry Coordinator gave the Town of Newtown a
grant of $1,500 to plant new trees. The deadline for this grant is February 15, 2010.  
Dan presented the information to the commission and asked them if this is a grant they would like to accept. All motioned a “Yes” answer.

  • Meeting with Pat Llodra 12/14/09:
  • Dan, Kathy, and Ted met with Pat on December 14, 2009 to discuss
issues the commission in interested in pursuing, and to go over past and future issues.
  • Dan handed out a list of issues discussed with Pat which included:
  • Past Completed Items: Clean Electrical provider selection, a 30% purchase commitment by town, energy audit for cost and energy savings, initiate a town wide Earth Day Event, website development, public awareness/residential and business sign up support, solar panel installation via CCEF Communities Program, Federal energy efficiency grant application (102k-in process), town charter revised to recognize newly formed commission.
  • Current Needs: Update the commissions website with town links, need a minimum of (5) new members to fill vacancies, need a secretary for meetings, town liaison member, establish new goals and directives for commission.
  • Future Objectives: Open for discussion.
  • Dan stressed how important it is for the commission to establish
concrete goals and objectives in order to act upon them. He also reiterated how Pat is very supportive of what the commission is trying to establish.

  • Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (102K):
  • Commission is going to look at what type of bonds they might qualify

  Acceptance of Minutes: No minutes to accept due to lack of quorum.

 Public Comment: No public comment as nobody from the public attended.

 Old Business:

  • New Members: Dan wanted to discuss what requirements the commission is looking for in people who want to become members.
     Ted suggested that new spots be filled with independent party
     The commission only allows a maximum of (5) democrats. It is
          important to have a balanced board.
        ***The commission already has (4) democrats, other seats have to be
               filled by people from a different party.
      Possible members should have some background in either finance,
         energy, or bonds.
      Possible members needs to be consistent in attending monthly
        meetings and other commission related activities.
      Individuals interested in filling a seat on the Sustainable Energy
         Commission need to inquire with the First Selectman.
  • Stout Invoice: Dave Stout was a fellow committee member before the
Energy Task Force became a commission. Dave does the webhosting for the Go Green website and submitted an invoice for the month to Dan. Dan and Kathy are going to look into whether or not the town pays for the webhosting since the task force is now a commission.
   Commission is going to try and meet with Scott Sharlow, the town
      GIS coordinator, about getting a link on the town website to the
       commissions website. Looking into a Virtual Town Hall option.

   New Business:

  • Goals for Commission:
                    Increase residential sign up.
                   Work with the CT League of Conservation Voters on improving
                        clean energy.
                   Conduct a wind study for the town.
                   Look into using LED lights where applicable.
                        **Town pays for all the lights in Newtown even if they are on a
                        state owned road. LED would save the town money over a long
                        period of time.
                   Look into sensor lights for the Municipal Centers and schools.
                   Alteris Inc. is doing a re-solar inspection of Newtown.

                    Look into updating building codes to include energy saving
                        **Example-Builder has to include a certain amount of solar panels
                            on any new construction. (Not proposed just an example).
                   Increase energy & green jobs.
                   Look into different energy options.
                       *Biodiesel, hydro, fuel cells, electric conversion for small town
                          trucks, and natural gas which is what the town is currently looking
                    Work on getting an ordinance online for the commission.
                   Each member needs to come up with (3) goals.
                   Look into cost avoidances.
                        **The cost for the town to get rid of a ton of garbage is $80, and
                             the cost to get rid of a ton of recycling is $35. Therefore, it is
                             cheaper for the town if residents recycle as much as possible
                             in order to have less garbage.
                         **The youth group Little People, Big Changes was brought up at
                              the meeting because they do a fantastic job helping the
                              community become more green. Children have a significant
                              impact on families which is why is it very important to educate
                              young children on going green.

               Structure of Commission:
                  The basis of the commission is to help establish energy efficiency,
                       energy saving, and energy conservation for the Town of Newtown.
                  To work on policies as a commission.
                  Work on a new electrical purchase that is better for the town, but at
                       the same time is greener for the community.
                      **Lot of changes in energy that need to be explored.
                         -Next day pricing, fixed or variable pricing, public bids by
                           Companies, length of purchase, etc.
                  Work with Planning & Zoning to try and make an impact on
                      building codes to make new construction greener.
                       **For Example: Reduction in property tax for installing solar panels
                                                  on new construction.
                  Incentives for going green.
                Electrical Purchase:
                   Commission is to review the timeline for the electrical separation
                        from Constellation to CL&P.
                   First Selectman, Pat Llodra had a few requests pertaining to the
                        electrical purchase…
  • A one year electrical contract.
  • Currently the Town of Newtown and the Board of Education have separate electrical contracts. With the schools being a large user of electricity with the town, it is hard to monitor the electricity use when the town and BOE are not one entity pertaining to electricity.
      Get Town of Newtown and BOE back in sync.
  • Separate from Constellation.
  • Look into wind energy.
                    Fred suggested we try and get town electrical usage online &
                         update it monthly after each billing cycle.

  • Next Meeting Date: The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet
again on, February 18, 2010 @ 7:30pm in the shared meeting room next to the First Selectman’s Office.

 Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm by Chairperson, Dan Holmes.




JANUARY 21, 2010 @ 7:30-9PM


Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:45pm by   Chairperson, Dan Holmes.


  • Member(s) of the Commission:
       Dan Holmes- Chairman
       Ted Kreinik- Economic Development
        Kathleen Quinn- Clean Energy Task Force
       Ben Roberts- Finance & Bonds knowledge
       Fred Hurley- Town Engineer


  • The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund is conducting a Clean Energy Community Regional Workshop. The workshop will concentrate on successful strategies to promote the CT Clean Energy Options. In addition, the goal of the workshop is to:
  • Verify that each municipal clean energy task force comprehends the current Clean Energy Fund.
  • Update on new residential solar thermal and geothermal programs.
  • Review the Home Energy Solutions in-home efficiency program.
  • Learn, share, and examine best practices possible.
             Workshop is being held at the Easton Public Library, on January
                 27 @ 7-9pm in the Community Room.

  • Sign up Growth:
         Jillian Carbone from CT Clean Energy declared that Newtown was the
            leading town for new member sign up. Newtown gained (36) new     sign
            ups within the last year. It was determined that most of the sign ups
            were acquired during Earth Day, and the budget referendum last year.
                Ted wanted to know if it was possible to find out when and where
                   the people signed up. Taking a look at the information may give
                    insight as to when commission can entice new members to join.

  • CCEF Municipal Reporting:
         CT Clean Energy is now asking municipalities to submit the yearly
             report listing the total energy usage for the year in kilowatts. Dan will
             submit the report accordingly.
  • Commission is looking to review what type of energy purchase the town has obtained, and what portion of that is renewable energy.
       Fred Hurley met with First Selectman, Pat Llodra and discussed
            the situation at hand concerning town energy. Determined town
            would go off of the standardized energy consumption for future
            discussions regarding reducing costs and reducing energy use.
                    Commission needs to follow up with Bob Tait to see what
                         information he has regarding energy accounts. In addition, check           
                         to see what is and what isn’t in the budget pertaining to town
                     Dan presented an e-mail that was sent by Bob Wall to Joe Borst
                         when he was still in office. The e-mail discussed how the town
                         made a commitment to put in a line item for the budget regarding
                         energy in order to get the town up to speed with percentages.

                     **Looking to increase the electrical budget by 10%.

  • CT Clean Energy contributed $16,000 in 2008 for the purpose of
improving the goal of conserving and maintaining energy. These contributions are under a yearly contract, but Kathy will follow up with Mark Garrett at Community Energy for the details.

  • Tree Planting Grant:
  • Connecticut DEP Forestry Coordinator gave the Town of Newtown a
grant of $1,500 to plant new trees. The deadline for this grant is February 15, 2010.  
Dan presented the information to the commission and asked them if this is a grant they would like to accept. All motioned a “Yes” answer.
  • NRG Energy Inc. also donated $10,000 to the Town of Newtown for additional tree planting.
  • Meeting with Pat Llodra 12/14/09:
  • Dan, Kathy, and Ted met with Pat on December 14, 2009 to discuss
issues the commission in interested in pursuing, and to go over past and future issues.
  • Dan handed out a list of issues discussed with Pat which included:
  • Past Completed Items: Clean Electrical provider selection, a 30% purchase commitment by town, energy audit for cost and energy savings, initiate a town wide Earth Day Event, website development, public awareness/residential and business sign up support, solar panel installation via CCEF Communities Program, Federal energy efficiency grant application (102k-in process), town charter revised to recognize newly formed commission.
  • Current Needs: Update the commissions website with town links, need a minimum of (5) new members to fill vacancies, need a secretary for meetings, town liaison member, establish new goals and directives for commission.
  • Future Objectives: Open for discussion.
  • Dan stressed how important it is for the commission to establish
concrete goals and objectives in order to act upon them. He also reiterated how Pat is very supportive of what the commission is trying to establish.

  • Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (102K):
  • Commission is going to look at what type of bonds they might qualify

  Acceptance of Minutes: No minutes to accept due to lack of quorum.

 Public Comment: No public comment as nobody from the public attended.

 Old Business:

  • New Members: Dan wanted to discuss what requirements the commission is looking for in people who want to become members.
     Ted suggested that new spots be filled with independent party
     The commission only allows a maximum of (5) democrats. It is
          important to have a balanced board.
        ***The commission already has (4) democrats, other seats have to be
               filled by people from a different party.
      Possible members should have some background in either finance,
         energy, or bonds.
      Possible members needs to be consistent in attending monthly
        meetings and other commission related activities.
      Individuals interested in filling a seat on the Sustainable Energy
         Commission need to inquire with the First Selectman.
  • Stout Invoice: Dave Stout was a fellow committee member before the
Energy Task Force became a commission. Dave does the webhosting for the Go Green website and submitted an invoice for the month to Dan. Dan and Kathy are going to look into whether or not the town pays for the webhosting since the task force is now a commission.
   Commission is going to try and meet with Scott Sharlow, the town
      GIS coordinator, about getting a link on the town website to the
       commissions website. Looking into a Virtual Town Hall option.

   New Business:

  • Goals for Commission:
                    Increase residential sign up.
                   Work with the CT League of Conservation Voters on improving
                        clean energy.
                   Conduct a wind study for the town.
                   Look into using LED lights where applicable.
                        **Town pays for all the lights in Newtown even if they are on a
                        state owned road. LED would save the town money over a long
                        period of time.
                   Look into sensor lights for the Municipal Centers and schools.
                   Alteris Inc. is doing a re-solar inspection of Newtown.

                    Look into updating building codes to include energy saving
                        **Example-Builder has to include a certain amount of solar panels
                            on any new construction. (Not proposed just an example).
                   Increase energy & green jobs.
                   Look into different energy options.
                       *Biodiesel, hydro, fuel cells, electric conversion for small town
                          trucks, and natural gas which is what the town is currently looking
                    Work on getting an ordinance online for the commission.
                   Each member needs to come up with (3) goals.
                   Look into cost avoidances.
                        **The cost for the town to get rid of a ton of garbage is $80, and
                             the cost to get rid of a ton of recycling is $35. Therefore, it is
                             cheaper for the town if residents recycle as much as possible
                             in order to have less garbage.
                         **The youth group Little People, Big Changes was brought up at
                              the meeting because they do a fantastic job helping the
                              community become more green. Children have a significant
                              impact on families which is why is it very important to educate
                              young children on going green.

               Structure of Commission:
                  The basis of the commission is to help establish energy efficiency,
                       energy saving, and energy conservation for the Town of Newtown.
                  To work on policies as a commission.
                  Work on a new electrical purchase that is better for the town, but at
                       the same time is greener for the community.
                      **Lot of changes in energy that need to be explored.
                         -Next day pricing, fixed or variable pricing, public bids by
                           Companies, length of purchase, etc.
                  Work with Planning & Zoning to try and make an impact on
                      building codes to make new construction greener.
                       **For Example: Reduction in property tax for installing solar panels
                                                  on new construction.
                  Incentives for going green.
                Electrical Purchase:
                   Commission is to review the timeline for the electrical separation
                        from Constellation to CL&P.
                   First Selectman, Pat Llodra had a few requests pertaining to the
                        electrical purchase…
  • A one year electrical contract.
  • Currently the Town of Newtown and the Board of Education have separate electrical contracts. With the schools being a large user of electricity with the town, it is hard to monitor the electricity use when the town and BOE are not one entity pertaining to electricity.
      Get Town of Newtown and BOE back in sync.
  • Separate from Constellation.
  • Look into wind energy.
                    Fred suggested we try and get town electrical usage online &
                         update it monthly after each billing cycle.

  • Next Meeting Date: The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet
again on, February 18, 2010 @ 7:30pm in the shared meeting room next to the First Selectman’s Office.

 Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm by Chairperson, Dan Holmes.