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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, in meeting room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Present: Don Sharpe, Elana Bertram (Vice Chairwoman); Joe Humeston (Vice Chairman), James Gulalo and Paul Fadus.
Absent:  Jean Leonard (Chairwoman Economic Development Commission; Martin Gersten, Walter Motyka; Allan Song;
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development and a couple members of the public.
Elana Bertram called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Public Participation:  Andrew Wiggin and Judy Fishman, 84 South Main Street, Newtown presented their plans for buildings to be built at the above address.  Ms. Fishman requested a tax break from the Business Incentive Program stating that they were a small business, important to the community.  Discussion ensued regarding the plans.
Donald Sharpe motioned to endorse the business incentive proposal as outlined by Andrew Wiggin and Judy Fishman, 84 South Main Street, Newtown, once town approvals are obtained on the project.  James Gulalo seconded motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of Prior Minutes:
Donald Sharpe motioned to approve the minutes from the June 18, 2013 regular EDC meeting.  Jim Gulalo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Chairwoman’s Report:
In Jean Leonard’s absence, members discussed various items from her report.  
Commissioner Responsibilities:  EDC and DECD initiatives were discussed.  Members should look at projects and pick areas of interest to pursue.   This will be discussed further at the next EDC meeting.
        Phase II:  STEAP Business Assistance Grant:  Elizabeth Stocker reported that Pat Llodra sent a letter to the State of Connecticut regarding plans to use the grant for 1) ($50,000) to brand / market Sandy Hook. An RFP for this project will be in Friday’s paper. 2)  ($200,000) for Sandy Hook Streetscape project.
Buy Local:  More billboards will be put up this year.  An EDC ad will be in the Labor Day Parade program.
Director of Economic and Community Development Report (Elizabeth Stocker):
        Fairfield Hills RFP:  Ms. Stocker stated that the FHA tabled the RFP until tomorrow night’s meeting.  
        Regional CEDS / WCEDA:  Members were encouraged to fill out, and encourage others to fill out, a survey on the website.
        EPA Cleanup:  The project is on schedule.  A meeting with DPW, Building and Land Use Departments and the LEP will take place next week.
        Batchelder:  No update.  
        Watkins 28A and 28B Glen Road:  This property went before the Legislative Council.  The town does not want the property for town use.  An environmental assessment is being done.  The EDC is funding 10% of the cost.  
        Sandy Hook Auto and Marine:  Actions regarding this property are pending in court.
        POCD:  Was distributed to the EDC and is on the agenda for an upcoming meeting.  Goals and objectives still need to be updated.
        Upcoming seminar:  An Emergency Preparedness seminar will take place on August 13.  
Ongoing / Old Business:
        Sacred Heart University Business Incubator Study:  The SHU group presented last week and the presentation was well received.  Elana Bertram will contact SHU for additional opportunities for students to research the incubator.
        Hawleyville Sewer Update:  Donald Sharpe stated that the town will put an RFP out for a benefit analysis of the sewer to study whether the project will allow the town to break even on the expenditure.
        SHOP:  Joe Humeston attended the latest SHOP meeting and reports that the winetasting event was successful, the streetscape is moving along, a block party with I95 FM was held during the past weekend, scholarship awards had been given and they are getting specifications for benches on sidewalks.  Discussion ensued regarding Sandy Hook activities, construction and buildings.
New Business:
        Budget:  Elizabeth Stocker stated that some ads may be refreshed in the coming year.  In addition, it is expected that LoopNet, phone book advertising, Constant Contact and Destination will continue for the next fiscal year.  Phase II of the STEAP Business Assistance Grant will include business to business activities, with possible focus on a “Made in Newtown, CT USA” theme.  At the August meeting discussion will take place regarding where activities and spending should be focused.  
Joe Humeston motioned to request a two year extension on the WSA incentive for the Tech. Park.  Donald Sharpe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Donald Sharpe motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Joe Humeston seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM.

The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, in meeting room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Present: Don Sharpe, Elana Bertram (Vice Chairwoman); Joe Humeston (Vice Chairman), James Gulalo and Paul Fadus.
Absent:  Jean Leonard (Chairwoman Economic Development Commission; Martin Gersten, Walter Motyka; Allan Song;
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development and a couple members of the public.
Elana Bertram called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Donald Sharpe motioned to endorse the business incentive proposal as outlined by Andrew Wiggin and Judy Fishman, 84 South Main Street, Newtown, once town approvals are obtained on the project.  James Gulalo seconded motion and it passed unanimously.
Donald Sharpe motioned to approve the minutes from the June 18, 2013 regular EDC meeting.  Jim Gulalo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Joe Humeston motioned to request a two year extension on the WSA incentive for the Tech. Park.  Donald Sharpe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Donald Sharpe motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Joe Humeston seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM.